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Posts posted by Necromorph

  1. @ Dolo


    @ Math

    Also agree.


    Some of the best games I've played, I've lost. For me, the most fun matches are those that are close. Where both players are challenged and the win could go either way. I don't have fun when I steamroll my opponent, and I don't have fun when they steamroll me.

    I agree that the best games are the close ones, but from the sounds of it, this is not going to be the case in tournaments with the list in question. Yes, the enemies should be throwing everything they have at each other, but when one side can throw a lot harder through faction/comp design, it doesn't feel like a fair fight, IMO.

  2. He's wont suck, but he still has some really hard counters. Elite, low model count crews (Mercs for example) will not feed him enough counters, and he'll rely on making them with his (0). Things that can stop corpse counters from being dropped...there are some guild abilities that do this, but more importantly, Hamelin.

    His artwork just looks damn amazing thought, and when you really get that zombie engine running, I can't imagine how fun it would be to march a whole tide a zombies into someone, lol.

  3. @ Talos

    Sounds like something to do with your local meta. I mean, 90% (purely exaggerated figure there) of the players can't be completely crazy while your gaming group stomps guild into the ground, right?

    I've ranted on austringers plenty a time before, but basically it comes down to board control, and they just have too much of it. They force you to make a choice, advance slowly and in turn get slowly picked apart by the damn austringers, or charge the guild's guns to get into combat as fast as possible and deny them targets. When a douche with a bird on his arm can make certain Masters go "Oh, s**t," when they see one hit the table, there's a problem. Also, they require far more resources to kill than what they cost. The only things I can field that even have a chance of getting to them are Jack Daw and maybe Hooded rider. Anything else will get shot to pieces before they even reach the damn austringer, because he will be hidden and protected if the guild player is smart.

    Lastly...on top of all the other douchbaggery, they have a 24 inch companion on an easy cast, and, if you manage to get them in melee, their one weak area, they basically get to disengage with a (1) for free...no cast. Oh, and they're combat 7...ignoring LoS. You know what I have that's combat 7? Viks...yeah...a master. Oh but what about the Punk Zombie you say, don't they have cb 7? Well...they can't throw their katana's over walls now can they?


  4. Yeah I hoped the same thing...just because I wanted to see the look on guild players faces when I threw her on the table. Then...I thought about the factions. You couldn't have one unique box like that, because then ressers would have more masters/henchman than everyone else, and then all the other factions would have to get one. Not that there wont be more boxes eventually I'm sure, but still...it would throw things off a bit in the already tenuous balance of malifaux.

  5. Aaaaand thread degrades into theory-faux. That list is broken beyond belief...I found that one pretty quick reading through book 2 after everyone started picking nekima up...but I never thought about Pandora with it...ugh. I really think thats one of those lists where there are probably only a small minority of crews out there that could give this "FILTH" list any kind of trouble....and Nico is not one of them.

  6. Mcm is a 2 part Avatar. That art is for Simulacrum 29, which summons when he Manifests his avatar. Mcm himself looks pretty similar, except that he has freddy krueger like claws and a syringe in his hands.

    Yes, they are treated as separate models with separate stats. Mcm loses a little combat utility for some more heals / buffs, specifically ones that benefit '29. 29 then stomps around and kills stuff with buffs from Mcm. He can also resummon 29 if it dies, but the summoned 29 takes wounds when it enters play. Good thing mcm has damn good heals for him, haha.

  7. I agree with you guys...I mean, I dislike guild greatly...because they screw over my favorite masters something fierce, and my masters actually tend to match up better against neverborn...but in the long run, from a wider perspective...I'm definitely in the "neverborn are broke" camp. My main passion for dislike in guild is the ortega's the sonnia/witchlings and austringers...but I rather like the death marshals, and I may play my dead justice crew as an actual lady J crew sometimes now that the exorcist is around.

  8. The witchling handler actually does buff the movement of witchlings.'

    As for Death Marshals, the Exorcist doesn't do much with movement, but he can do stuff like give all friendly models basic melee weapons Magical...eewwww, guess who's getting Prey'd by my Shikome's hahaha.

  9. Lazarus has no spells. He just has a trigger than produces fixed dg3 blasts off his melee. He's kinda simple but he is Immune to Influence, he can Assimilate like Hoffman and can (0) for a healing flip...he's pretty solid. Since Von Schill can't use Sue, he is the next best thing to add at this point, and should be damn good considering he can't blast your 'Korps on accident, haha. He also has armor 1 that can't be ignored, evasive 2 and Fully Automatic (2) like ryle.

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