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Posts posted by Wyandottemike

  1. Wait - before you do that I had been meaning to ask - does your name mean you raise Wyandotte chickens? If so, "Awesome" from one fowl enthusiast to another. If not, well then I guess I just provided a reason for why you might want it changed.

    Strange, believe it or not I like chickens. So much so that it's become a joke here and now I seem to get some chicken related gift each Christmas. But no, I've never heard of a Wyandotte chicken. I am from Wyandotte, Michigan though. But the reference (outside of the chicken enthusiast community) seems a little vague so I was hoping to change it to something more..... Malifauxy...

    ---------- Post added 07-11-2012 at 12:26 AM ---------- Previous post was 07-10-2012 at 11:57 PM ----------

    Of course it's possible, just not in the standard user interface. What would you like?

    (note: it will also become your login name)

    Thanks Eric, can you make is Baal? Short and simple.

  2. Absolution, I enjoyed the story. I have no issues with the setting or content. Although I'm new to Malifaux my impression is that it encompasses multiple genres. That's the beauty of it, you can go from western to Victorian settings seamlessly.

    I think overall you've written up a decent story. If you're interested in my criticism (for what it's worth) I only have the following to offer: I think you spend a little too much time describing his hangover. It felt a little repetitive after the first few times. Some of the thoughts the character has are pretty evident and maybe don't need to be stated. I also thought the character went from not "knowing" what was going on to suddenly making a leap in logic when he's sneaking down the hallway. To me it didn't seem obvious at all what was going on but your character was able to decide exactly what was happening after listening to just a few exchanges of words between two people. Lastly I was a little confused by who the character in black is at the end. Is he meant to be one of the games masters? This might be obvious to some but since I'm still new to the game I couldn't tell. Maybe giving the character a name would help? Knoeffler seems to know him so having him say the character's name wouldn't seem odd.

    This are minor quibbles so I don't want you to think I'm being too harsh. Overall I enjoyed it and felt it could have been longer and would have kept my interest. Good writing, hope to see more!

  3. Hello,

    I've made a few posts before stopping in here to say hello.

    I've followed Malifaux but haven't picked up the rules yet. I currently play 40k and am slowly getting into Warmachine/Hordes. I own miniatures and rules for many, many games but haven't played some of them yet (AE-WWII, Super Dungeon Explore, Incursion, the list goes on - the only thing stopping me for the most part is finding the time).

    I applied for and was chosen to playtest the new Puppet Wars game so I'm very excited to get the chance. I've always wanted to playtest a game so this should be fun. My local group is excited at the chance too (as are my daughters who think the puppets look really cool).

    I live up in Alaska in the boonies. I wish we had a larger gaming scene here but truth be told I'm thankful for what we have. For the longest time I thought I was the only person in Alaska who liked miniatures gaming. But stumbling across a few people led to finding even more :)

    So hello and see you around!

  4. Ratty it's a cool idea and your puppet looks really awesome.

    DangerousBeans your puppet looks good too.

    I, on the other hand, have zero artistic talent but decided I'd take ten minutes to sketch something. It was fun, but just helped to reinforce my lack of ability to draw :thumpdown


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