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About jefross

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Been a while since I added my new crews on here took some advice from my last post http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=18303 The Dreamer and pals Pandora and her box And my current WIP sonia crids crew Still on my painting desk looking at my with a disproving look Marcus boxset Zorida Boxset Nicodim Boxset Vicktoras Boxset The injun guy scales of justice a cold one Jack Daw Some zombie dogs Some Midless Zombies The Proxy Bette Noir Voodoo Doll A cherub Taxidermist Miss Pack (a surprise found with Marcus) and The mechanical doves So expect another update in next year Lol
  2. http://www.firestormgames.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=3302 It seems to back on sale now it meets EU standards
  3. might look in to the dullcote spray thanks for the tip. The orange hue is from my old desk lamp, that lamp sort of burns my head when im painting it has already been slated for a replacement natural light one.
  4. Just wanted to put my crews on here. Ive not been painting long finding sites like this very useful as well as the painting community on you tube Warning I do use gloss varnish (I like the look and is better protection than Matt when transporting to my LGS week in week out) any way here is the First Crew Somer Teeth Jones And now Dr McMourning Time for Seamus A little bit of Colette Time to chill out with Rasputina Lady Justice without the judge at the moment On the run with the Convict gunslinger On my painting table The guild Judge The Dreamer box set Pandora Box Set Teddy Doppelganger Hans The guild Executioner Sonia Crid Box set Marcus Box Set Anyway thank you for looking at my work
  5. I had a problem with some back ordered stock at first i emailed them no response but when i phoned it was dealt with quickly. I would completely recommend maelstrom not only for been a cheap web-store but also providing a game space for players. A strongly recommended players to back there local games store if they have one I recently found one open a few miles from me and even though they are tad more expensive compared to Webstores i will be buying from them (http://www.heroesandlegendsgames.com ) and using maelstrom on items they can not get .
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