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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. Off to repair a boiler .... Bot bot lets go
  2. The toolkit is not until july which is why I made it and I want it first the campaign iam in . I should have the mechanical attendant with my next order , iam ordering whatever is left from guild I haven't picked up yet .
  3. The net on my phone had been acting wonky all day as well from my end
  4. Fell your better of using a fresh exacto blade I would assume .
  5. The parts , well we have some heroscape in there , arms are from extras from a bloodbowl knome team that used robots as ogres
  6. Ummm sack on floor .. Pie monolith ...Karn .....
  7. Oh and fell thats a crazy list for freebies , jealous.
  8. * walks in room after a good lunch still finishing an apple , drops a sack on the floor ( something squirming inside ) hey Karn this should help with the pie monolith , dont asked where I got it . Oh and go check out my mechanical attendant/ tool kit stand in til the real oneso come out .... His name is bot bot. Scratch built and painted in two hours ! http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20081&page=5
  9. Hey whats up everyone , so I scratch built a mechanical attendant/tool bot to hold me over too the real ones come out . This took about 2 hours from scrap to paint , il go back and Add more highlights and details . Wanted him done for my campaign games tonight . We get points for fully painted on the table .
  10. Whats up evryone , work is way calmer than yesterday. 8 books ! I can't walk into a book store without buying something , if its a used book store even worse . Trying to get a chance to postmore about jobe , But I have campaign games tonight so probanly tomorrow . Is the pie monolith done yet , * looks at it searching for the shepherd pie setting *
  11. Didn't work on the guild guard or austinger , but I did mostly finish the tool bot . il show pics tomorrow now sleep time .
  12. I been side boarding witchlings all the time there to good against alp bombs and heavy magic stuff , also great against spirits .
  13. The Hoffman crew awesome , will be fielding him tomorrow night in my league game . As for pie there are two sweet pie , what about nice hot shepards pie for the third . sitting down to paint 2 austinger and a guild guard , maybe scratch build a tool bot .
  14. Walks in takes his container out of the microwave, letting the smell of roasted chicken anf spanish rice and beans waif into the air , finally a man can sit down for lunch ...... And ummm who has pie ?
  15. Il look into those . Nino and santiago
  16. Because it tastes good , also add banana for extra awesome , and swap out jelly for fluff when bored
  17. * storms into room with all sorts of tools in hand slams a container of food into microwave hits a few buttons storms back out , grumbling about another late lunch and how he thinks he is the only one with any common sense in his job * Oh and yes lucky charms are great .
  18. Looking good , I like the over all scheme it ties together well .
  19. walks in trying not to spill any of his lucky charms from his overflowing bowl . I have the same issue with shirts , I rock mostly short sleeves . As for dress shirts I usually have to buy one from an actual suit store and pay way more for it .
  20. * looks up from painting table concerned , lets out a sigh of relief to see karn summoning a dr pepper monolith rather than REPLACING the coffee one . goes back to painting a sexy red mustache on Santiago . *
  21. Ahhhhh Hoffmen , the hoffster , Hofferoni and cheese , the Hoffenator , fun crew I have been enjoying them .
  22. * walks into kitchen stepping over crushed cyborg holding onto an empty coffee cup , winks and nods to Hayzel , pours a cup of coffee and debates weather he is going to take advantage of the day he took off and paint , play some dead nation .*
  23. Dexter the robot or the cereal killer on showtime ? Took Monday off from work so iam sipping my coffee and browsing the web , making sure the pot on the counter is untouched , MY COFFEE MIIIINE !
  24. Those are super great ! I would def. stop and look if i was at the con .
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