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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. Some feedback would be appreciated , I have never really tried writing a tale to the masses so any feedback would be helpful . thanks in advance .
  2. Probably will have to wait some time for a new vid . the quality of the videos is pretty good , and probably is not cheap ! hopefully they get enough you tube hits to pay for more .
  3. The tiles look great . Are they going to be the same thickness as something akin to fantasy fight card stock or the space hulk tiles ?
  4. I agree with the above post but would add survive and hexhex xl to the list of board games .
  5. I like it, the style of painting looks very comic book or.cartoon like which if done well looks great on the table and is very striking .
  6. Nice ! hope to see you there !
  7. You dont have to be aligned with the edge if you put the gunslinger or one of raspitinas mirrors at the edge of a square its very easy to count range and makes playing against that way different . I mean I play for fun most of the time , but if I travel by plane to a serious tourny I would be annoyed it it had modular terrain . If pre measuring was to be in the game the rules would have it in there .
  8. Just had a super awesome dinner ! dr who looks good - iam going too get the dvds and watch them that way to get caught up . Anyone been watching game of thrones ? Searches web to find oit when true blood and boardwalk empire return .
  9. Morning everyone .... well afternoon I guess . Wonders over to the coffee monolith for some fresh brew , hold up fist at Karn for a fist pound . cool bean bag Hayzel did you drag that here ?
  10. cool prize support listed soon .
  11. It looks like there is good stuff there , but I agree the lighting for the photos could be better .
  12. Nice job ! I love your blending great work .
  13. Jobe scanned the platform , his first time threw the breach , looking for his contact his father had set up for him . When Jobe first told his parents about his "adventure " his mother laughed it off like she always did , a mocking laugh that really said , your a crazy fool . His mother would do that whenever Jobe came to her with ideas she didn't agree with . Jobe's father on the other hand surprised both Jobe and his mother . His father looking at Jobe saw a bit of his former self a young man looking for more , something undiscovered . That feeling had long been lost , his parents forcing him into marriage . He is happy with his life and proud of his son and even overtime grown to love the women he was pushed into marrying . " If this is what he wants iam behind him " Jobes father stood up putting the paper he was reading on the ornate oak table which was placed beside his large backed lounger and was also home to a beautiful brass lamp which gave off the light for his late night reading sessions . After some back and forth between his annoyed mother and father his father having the final say Jobe retired for bed . While packing Jobe's father slipped into his bedroom " hows it going chief " chief was what he called Jobe ever since he could remember . " so you know why I call you chief " , Jobe put down the trousers he was folding really wishing he could have escaped with out an emotional talk , they are very close . Jobe and his father spend a lot of time together always making sure they take there monthly hunting trip , and spend a lot of there day debating about well mostly everything . Jobe knows him leaving is going to be hardest on him . Jobes father reached out placing his hand on his shoulder " I call you chief because when you where a young boy around 4 or so , you acted like that's what you where , even your friends fallowed your lead , a born leader . " Jobe heard this story a million times , but this time it was spoken threw moist eye's , so he listened staring back at his father with a look that spoke , letting him know he loves him and this is hard for him as well . Jobe made his way down to the main floor gave his mother a heart felt embrace and headed towards the horse waiting for him outside . While strapping the last of his belongings to the bag mounts on his broad chested black Clydesdale , his father approached . " I set some things up on the other side for you , I know you want to do things on your own but Malifaux is nothing like here , The stories you hear which sound blown out of proportion are not , there true . If you want my blessing you will except the help from the guide I set up for you this is not negotiable ! " with that he handed Jobe a sack of coins and walked back up the cobblestone pathway turning one last time and nodded his goodbye . Jobe spotted him , his father had described him to a tee , a skinny man long and lanky with long dusty brown hair tied into a long braided tail . He wore a long black duster , a red silk shirt shinning from behind the dirty duster . A bowler tucked under one arm , a long rapier hung with a jewel encrusted hilt at his hip . Slung on his back was a stubby nosed multi-barreled rifle . He was leaning on a lamp post smoking a long stemmed pipe with one foot propped up on the post showing off his dusty cowboy styled boots , made from a skin Jobe didn't recognize . Jobe walked over to introduce himself ....
  14. sounds cool if I had the extra time I def. would give this a try .
  15. Welcome dude , yes I have to say Wyrd has the best costumer support I have seen in a long time . But that's what happens when the company is run by gamers ! they know what they would want which for us gamers is usually what we are looking for . all I can say is get your schemes and scenario first and kill stuff along the way rather than trying to kill everything .
  16. or another watcher and the mobile tool kit , but than your really putting all your damage output on hoffmans lap .
  17. Those markets are cool , I thought about buying the wood markers I have seen around but these are cooler and have way more flavor . I will be making some for sure .
  18. I understand that if both players can do it its equal , but than your missing a key part of the game , judging distance is a cool skill to develop . I know that it can be done to a extent with regular terrain but if your in a tourny that usually not the case also if terrain is placed by the TO it is way harder to judge than if the board is on a grid system . Now iam a huge wyrd fan boy , helping 3 clubs in NYC connect to play malifaux , and am working on my second full collection of a faction . And will probably buy 2 of each set of the new terraclips cause they look to cool to pass up . Just a small concern I had for tourny use .
  19. Than at the top of #174 you where stating that you should have replied a different way which basically retracts your original reply . After my original post I accepted what you had to say and left it alone , than when I came back to check your work out ( which I think is good work ) , you are stating that I should buy you a model cause I gave my opinion about extending a professional courtesy . There is no need to repete what I said in post #175 .
  20. I Usually just buy a 3 inch brush and a can of black paint if I have to prime a board where foam is used .
  21. Hey I was looking at some of the terraclip stuff online , and noticed that the space between each tile is visible not where it looks bad , it looks awesome . But from a gaming point of view if each tile is the same size or there is a set size to the different tiles that could be used to pre-measure . Sometime actions are lost to a players mis judgment t of range or a charge that's just short . I hope my fears are wrong , but in tourny play that wouldn't fly to well .
  22. mmmmm some hot wings and blue moons perfect start to the weekend . Primed me some show girls , might sling some paint onto some guild guard . Anyone have anything cool planned for the weekend , we are keeping it easy this weekend which is how I like it .
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