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Posts posted by snord

  1. Hey Mako,

    I am swamped with work, but I am liking how my 10T archers are coming along.

    BTW, public utility announcement for those in need of a portable lamp for painting/sculpting, like I was... :)

    Michael's has the OTTLites on sale for $35 this week (original price was like $120). they are pretty handy if you like to take the lamp with you when you go paint elsewhere that is not your desk:


    PS: I don't get any commission on the lamp sales... hehehe

  2. Lol! He has so many nicks, I should have figured.. :) during playtest everyone called him Hungry Hippo...

    In my opinion, his crew's mechanic and fluff is one of the most inspired in the new book... But I ain't surrounding to neverborn just yet.. I mean, there are some 5 or 6 crews I can still buy before running out of options and having to buy neverborn... :)

  3. Hey all,

    Question: assuming the usual gaining ground rules where you simultaneously declare faction and then pick your crews, would you ever risk taking Hoffman against Arcanists?

    Background: I have all guild models and I like to think I know how to play all masters except for Hoffman, that I am learning now. The problem I am having with Hoffman is that both Colette and aRamos have the potential to completely tear Hoffman's crew apart in one or two turns (unless I am missing something). This happens because of the characteristics of how his typical crews work:

    * Hoffman usually has to work with several of his constructs around him. Problem is if you are facing aRamos, a single mass obey (whatever the name of the ability is) can totaly destroy you.

    * Hoffman usually relies on key models to work well, and they are usually high cost models. This is death against Colette and her disappering act. Just to mention what happened to me today, Colette outactivated me on turn one (mind you I was being careful and staying out of sight), she moves Cassandra forward, switches with Colette, Disappearing act on my Peacekeeper transforming it in a manequin. Then reacticates and go back to her deployment zone. Turn 2, does a similar thing and Disappearing act on the guardian, without the trigger, but dropping him alone on the opposite side of the board at the end of the turn. Turn 3, wins the initiative, repeat and disappearing act on my Soulstone Miner transforming him into a manequin. At this point, hoffman crew was completely torn apart and nothing I could do.

    At the moment, I am thinking I would never risk taking Hoffman in a serious game against Arcanists. I can play any of the other masters with a reasonable success rate against arcanists, no matter which strategy, but so far, every time I picked Hoffman and there was aRamos or Colette on the other side of the board, I had my head delivered in a silver plate...


  4. Welcome to the game! And if you want crew flexibility, then you can't go wrong of guild as from all the factions, it is the faction where you can best mix and match models all over the board.

    From the masters you listed, I think Sonnia is probably the one that will offer you the most challenge, but it is also really fun to play.

    My suggestions, without going too far to not scare you, drop the Latigo Pistolero and take the Watcher instead. He is significant (so he can fulfill objectives), has a move (fly) of 7" and can look at the top cards of the deck. Sonnia has a severe dependency on books for her spells, so the Watcher helps a little bit with that.

    The other models you listed are nice to play with for fun and you can definitively use them. Although, if you are looking into making your crew more resilient, then I definitively would take Sonnia's avatar. Her defense 4 and dependency on books means she will rarely survive a game, unless you manifest.

    Then, after, I would buy Perdita's box, as you get a variety of good models in there... for instance, I prefer Santiago over Hopkins, etc...

    Have fun!

  5. The Relic Knights Kickstarter project has a fun idea where they will be releasing Cosplay versions of models - models from one Faction dressed up as if they were in another. I want a Cosplay Hoffman :)

    Lol, we were discussing Hoffman dressed as a showgirl the other day, since Manequins can only link to Showgirls, but they make an exception if it is Hoff.... :)

  6. Hey, just to mention in the thread for those that not joined yet, a group was created:

    malifaux_to at yahoogroups dot ca. So, if you are in the area, feel free to join us.

    Also, my search found the TNMG google group that seems to be from the people playing specially at meeplemart, but also from other places and the http://www.tabsonline.net/ .

    I am joining them and as we move forward we can see what works best for everybody.

  7. Mister Shine, I also think that an e-mail list would be perfect. A google groups, yahoo groups or whatever has the advantage of being "searchable", so people in the area searching for Malifaux Toronto would also find us and could join the group.

    I will send out an e-mail to your e-mail above.

  8. I've been trying to answer this same question since I started Malifaux a couple years back and Kirai was my first master... :) the best I could come up with was McMourning, simply because he is a great melee master while Kirai is a support master. For schemes like shared contain power, Kirai is really limited to 2VPs out the 4VPs, since it would be really really hard for her to kill opponent's master herself, while McMorning is not shy about doing it himself. :)

  9. Excellent, it seems there are players in Toronto after all, we just need a place to get together and start organizing a few events.

    I am not officially a henchman, but I organized several events here in Montreal (achievement leagues, tournaments, etc), although when our friend Gnam became a henchman he took over and was doing it himself. One of the easiest things to get people started is the achievements league, but tournaments also help, depending on the meta.

    Mako, if you can, please check Dueling Grounds out. Even if they don't carry Malifaux at the moment, but if the owner is willing to put special orders, I am sure that as soon as he figures out that there are consumers, he might start stocking it. It is the same as any other business. The important part is to have a place where the community can meet and where we can organize the events. If he is ok with that, and he has the space/terrain, then it is good enough.

    One advantage of Dueling Grounds is that it seems it is easy to get there both by public transportation or by car, but we can also consider other options if they exist. Meeplemart and X-Planet from previous messages in this thread.

  10. Hey MrSpiffypants, glad to hear from you as well! It seems the future is looking bright after all! :)

    Does X-Planet carry Malifaux?

    I don't have much painted terrain, but I do have a Zuzzy mat that I want to paint as it is quite good to play Malifaux.

  11. Awesome, with Mister Shine we are 3, and we can grow from there! :) Color me excited! I also have a good selection of painted crews, so we will be fine for demos, etc.

    And good to know that Dueling Grounds have Wyrd stuff, even if a small selection. Probably a sign that we can put special orders and if we get a community going, it will be probably in their interest to carry more stuff in stock.

    CannonFodder, you will be most welcome! As soon as I get settled, you will have a place to stay. :)


  12. Hey Mako, I am arriving in Toronto Sep 12th, and will be looking for players/community as well... so if we don't find an existing community, I guess we will have to build one... :)

    I have models to spare (basically the whole guild, everything that Kirai can take, and half the outcasts), so we can definitively look for stores that have a good playing area and are interested, and we can try to do some demos and attract some players. :)

    I will PM you... cheers!

  13. I think you are misunderstanding that question in the FAQ. The question is talking about the difference between Tokens and Counters and does not address effects:

    Is a Counter or marker carried by a model considered to be "on" the model for game effects like Shrug Off or Dispel Magic?

    No. Both Shrug Off and Dispel Magic remove Tokens rather than Counters. A Counter cannot be discarded by an effect unless it specifies Counters carried are affected.

    AFAIK, both "Shrug Off" and "Dispel Magic" work as written in the cards discarding effects on the model as well, and so, you can Massive Dose McTavish for instance, use the bonuses, and then shrug off the effect to avoid the sacrifice.

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