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Posts posted by CloudFang

  1. So im trying to wrap these two guys up kinda quickly... Mcmo i think im pretty happy with but a few things still sort of erk me so i was hoping to get some serious criticism on him... dont be afraid to hurt my feelings guys... not sure about the "blue" gloves but everytime i go to the doctors they have them and i couldnt figure out a better color... mostly because originally i had them white but then there was too much white in the model and it looked unfinished.... also if i make it a brown or something it then creates a blob of color up high on the model that is tough to balance back out.. cuz both his hands are up high and his face has a lot of contrast too... one of my other thoughts was making the apron leather instead of the white cloth... ? but i feel like i like the more traditional doctor approach..

    i dont know... help?



    also sebastion... this is really my bigger problem... i thought it would be awesome to give him some hospital PJ's since he's basically wearing them... and since they always have weird patterns i went with a freehand bonesaw pattern.... but i feel like it looks too goofy? now i know its supposed to be goofy but.... let me know whatcha think... its not finished and i will glaze down the freehand so it ties in better to the original cloth but its a wip right now but youll get the idea... i think one of the problems is that the saws are just too big for them to be a realistic cloth pattern? i like the idea im just not sure i can pull it off and do the model justice... my other option is just the green color with no pattern?

    heres the saws i was working from:


    heres what he looks like for now:


    and heres a front shot to get an idea of the just green wiothout pattern:


    sorry... bad lighting and stuff here.... any and all advice will be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! thanks guys!

    also heres my seamus and kirai crews... let me know if you think these guys will fit in or if its too ridiculous...


    again thanks


  2. heres some of the stuff thats coming up for me... McMo time... and the marcus avatar i won from aethervox which im definitely modding out.... was planning on changing the model but i had a little too much whiskey one night during a gaming session and decided to make a few cuts....



  3. man i have not started yet but i need too... tomorrow i think i will draw up some skethes/ideas and get this thing going... i have another small side project model to sculpt too but it will not fly... will post this up with my owl bear anyway for crit and feedbackas i get things done! later guys..

  4. i also think you need better photos. especially if you want an honest critique. from what i can see they look nice but a better photo would help me pick out what you could work on... i feel like the bases make them seem a bit out of place. but they are nice bases.

    i personally tend to stay away from very saturated primary colors.. in other words you could use more neutrals.. greys, browns. or neutral shades of these colors. or pastel shades?

    cassandras hair seems a little flat.. maybe some more highlights? to give it that sheen? again hard to see with the photos.. but overall pretty solid...

    hope this helps..

  5. yup... know what im doing... ok.. so my nicodem crew is going to be owl based instead of vulture based... so i will have to sculpt some owls at some point... but monster i think will be an owl bear to replace the flesh construct! ive seen a few owl bear sculpts out there and they are absolutely terrible so this should be pretty sweet...

  6. wow... didnt expect such a large turn out to the party...

    anyway.. sounds like she's playable at best... thanks guys i appreciate it.. sounds like its a struggle but people are still out there playing her... she is definitely one of the coolest fluff characters around as far as im concerned. and keep the advice coming if theres anything else out there someone has been thinking of..

  7. After being released for some time now,there has got to be someone out there doing pretty well with the girl. Was wondering if anyone could offer some insights on how best to use molly and what models work well and in what combinations? The only threads i could seem to dig up pretty much all seemed discouraging. Thanks.. thinking about possible playing molly solo for a while and could use some suggestions/tricks.

  8. freggin bada$$ as usual... question though... do you paint with harsh darks, chiaroscuro style? or is it a product of the way you take your photos/backdrop? i like the effect a lot. just wondering if they appear that gritty in hand? again.. sick work brotha.

  9. great painting.... so i think the color theme will be amazing for this crew i also think you have some great pattern work to mess with in there for kimono's.

    i do think however without some nakedness the theme wont be as strong as it should.. Also i think shells for everyone could be cheesy? could also tie stuff together... i think the lost love should get the shell... as in the venus or love in the painting... kirai could be similar to the grounded humans on the right of the painting and those patterns would be amazing on her... the floating spirits on the left would easily work as your onryo and ikiryo... your seashin could easily represent the sea and you in tha way could get away from all water bases?

    good luck... would love to see it as it gets to where its going.

    funny to use such a western canon of art on such an eastern themed crew... as if we dont force our art ideals on everyone everywhere already!!? heheh... just messin.

    good luck.


    Thank god the delirious summer welding is over.. haha... that email was insane.. sorry.

    But glad you guys liked the nicknames.... i hope they stick... man, ive been doing everything i can to amass some wyrd minis without any funds so this is great!

    more importantly glad you guys are back on the podcast waves...

    keep up the good work.. and i will be glad to paint that levi up and post some pics! which reminds me i have a marcus avatar that needs painting... rathnard is gonna string me up!

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