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Posts posted by 96p

  1. 3 hours ago, santaclaws01 said:

    Gonna mimic @Cadaverousbirth's shock in you finding Wandering River monks slow and thus related to the earth, not only because they just flat out aren't slow, but also because the attack action on Wandering River Style is literally called "Mighty Gust" with triggers "Changing Winds" and "Blown down", gives an ability called "Calm Air, Thundering Voice", and Sensei Yu, who is a Monk of Wandering River at his core, has that same ability, as well as the attack actions "Airbust" and "Hurricane punch", both of which have the trigger "Winded".

    I'm really not sure how it could be more clear that the Wandering River is air.

    Yeah that would be my wrong... I didn't mean wandering River but Low River.

  2. For me the wandering River monks are the embodiment of earth. Slow but steadfast.
     The fermented river monks on the other hand are very fast and agile weaving through their enemies like a river.

    I simply love the fermented river monks. Once you get 2 poison onto them turn 1 they'll either activate twice every turn thereafter as long as they have enemies to fight against, and or deal some massive damage.

  3. Well Levi still kills 8wd models in one activation without batting an eye. The main Thing that popped into my Mind that now that I won't get him down to 2wd every turn I might even consider to use his second (0) action to get some cards out of saccing D&A. You could and can still play Levi as a pretty fast and versatile summoner who gets a lot of new abominations each turn and some desolation engines from them as well.

    In my book Levi has lost almost none of his bite and I never really utilized his big hiring pool anyway. (I used 2, maybe 3 non outcast models with him not counting the Horseman for the Fun 4 Riders List). If I remember correctly I stood at "never lost a game using Levi in 5 years" and don't see that change due to this change.

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  4. Not sure why one would take Oiran over TT Bros...?

    Because they are fast + Focus every single turn if played right, can smoke-bomb , can't be charged and have Lure (yes Lure is still powerful with only one Symbol, you'll just use it more on your own models)


    They were situational until their 0SS Upgrade was released, now they are plain awesome (though hard to use right)

  5. I would really like to know how many of you ever played Levi before. In my whole time playing Levi I may have charged once or twice and now that the channel is Faqed that might go up to twice or thrice at best...


    Ps.: that stunt with channeling thrice will not only cost you most of your hand but do nothing more then to kill one model (one without use soulstone) only to have either Levi at 2 wd or a waif in 6" to the opponents Crew. Many Masters can do much more then that at lower Cost.

  6. GM it Harder:

    1. Make the Hunters swarm the biggest threat (the one with the Hammer) and let the Mage feel the consequences whenever he uses his Magic in more crowded Areas (Mages are not a common thing in Malifaux... they get hunted like dogs and are turned into witchlings or worse). The last time our Mage grilled a peacekeeper-like construct within the industrial Zone with a lightningstrike he brought the witchhunters down on the compound and the fated barely escaped. A weapon like the bludgeon might draw attention in crowded areas as well, just think of someone walking down the street with an RPG, how would people react?

    2. Don't forget: Ttb is no tabletop, fights don't have to play out point by point. Let a Hunter jump the Hammer swinging guy from he train and make him take a high TN Athletic duel to keep him from getting brought down by the weight of the hunter. Once he's lying on his back see how he deals with the Hunters then. Or make him take - flips due to a Hunter attacking from behind or because he tried to ignore them. Just think of the Movies, even the most powerful heroes are sometimes brought down by asymetrical warfare.

    3. level the field: the next time the hammer guy flips a black Joker on any might, athletic or combat duel make him hurt himself or lose his weapon, see how he fares with a broken hand, leg or without his Hammer. The same goes for the mage... have his focused object be damaged and see how he fares without it.

