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Posts posted by ooshawn

  1. if I remember correctly, and I don't.... You could like double walk on dreamer move 7 or something. Hit the go button and throw chompy at something immediately activating taking like 6 attacks, counting onslaught. And then I THINK chompy had a trigger that REburied him. So he went from really far away to like eating you. That's probably a poor interpretation. I'm sure someone will chime in and correct me. In first edition it truly was a actual sling shot, take that same idea, but instead of dreamer ending up ...whatever distance he was away 6, melee , whatever. he was like the original distance away. an actual sling shot. That shit was not fun. The 2nd edition I felt okay with. Nobody even did it, because summon dreamer was so bonkers. 

  2. I guess to start things off I should explain what has shaped my experience, about 10 games of nekima, 10 of lucius, few euri, few pandy. in that order roughly with a little overlap. The first thing I'll say is that I was very sleepy when i played this game so this experience may have been .....not entirely accurate. thankfully my opponent was very knowledgeable about dreamer and the game progressed very easily. I took Dreamer , 2x dreams with pact, serena, teddy, widow weaver, and .... something else. will edit later.  My first impression was, why are all these models so fast, it's awesome. I forget to do lucid dream most of the time, but I could see how it's very strong. I love that I can hold a card for my stitched and pull out lowbies.  Just playing this crew after lucius, I never found myself asking, you know "why doesn't this model do this, do that, why's it's stat this, why no trigger for this " etc. Everything just felt good/appropriate. 

    Dreamer- well.......He's not immortal any more so there's that, but still hard to kill. I think I kind of miss the chompy slingshot, but I never played that, so why do I miss it? kind of strange mentality, but I wish it an option. He's fun. I liked him better as a kid, but what can you do. He's got dope abilities, he doesn't immediately strike me as .. oh this is the guy that makes this overpowered. But he doesn't leave me asking for better anything yet. he just is what he is I guess. I don't feel any one way about him. edit ( I didn't realize when someone fails a wp test that you're summons come in any where on the board. I was like...... holy S. THAT"S AWESOME. I have trouble imagining a turn one summon though. Someone said double push + serena. sounds iffy.

    Chompy- wasn't this guy a ghost at one time? I expected this whole crew to be incorporal , oh well. He's LCB what can I say. Feels good to get a strong totem I guess. Idk, he just is what he is after 1 game. 

    Serena- I've used this model about five times. This model is obviously a bandaid for the faction. This model is just too good. Like I can't even pretend this model isn't out of control. she does everything and is impossible to kill  . I like that she exists, but I'm not the type of person to use something like this and just be okay with that.

    Widow weaver - this model is incredible. I absolutely love this model. thematically, it's rules, everything. This model when I used it gave me such a feeling of just "wow, this is so cool and fun". SHE TELEPORTS 12 INCHES FOR FREE and can Throw you through space and time into a web six inches away . Has terrorize (love) and can summon stitched. Just absolutely makes me fall in love with this crew.  Maybe strong, maybe not. I have no clue.

    coppelius - I have no idea what to do with this guy. he just doesn't do anything for me. I wouldn't want to try to 1v1 another scheme runner hunter with him. But he seems like he could run down a garbo scheme runner pretty well.  I like that he is fast and a octopus. I like him thematically. 

    teddy- I tried him and did away with him for bandersnatch and quite frankly i'm so glad I did. to me teddy just feels like , I mean he's dope but....  Idk just kind of uninspiring. maybe it's because I haven't slept. He's obviously good. I just think bandersnatch is just so much more fun by comparison. thinking about it now, I'd probably replace copp with teddy. not too sure though. Teddy and copp are the two I feel most , "eh, whatever" about.  

    Bandersnatch - I never in a million years thought I would play this model in second edition or third. This model is STUPID FUN to play with. Like, I genuinely feel a twinkle of happiness when I attack someone with this model from inside a model or they attack it and miss. So incredibly dope.

    Daydreams -  Whatever models. good thematic filler I guess with utility. probably amazing for their points. not too sure. I use 2 to carry APs for card draw. 

    Stitched - This model is ridiculously fun to play with. Cheating in that card from Out of the game is awesome. Like, Idk, you really can't ask for anything more from this guy. he just is good. 

    Insidious madness - this model is a enigma to me. I can't tell if it's just a tech piece for focus or if it has another purpose. Looks like it's just made to take away focus. No clue. I know I own three of these and I love the sculpt, so there's that at least. 

    Alp - I own 3 of these and I swear to god I never thought these would ever hit the table in the decade or however long i've played this game. Yet here we are. These little guys are awesome. 

  3. Hoffman seems like  a amazing crew versus neverborn imo. impressive you did so well.  

    I can't comment much on ophelia in this edition, but If she is anything like last edition, she loves fighting just as much  as nekima does. one thing to note about nekima's crew is that they don't have any extra movement outside of their walk activations. If you carefully premeasure your distance between them and yourself, they should almost never be able to suprise you with a full activation. if you can bait a single attack from them vs a full activation from your models, I can only assume you will win. if you have any ways to push out of melee vs mature nephilims you'll want to probably utilize that option to be able to use ranged vs melee attacks which will be way less effective. 

    if you are playing nekima, you might get use out of lilitu ?

  4. I don't care what lucius crew you play, you have no chance versus this crew. it's literally impossible to win

    New Leveticus Crew (Outcasts)
    Size: 50 - Pool: 5
        Servant of Dark Powers
      Hollow Waif
      Hollow Waif 2
      Rusty Alyce
      Mad Dog Brackett
      Ashes and Dust
      Marlena Webster
      Ashen Core
      Dust Storm

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