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Posts posted by ooshawn

  1. Euri2 - broken, so has play. keyword is still boring and wack

    Euri1 - nobody plays, exact same as last year.  kaltgeist is talked about only when you bring euri up to shame him.

    Marcus1 - weak, nobody plays, crew still the same as last year

    marcus2 - shiny and new, slaps , people play him

    Dreamer 2+dreamer both good, dreamer1 literally the exact same as last year. shared model just has no purpose in dreamer. amazing in asami

    Titania - zero changes, titania2- people tried her and dropped her cus she's boring and nowhere near as strong as titania1

    Pandora - nobody plays her , exact same master. pandora 2, only played because she can become almost unkillable, hand out fast +focus for free and gun down people from 10inches .

    see what i'm saying? 

    • Respectfully Disagree 2
  2. No that's what i'm saying. They are totally different. all those masters still play the same they did before, same power level, same everything. Erymanthian boar didn't change titania or marcus. I haven't seen really anyone interested in titania 2. Seems like she is "coordinated strike, the master" for the most part.  I'm pretty much the only person I know that plays Z2 and that's only because I don't play Z1.  Still nobody plays lucius 1. Dreamer1 still takes all the same models. none of the crew compositions or power levels changed imo. you either got a good master and the crew works, dreamer2, or you got a mediocre master that was better before, and nobody plays the title, titania. None of the shared models in neverborn really made any differences. you take away marcus 2, and marcus1 is still the same crew from last year

  3. Ressers are already amazing, literally all their masters are so good and fun. Neverborn is all the same stuff. Dreamer2 is huge, that's about it. Then a step below that is like nekima2/marcus2, then it just falls into obscurity. But nobody plays marcus1 over marcus2. Basically all the people that sucked before in neverborn are pretty much doing the same stuff. Ressers really aren't a fair comparison to neverborn.

  4. I feel like I mostly just see the same masters, and those masters using the same models. Basically the stuff that was mediocre and not used before, is still the same. Then the stuff that was good and got the best toys is now on the scene, but it's still the same old stuff.  I don't feel like builds are different at all. Basically good stuff is still good, and bad stuff is still bad

  5. I don't know man, too many models already feel like crap this edition. Anything that makes models weaker is out in my book. The game needs more buffs not more nerfs. Yeah some stuff needs nerfs, like the stuff that is just flat out better than every other option. But then even those universal , super models are just crutches for DogS$%* crews/factions. Sweeping buffs to a lot of cheaper models or unused stuff would be way funner than putting a bat to archie's knees. Wyrd Is just too light handed with changes to the game. I would venture to say that you and I probably play the same amount of games as the people that work at wyrd. 

  6. It's super tough. I remember in second edition being like, welp they really screwed the pooch on this one. These masters are all garbage now. But then I read the cards and I was like WHOA, literally every master still felt nuts. Now In third I think they finally toned everything down to where even after 100+ games, I'm of the opinion, that they just cut too much off the top.

    The worst offenders for the bubble crews have like 2-6 inch bubbles and the whole crew is full of those. it just turns the game into a thing where you occupy 12 inch bubble of board and then you work real hard to get all these interchangeable bubbles on top of a enemy model. that's find, but I truly believe in my heart 8-10 inch auras are better, because just standing somewhere to have a strong effect , to have to diminish it to 2-6 inches, it just feels tedious. To me at least. as always just my opinion.  

    The thing is I love crew synergy , but I think it might be a false equivolency(nope, not googling how to spell that lol) to say that synergy strength has to correlate with proximety(holy sh!t) of crew members. Hero clix used to do themed crews by keyword, JSA, Green lanterns etc etc, and it just gave crew wide buffs if you built the crew to the theme. Which I think is kinda also similar to warmachine theme lists. Lets you not have to so heavily rely on just death balling around the board

  7. For the low effort, I think at this very second without thinking about it a ton, it's the exact oppposite in my mind. It speaks to the incredible amount of effort it takes to make the game balanced with more powerful abilities or larger radiuses. So many levers and numbers, that's why league of legends gets balanced damn near every couple of weeks. So in my mind, lower effort is a reasonable, while quite possibly hurtful/offensive descriptor of very small auras and tight bubble crews and lower ranges.  Never my intention of course. I find that saying everything in the correct way provokes very little conversation, because well there isn't much to talk about. "oh he doesn't like his game toned down". I mean .... what's to say there? not much right?

  8. I'm saying maybe we don't need a stat 7, 18 inch lure  on a 5ss model...But maybe some 3-6 inch auras could be like 8-10 inches where appropriate, and maybe make it to where crap models don't need auras from other models to function as much. make models more independant so you can spread out more and have more agency with individual models. I don't want my models to have to constantly babysit other models, or be babysat it feels like far too often in third. I don't mind keyword cohesion or synergy but to me, in my opinion it feels like they went the Low effort way and just said. okay turn one you stack up all your models in a blob, and you figure out your optimal activation order and buffs and off to the races. It just feels generic and lazy. again just in my opinion

