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Everything posted by James.

  1. Speak yee not of the Perdita/Gorvernors proxy hell! I appreciate getting them to fall back will kill them out right in front of the Governors proxy, the problem is beating them in any WP duel where Dita is already wp8 (higher than Doras) and moves up to 10 in front of the proxy. Then there's all the bloody minions with Stubborn and another +2 from the proxy. The horror! James.
  2. What about us poor Pandora players eh? No one sparing a thought for us? Weirdly I found Ophelia to be more powerful than Pandora in a way, she just presses the win button (companion, all use reckless, companion with two slophaulers to heal the wounds caused up again etc.) and she unleashes hell! I think it's really difficult to judge which are harder to win with, when I first saw colette on paper she looked a bit meh, but a friend plays her and he makes her crew really dangerous to play against, so just goes to show what I know I'm actually going to pick my three based on ducats theory of Levi. See I think all masters can win fairly easily with the right schemes, but I think some masters need more brain power on the day to use, and if you have an off day or you just don't concentrate you'll probably lose. So my hardest to win with if you're not on good form would be: Levi. Colette. Pandora (some people will cry at me over that one, but really if you don't watch what you're doing with her, you really can mess up, she's not a straight forward master. What all you non Pandora players don't realise is that it isn't how powerful Dora is, it's just that we all work on such a higher level than the rest of you that we make it look easy) James. p.s. My choices were the ones I believe, however, there may be one or two parts of this post that were just for fun, so don't get upset at me
  3. Hey Sketch, just droppin you props for the new rule book, it's awesome! James.

  4. Well if we're having random evil malifaux like songs... [ame] [/ame] James.
  5. That makes me think of Back to the Future! You guys like to hint at things on these forums, are you therefore hinting in some way that soon we will see the dreamer with an...... anti gravity skateboard? OMG THAT'S AWESOME! I'M GONNA GO TELL ALL MY FRIENDS NOW! James.
  6. Weirdly enough, I haven't been able to get the new Dr. Dre song out of my head. It's called I need a doctor and has a quite spooky chorus with a girl singing. I just keep thinking it's kind of what Mcmourning hears in his head when he's going to bring back his autopsies... (clean version, only the first 30 seconds matter to be fair) [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9fEro-LocU[/ame] James.
  7. Heh I just worked out the way they're magnetised! Bloody clever! I love it! James.
  8. It definitely has! The answer wasn't the obvious one (I was clearly thinking in linear Malifaux terms there!) and I think it'll look great with the world guardian on it! Please post more pics when he's placed, I think the title will be awesome, and really capture the peice. You gotta get an engraved plaque for it, it'll be a truly inspirational work. Seeing work like this has really made me want to make my own diorama James.
  9. That's stunning! I LOVE the way the snow is hanging over the sides to make it one with the base. It just looks absolutely brilliant. From the path showing through the snow, to the coverage on the tree, AMAZING! As for the apologies, edit those out immediately! There is nothing there that needs to be apologised for, I can't put into words how much I love it! Now for the possibly stupidest question you'll be asked (and I realise this is fairly obvious really, but you might surprise me): Who is going to stand upon this mighty fine peice? James.
  10. Beautiful mate! Really well done, I love them and the bases too! They're magnetised to turn into the duet? James.
  11. That would be the ideal. Hopefully no one else will use it and break it when he isn't there though! D: Well I've been inspired and I'm gonna have a try at some of those things myself, thanks very much for the inspiration and link! James.
  12. That's some very classy work there mate, it looks absolutely fantastic! Did you make it from scratch or buy it? If you made it, I reckon there'd be quite a few of us would love to know how! James.
  13. Very true, they're great fun and very chaotic to play! We were really just surprised about the ammount of damage the lil guys put out though, I honestly thought they were going to be weak in the game, but I was proven wrong! James.
  14. Ophelias box with 2 slop haulers is pretty good. I've only had one full game, and a half a game with them so far. Think it works out as 29 points, leaving her 2 ss for in game (in a 25 point game ofc). If they're all near each other and she companions the slop haulers up too, then you can activate all of the kin and use reckless on all of them, then heal the wound you took back up. Makes for a pretty deadly gun line, me and the friend playing were amazed by how much damage they put out! James.
  15. I have a LJ crew that I got and originally I was going to grab an Austringer for it, but never did. You just convinced me! Absolutely stunning work as ever, love the theme over the whole crew to tie them together! James.
  16. Congratulations on finding a job (especially the way things are right now, it's harder than ever). I'm currently doing a boring sorrow, after that it'll be the doppleganger then Dora herself. Enjoy the shoes James.
  17. Thanks very much, that's very kind. James.
  18. Sure, Candy says she has a spare pair anyway! James.
  19. Baby Kade is done. Working through at a fairly fast rate now. You may notice his swirly thing on the top of his head is flesh coloured. My reasoning behind this is that I don't consider it hair, I see it as the whispy smoke type thing that sorrows and woes appear from in the fluff James.
  20. Forged do some great sculpts! A friend bought quite a few things from them and I was very impressed, especially as they were cheaper than my bf stuff! Skytrex do some nice lines too, from their command decision range I think it was called. Not much (if any) saving there though. I know a few players locally who have considered boycotting BF stuff in favour of other companies in response to the Maelstrom problem. Battlefront up to that point had always seemed like a decent company, but pulling tricks like this just loses customer respect, and as we all previously stated, they just aren't big enough to go down that route. James.
  21. From the UK governments website: That kind of looks like what happened here. I appreciate that people may have dealt with battlefront before, and I'm not sure what the laws are in other countries, but Maelstrom trade in the uk. So surely Battlefront telling them they can't sell products with more than 10% discount is fixing a minimum price, thus price fixing? James.
  22. Flames of War is points based, of course you can play it historically and ignore points, but Battlefront have said in the past the points are geared towards how effecive the mini is in the game and not how many/ how good they were at the actual time of WWII. James.
  23. That possibly was linked in the Dakka thread somewhere (apologies if it was, it was late/early when I posted my reply and just wanted the link there for people to read if interested). As someone who has used Maelstrom Games for a while, and also someone who has just stopped playing FoW, I'm pretty biased about the side I would take. It seems like price fixing, which is illegal over here, and to be fair as you've mentioned, it also seems like they borrowed GW legal team for a day... As far as myself and my local friends are concerned, when we talk about buying sutff online there are two names that come to the front of the conversation: Wayland and Maelstrom. Basically the big two of online wargaming in the uk. For Battlefront to take a fit with one of them seems silly at the least. There is a website that sell BF stuff for even less than Maelstrom were (I don't mean Wayland either), and I'm talking way less, who seem to have been untouched. The website I'm talking about doesn't sell any small ammount either, we're talking the full range, so they obviously have some kind of contract with BF, and yet they've remained untouched by all of this (they also DON NOT HAVE bricks and mortar store :| ). It could be the old philosophy of picking one of the biggest guys in the playground then beating the living hell out of him in front of everyone to show you mean business, but whatever it is, BF seem to be acting like tossers over it, and are sure to lose business. Maelstrom are already sourcing new 15mm products, which can't be good for BF. If they find cheaper alternatives, a lot of people will use them, from accross a table you can't even see 15mm guys anyway. So I think they've made a big mistake, and I also think they should be very careful going down this route, already people are knocking their name down to BF and calling them out over this, there's only one company big enough to soak damage from that kind of pr, and battlefront are not that company. James.
  24. Most of the stuff can be found here matey: http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/downloads/Public_Statement_Regarding_Battlefront_Miniatures.pdf James.
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