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  7. They took 3 evenings to get through that dungeon, nearly drowning twice, figthing rats and skeletal creatures made from premordial nephilim bone driven by a shadow in their heart, finding old carvings of rituals held here. Eventually they dropped down into a natural cavern below the temple only to fight off some molemen and kill the creature (a gigantic lovecraftish tentacle creature made from flesh water and shadows) in a battle that they only made through alive due to a red joker on an attack from the female psychich academic. The death of the creature cracked the egg and brought about the event normally described before their arrival in innocence. The chamber flooded and the only waking character managed to keep them all afloat long enough to get rescued by another player once the floated up to the well. Only to be right in the middle of the nephilim attack with -10wd at best... they only made it through thanks to the merceneray that saved them from the enclosed well.


  8. With my group it was actually the first adventure, exploring the well...

    They tried to built a house near the Pit but while at it broke thourgh the ground into an old temple with clear cold water that would go up and down while being in there. They had to find a way out but were not alone... someone... something was down there brushing past them in the dark...

  9. I'd like to rate all 19 schemes on a scale of 1-3, meaning that most of the Time I'll take as much 1 schemes as available, fill up with 2 and take 3 only with certain Masters or in special situations. My goal is to rank them not dependant on my own Crew or that of the opponent.



    (Always) Line in the Sand - 2


    Good scheme all in all. I only take LitS if there are no better marker schemes available and play a Crew that prefers Marker Schemes. I ALWAYS announce it.


    (Doubles) Distract - 2


    Very good for close quarter fights as the condition might be aplied while engaged but not removed. The only problem: you shouldn't kill distracted opponents making them free to do as they please.


    (:ram) Bodyguard - 2


    Very Crew dependant, easy with certain models but most of the time too easy to thwart.


    (:tome) Protect Territory - 1


    Very easy to to and ressource intensive to counter. I see myself taking Protect Territoy in over 90% of the cases it is available


    (:mask) Breakthrough - 1-2


    Very good, but only if Protect Territory is not available or I really want two marker schemes


    (:crow) Assassinate - 1


    Must have against most Masters as you'll want to kill them anyway


    (1) Cursed Object - 1-2


    Better then Distract, easier to get done but I tend to just forget it. Very hard to Thwart.


    (2) Outflank - 3


    Not bad but most of the times my models have something better to do. Needs 2 Models and can only be achieved on the last turn. Most of the times, other schemes are just preferable.


    (3) Plant Evidence - 1


    Even better then Protect territoy only less frequently available


    (4) Entourage - 2


    Very good with tough Masters, very Crew dependant.


    (5) Vendetta - 1


    Crew depending but good, just don't forget that first attack...


    (6) Plant Explosives - 3


    Very hard to get through as you need to place the markers very close to the action without being engaged. Cake with "Don't Mind Me"


    (7) Make Them Suffer - 1-2


    Crew dependant but easy


    (8) Deliver a Message - 1


    Instant points (you don't have to wait till last turn to score), easy to do for most Crews, hard to prevent.


    (9) Take Prisoner - 3... maybe 4


    I never take this one. Way to many things can go wrong with this one.


    (10) Spring the Trap - 3


    Very hard to get through and very easy to prevent (just walk away)


    (11) Murder Protegé - 1


    If available I see myself take this in >90% as it is very easy most of the times and you'll have to kill that model anyway...


    (12) Frame for Murder - 2


    Good Scheme, too easy to deny at least 1 VP, very easy to counter with poisen/burning.


    (13) Power Ritual - 1


    Better then Protect Territory but inferior to Plant Evidence

  10. Hey guys,


    if a model is engaged to a model (say lelu) and is lured by another model (lilithu in this case) but the model can't get anywhere closer with it's move, does any of those model get to pounce the lured model ?


    The Faq only clarifies the case when the lured model is in base to base to the luring model.




  11. Really, I thought that if they weren't custom characters, they'd be new arcanists gunsmiths (especially the corset girl)(though I would have never forgiven the lack of goggles xD).

    Who are these then? o.O



    Those look so much more like Guild guard, not to mention so much cooler...

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