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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. awesome , looked like a good tourney . and yeah that van schill is classic .
  2. #climbs into window barley making it over the sill , rolls/falls into the thread # ooof what a night .... so whats up all seems like the whole crowd is here . #crawls over to coffee and juice monolith #
  3. for your 7th fig , its great , you seem to be picking it up just fine . just keep painting you will be surprised what you can pick up just by getting figs done . you have the concept down , soon you will start too see and be able to pick up on more advanced techniques .
  4. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ! ( in a super high pitched voice ) your buggin... who needs peace bringers when you have this bad boy ! # goes to pull out something and realizes he doesn't have it # ummmmm I knew that last drink with those union guys was a bad idea ! # stumbles out smelling like gin #
  5. * walks back into thread , hands Fell back the pistol just the grip is left * Ummm dont ask ..... So how is everyone , I am at work pulling in some overtime .
  6. # foerender comes crashing threw the wall of the thread , slides into the corner of the room slamming into the next wall . He gets up brushes himself off rolls up his sleeves and storms back out threw the new hole in the wall # Ummm dont mind me , there is a slight misunderstanding il be back in a jiffy ...
  7. I guess so . I am guessing you got that price from there ebay stuff , cause in there store website , there models are pretty much on par with cool minis stuff . price wise .
  8. # walks in eating some bacon , a name tag that reads baconing sticking out of his pocket . # whats up peeps !
  9. should be , if all the hot girls start dieing get the hell out of there before Jason gets you .
  10. you can play as a space wolf if you pre order at game stop .
  11. Nice , I also got the rest of my gen con stuff as well !
  12. I got mine in resin from cool mini or not , they get the mini to you fast and smooth . I go threw them for my limited run minis .
  13. heh xbox makes you pay for something that should be free , the ability to play online . # winks and nods at his play station # I am pre ordering space marine for the space wolves skin you can use in story mode . and in multi player there is over a billion combinations you can color your marine however you want , also has different armor pieces , anf chaos stuff .
  14. I know , I am loving red dead , but I like the game and the setting so much I am searching everywhere and really searching the sandbox in depth . I am doing like one or two story missions , than wonder the country side hunting and killing bandits the rest of the time ! lol so its more if a time issue . I also am a huge battle field fps shooter fan so when i sit down to play a game I usually play that with friends online . I get my spurts where il take a long weekend and zip threw a few games . As for dead island looks ok , but i am ok with it being just another zombie game .
  15. wow i should be a hand model ! # looks for protective mitts to preserve his handsome hands #
  16. Thanks ! Got to slap a bit more paint on her last night , started the process of working on her cloths , started to bring up the white . also did a little work on grandma ortega I want to use her next week in some games so ..
  17. I am so back logged on my games , about to start infamous 2 , I still have to play assassins creed 2 and brotherhood , finish red dead redemption , and I am about to pick up that new super soldier game .
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