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Posts posted by ooshawn

  1. It seems like one of the best unimpeded models we have are gonna be razerspine rattlers. that's what I'm using with lucius as they are a minion and pretty fast.  I had some success versus asami. Though I think for this round it's probably best to start with the emissary on the board instead of using the upgrade on the effigy, because the severe forests are so large that he can find use turn 1-2, especially if you have obey or anything of that nature. Definitely put Inhuman reflexes on the razerspine though . 

  2. Losing the stitched a HUGE pain in the ass. I couldn't believe that stitched don't have any def tech any more after two editions of being supremely hard to kill. But it's not that bad, he's 7 stones, and he just doesn't need to be a front liner. The real issue is that the crew doesn't have a anvil for the enemy hammer to crash into, so if/when they push into you it's just a unstoppable flood that can't be held.  He almost needs like a bad juju style model with demise to hold things at bay. 

    I've found that if you move false witnesses up and use their no cheating aura, they can be very hard to kill with lucius hands (in melee). That being said I wish they weren't manipulative and instead had the lawyers def. tech

    I'm also starting to think double lawyer, while supporty isn't that great because , it's tough to fuel 4x obeys on masks. So i'm experimenting with one lawyer.

    I've tried vasilisa, and it's not bad, but I am real weird about trying to make close as possible to fully themed crews sometimes. The summoning engine is stictly better.

    Alan Reid is nice, he just doesn't do anything "strong" in my view. He does a bunch of really cool "alright" stuff. But for me he doesn't come together in a way that I'm like, oh this will be useful in like 6+out of 10 games. 

    I do really like investigators, but I feel like I didn't have space in this crew, I'll post my updated version that I'm doing to try the next few days

  3. Okay so what we are doing here is attemping to cover more of our bases with this crew. so if you run up against armor you have 3-4 ways to cast analyze weakness, if you run up against coryphee duet with WP 5, you have multiple ways to get off gamble your life, and at stat 7 on Doppleganger . Then the False witnesses for -flip to Wp duels. The hard part with this list is scheme running, and lack of any durable models. But that's really a keyword issue and isn't going away

    New Lucius  Crew (Neverborn)
    Size: 50 - Pool: 4
      Lucius Mattheson
      The Scribe
      Agent 46
      False Witness 2
      False Witness
      Guild Lawyer
      Guild Lawyer 2
      Stitched Together

  4. First edition was ... STUPID FUN.  sometimes you're master was just a GOD. that's how I like masters to feel, and why I was kinda sad that they are hireable/balanced against minions.  Second edition I think kept most of the good and tossed out the real crazy stuff. Third definitely feels like a polished, this game is designed to have tight math and be played in tournament. Where model power is relatively not as wide, so theoretically skill and tactics I suppose represent a larger portion of victories. 

  5. Yeah I really enjoy that duo, it's absurdly fun. 

    I do like teddy with pandy more I think.

    Serena I want to see nerfed, just so there is like...design space to grow ya know? but I'm kind of done talking about game balance, cus reasons. 

    I'll try out insideous madness. I just don't see how these people are getting stuff out turn one reliably. Doesn't make sense. 

    I'm also very confused on what I should be summoning and when. And Quite frankly not having a cheat sheet for the summon breakpoints on cards, is real annowing. 

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