    • Respectfully Disagree 3
  9. okay kiddo is asleep. I see what your saying and in 3.5 like I said it was completely balanced all crazy, but it was the  most fun, and you didn't have to min/max to use time stop either.  Warriors could still do broken stuff min maxing and so could every class really. that's what made it great. everyone had something over the top they could do. Well hundreds of things by the end of 3.5.  In first edition someone playing dreamer, still could play vs collette and both players would have a great time. (Both of those masters btw, were batsh!t insane in first.)  I could definitely see coming into the game in third, just like the people rolling into 4th or 5th edition d&d and thinking everything was amazing.  Coming from first and seeing the gradual tone down ultimately culminating in third going imo too far. Power levels in second were imo on par. Some things needed balancing obviously , but that continual balance will always need to be applied when a lot of players are pointing at a specific thing, and saying "This is grossly unfun, even against other strong stuff".  So for me it's not like I want to one shot people, but for me I feel like thematic of the game feels toned down as well. You have to understand in first edition , masters were gods. Like ...GODS. Now you got some masters that just feel like strong illumated. (i'm looking at you lynch2). I feel like i'm well within the bounds of acceptable critique by saying, " I ain't down with dat"

  10. I think you misunderstood my sentiment or more likely I didn't verbalize it clearly. I'm not bored with the game, but I can tell you the feeling that you get from models that feel powerful and take you by suprise is much different than say a canine remains. you know when you go through the book, and you look at models and say OMG THEY CAN DO THAT?!. That's the only thing i'm referring to. In first and second , they had it on everything almost. It's due to the shrinking of the numbers, distances, just getting the system tighter FOR SPECIFICALLY the purpose of balance, instead of taking the arguably much harder route to balance everything at the level  of power in first and second. I'm not saying the game isn't fun by any means, just there are many models that are less fun than they should be. I don't mind subtle, but subtle has to precede unlocking the full potential of something and still be impressed. Like Chess is a REALLY balanced game. I can enjoy chess, but I don't play it because it's just not stimulating in ways that I like. Games workshop isn't super concerned about balance, but they are like the dark side of not caring about balance. They don't care if you build armies with 40 rocket launchers and other cancer like that. You can do the same thing in malifaux to a lesser degree, where you just pick the best models, and it's not nearly as unbalanced.  It's kind of preference based. Like Dungeons and dragons 3.5 was in no way balanced. IN NO WAY was 3.5 edition balanced lol. But it's my favorite system by a mile, because you know what? there are times when I wanna be able to LITERALLY Stop time, leave a few meta magic empowered fireballs on you , and teleport away. that sh!t is fun to me.

    • Respectfully Disagree 1
  11. So the long and short of it. Malifaux is a good game. This will probably be a negative rant type post, since I feel the positives of the game are apparent and don't need to be highlighted.I just woke up so I'm gonna format this in a way to help my sleepy mind address issues and then be able to come back and edit and add to the original post.

    1.) The biggest issue I see is something I called out in my first malifaux review. In order to make a game competative and have a  ultra tight rule set, you just always seem to cut down on the fun factor. League of legends faces this issue all the time if they make a character too play or nerf a ability too hard. I've played off and on religiously since First edition and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, malifaux for me as long 90% of it's "HOLY SH!T that model can do THAT!?!?!?" feeling. Some characters still have it like seamus1, hamlin?, Reva, just things that make you wowed and pumped to try that crew out.  I think mathematically I guess to have a tight system, you just have to keep everything so close together it hampers my favored type of design. Malifaux now really feels like a game designed for tournaments instead of a game designed for fun. And you can argue about what that means, But i'm of the opinion that the design started with balance in mind, as opposed to fun in mind.  The other extreme of that is like 40k where it's just either just useless or just absurdly strong stuff all over the place. I would really like to see for a update to move away from this. Every single model really needs to have a feeling of "damn, that's BADASS!" to it. that's what draws you in and keeps you in.

    2)This is sort of a extrapolation of the first comment. The game has gotten far too interreliant?(is this a word?) on models being too close to each other. I'm a guy that wants to move all my models spread out, and the design team seems to have went the mentally less challenging route of , lets make a ton of buffs and auras 3-6 inches.  A lot of crews , A LOT of crews just bubble up in third. I'm not gonna pull punches here, this is boring as hell and quite frankly just sucks. I don't like it at all. I want to be able to spread my crew out more. The board is 36 inches wide, I don't wanna play the game where my crew is all within 12 inches of each other.   

    3) deadman's hand. I'm past this, I just don't care anymore. it's like, just don't do this again. this was dumb.

    4) new cross faction boxes. I literally stoppped buying malifaux product irl because of this. This is got to be the most backwards idea I have literally ever seen in table top. Not even games workshop comes up with ideas this cancerous. Just make the boxes 2 single faction masters, and a versitile or a model to patch a keyword. whoever thought this was a good idea, just wow. This is like, mind blowingly awful. I can't believe any  adult  gamer came up with this idea.

    Good stuff

    1) keywords are a great idea. I say take it a step further and come out with theme crews like warmachine. Really relive specific moments in malifaux history. Make them not subtle though, really go nuts with it. 

    2) I think titles were  a great idea. good job wyrd.

    3) still a pretty darn good character driven skirmish game. there is way more competition now than there was when 1st edition came out though. I think

    • Respectfully Disagree 8
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