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Posts posted by Devilshot

  1. Thats the sort of feedback I was after. :) Think Exeter is probably the best local airport to fly to (better train service Exeter to Plymouth).

    I was thinking two day event was the best bet what SS level do you feel is best ? I was thinking 35ss fixed faction for rules set but totally open on rules pack advice :) My aim would be to run something for the community. So if people feel that a certain type of event is needed i'd be happy to talior it to suit.

  2. Last year three of my local club members opened a gaming venue down here in the southwest. Its a great place able to host about 60 people. They are more than happy to host a Malifaux event if I am prepared to do the leg work setting it up.

    I know that for alot of the Malifaux regulars Plymouth is a long way from home. So my question is what sort of tournement would make you spend the time and money to make the trip ?

    Thanks in advance for your feedback.

  3. I should be there. Be my first Malifaux event since you ran the last one. :bounce: With luck the pairing system will work this time and I won't be announced as the winner after being soundly trashed all day by the top players :doh:

  4. Hi,

    I am interested in coming along to the tournament, especially as it seems that there will be a few other newish players!

    How is the best way to send payment through to confirm my place? (apologies if I have missed this somewhere).


    Adam Pearse

    I Just rang shop to book ticket and got talked through paypal payment. Put my mind at rest that i wasn't just randomly sending off cash with the added bonus of getting to chat to friendly staff :)

  5. Hi all,

    Just ordered the main rule book two starter boxes (Cult of December and Lady Justice) plus two decks of cards. Already convinced a mate to give the game a try when i got everything and looked over the rules set. :)

    Really looking forward to reading rules, fluff (already read the chronicels) and painting my first minis.

    I'll probably be bugging you guys with loads of rule questions very soon.

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