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About Pavulon

  • Birthday 04/17/1973

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  1. @ Neverending I guess I was looking for more advice on how to go from my deployment zone into melee range. What i've seen so far is a wall of gamin/golem that are very hard to destroy. I get tied up with them and blasted to death. I need to know how to penetrate past her ice pillars and golem. I can see using a mature nephalim or anything with fly/float. Do I just need Lillith's box to fight Rasp or am I missing something with the models that I have?
  2. I need some suggestions from others here. I have Pandora's box and Zoraida's box, their totems, plus a blister of stitched and a Teddy. A friend of mine has a Rasputina box, an acolyte, an essence of power, and a silent one. When I played a game where I had to destroy the evidence, we tied. When I tried to slaughter him, I got destroyed. Rasputina has a huge dmg output. Even vs. Zoraida he ran a gamin up, then did something that increased all his ranges by 3" and nuked Zoraida down to 2 hps in 1 turn. Granted we are still very new to Malifaux but what can I do to more effectively assault Rasputina when she is surrounded by gamins and a golem?
  3. My group has recently started playing malifoux as well, and Zoraida is one of my more favorite masters. Here is what my group has decided about malifoux. At first, we were trapped into conventional thinking al la Warhammer. Where you try to build an all-comers list and then use that army to deal with the terrain and scenario as best you can. Malifoux requires a different mind set. Its doable, but hard, to say "This is my Master and his/her normal crew." What you should be saying is "This will be my faction." Now the game goes like this. 1. Declare faction 2. Setup terrain and pick Strategy. 3. Pick Master and crew - This is my absolute favorite thing about Malifoux. Do I have a terrain heavy board which would limit mobility? Silurids or flying models are great. Do I need to interact with many pieces of terrain? Again mobility models are King. Do I need to defend a fixed point such as claim jump or defend the wagon? Better bring something tougher than a Silurid. Now I see what crew I need, which Master complements that crew the most? Bring that Master. 4. Declare your crew, as does your opponent. 5. Pick schemes. Here you have a choice of picking schemes that play to your crew's strengths or your opponent's weaknesses. My group feels this is how Malifoux should be played. It insures that if I bring a knife to a gunfight, its my fault. Thinking in this way makes Malifoux a very balanced and fun game. The downside is that now you have to spend more money on models. But hey, if we wanted a cheap hobby we wouldnt be anywhere near miniature gaming anyway would we?
  4. My group has been doing 40K & 0K for years. We are just getting into Malifaux. We have tons of terrain, but it's huge on a Malifaux scale. When we use it we tend to have individual square foot blocks that are either a house/ruin/etc or a wide open space. Is this normal for Malifaux? Seems like we want many more much smaller pieces of terrain. That way there are no square foot open areas on the board. I know some terraclips stuff is coming out in a few months, but what kind of terrain are you all using now? Anybody got some links for buyable terrain? What about pics of a set up battlefield?
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