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Posts posted by CloudFang

  1. @ omen - glad you approve! *smug*

    though to be honest the baby blue pink belle i painted first did not come out the way I initially planned.. it should have been more drab.. oh well.. sometimes you just have to be done with something and try to fix it on the next one.. i do however think it definitely works.. and i have 3 more belles to be painted so i think after those get done they will all tie in a little better.. im used to painting a very tidy and uniformly schemed army.. this is a bit of an adventure since everything is sorta different..

    up next is another belle - i had a request for my dead flesh technique... and also BETTE NOIR! - excited to paint this model. Ive been scoping out a lot of victorian dresses and patterns and i think i may be trying some tiny freehand flowers or something of the sort.. i will try and remember to take photos throughout the process and give a write up afterward..

    this crew is shaping up nicely... it has inspired me to finish my Kirai set too.. and i do believe it has inspired me to get the molly box - (ive got some really cool ideas for her model!) wooty woot.

    @ooshawn - thanks man... its just practice.

    this has also finished me for round 3 of our game groups Tale of Painters. To see the other guys submissions checkout the LTC.

  2. so here is the pretty much finished version... i have one problem and would LOVE advice on it: should i paint the eyes in or not? they are just white now and it looks cool and erie but i feel like i should try to paint them? i did eyes on copy cat and they look great from some angles but a little wacky at others...? seamus' eyes are so small i feel like it will get muddled or look goofy... whereas it looks sinister now? anyway thoughts, opinions, criticisms always appreciated...


    ---------- Post added at 09:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 AM ----------

    and of course... what was i thinking!? with his LADIES:


  3. i love the fat guys little nose. these are pretty awesome! cant wait to kill the executioner AGAIN! hahahaha!

    also i will be sure to look at the rest of your pics!

    still looking for this platter you speak of!?

    also nice striped pants! everyone knows striped pants makes you stronger.... and if you dont!? please do yourself a favor and read THIS!!!

  4. thanks for keepin the faith omen... haha..

    yea i decided to work on copy first incase i ran into any problems i might fix before i did the striping on seamus...

    i think my only issue is the striping looking a bit too wide... i left some darker grey and around the stripe to hopefully help make the stripe stand out and the stripe is darker brown with a thin golden brown stripe down the center... the dark grey and darker brown were there to separate the colors since the golden brown and grey were a little similar..

    anyway i like the effect and the way the colors jump out but i feel like the stripes themselves are too thick?

    would love opinions on this and criticisms before i start seamus? thanks!

  5. awesome... the leatherwork on that stuff is mint.. ive always liked that strange aesthetic.

    hey also quick question... ive messed with greenstuff before but im working on some canine remains doggies now of some different breeds..

    when you get to the molding phase and you realize some things are better casted in separate parts.. how do you the cut apart your model without creating gaps? or do you sculpt separate pieces from the beginning?

  6. some quick pics to keep it goin', copycat is really hard to phot cuz he's tiny! also with him being so small and the hat creating a ton of weird shadows and the white primer base ruining the white balane.. these were the best i could take... hopefully he will be finished soon!? got about a week or i get a pie in the face.

    first set of highlight grey:


    next set:



  7. nice... i think you should just paint the austringer next! i love me some birds of prey.. had a good week... saw an owl in the morning... next day saw a bald eagle... hoping do get a tri-fecta... maybe a hawk before this weeks over since they all roost in sight of my big bay window..

    after i finish my seamus and kirai... im gonna do a nicodem and swap out the vultures for owls.

  8. @spiraling- did you check out my kirai earlier in this thread? i think i got game.. :-P but pretty much dont think that would help the whole "it being a distraction" thing... prolly make it worse, and what classy gent gets his top hat airbrushed? What did you have in mind? I'm open for consideration...

    im thinking once its done, the grey is lighter and the pinstripes are a little more clean and thinner it wont be such a eye puller....


    hope it helps!

  9. yea me too! i got seamus' box set, copycat killer, bette noir, and an extra set of belles to play around with for now... i cant wait to get the avatar and I also like theme oriented stuff.. think i will probably get molly....

    one thing that is nice is that if you read the fluff a lot of our options do sort of tie in with seamus? anyway.. ive been playin some games and will be sure to add my two cents in here as I build up some opinions on how to run seamus this way.. but in the meantime i wouldnt mind reading some other findings.

  10. thanks.... just base coated for now... the hair will be browner when complete... and the other thing im havin trouble with is the top of the hat... as of now its a pie slice formation with the stripes but it really creates a focal point on top of his hat... not sure if i should try and do straight across instead? any opinions would be welcome.

  11. So i cant for the life of me find the thread where people were talking about getting models in different dog breeds for their zombie dog packs... i actually have been collecting rezzers and thought i would sculpt up some zombie dogs in the many different breeds that are out there.... namely creating a zombie version of my brothers dog who i play in malifaux all the time (my brother plays not the dog, but this will $$$$$$$$ him off) if anyone is interested in some of these sculpts i would be willing to throw some molds together and possible trade them out... let me know if your interested and what types of doggie breeds you would want... i know i would like to do some of the bigger dog breeds.. st bernards and great danes would look awesome undead, but i think theres room for a bunch of different types. i will be sure to post up pics as they get started but like i said let me know if there are certain breeds you might be willing to trade some models for...

  12. update on some bases: finished green stuffin for some of my models... i also took a bunch of pics so i will be doing a step by step greenstuff cobblestone the way i work tutorial... as soon as i finish it and post it i will let you guys know... but heres a pic of the finished greens:


  13. as a very fun and fluff oriented player i really enjoy the show a lot. the tactics sections are really long so its great that they are separate shows. i wouldn't mind seeing a tactic of the month or a cool combo every show that isnt a full tactics break donw. something small to think about...

    also i would love it if at some point you put together a bonus episode that has all the circus fluff you guys write all in a row.. so you could give a listen just to your guys stories. also it would be nice to have one where the rezzer story is read and put together in a row too. maybe after you guys have 2 hours of content for each story arc? think that would be awesome.

    yea, that cut went straight to the bone. it was worth it though...

  14. awwww...... FANTASTIC! thanks Rathnard. this is the best! anyway, thanks for also doing the name correction.. hahaha... i was about 10 face palms in before i heard my real name.

    so, here it goes: i told myself i was only going to stick with rezzers! but i dont think there is any way out of me starting a marcus crew at this point... this is a dirty step down the road to complete and utter malifaux addiction... but ive already come up with a justification. this being that mcmourning and marcus are buds... well, they hang out sometime.

    I will definitely post pics when i get this lovely all painted up.

    oh, yea and this is what i did to my hand...


    not so nice.. it put a damper on my moving all those stupid little pieces of paper around.

    thanks again... and thanks for the great podcast. keep it up fellas.

    oh and some insider info... my wifes name is miranda so she should be pretty happy when I paint up my myranda to look like her after i by the marcus box.. seeya.

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