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Posts posted by Zwergenkrieger

  1. I just read your tactica and it gave me some really deep insight as well as clearing a lot of my questions concerning Pandora and her interactions with different models.

    Though there is one thing I still wonder about: The Poltergeists Persistent Distraction. These days I red through the rulebook and my understanding of this ability is exactly the same as I did found in a topic, which I quoted here (have a look on the bold sentence):

    My tournament Pandora list (which is to say it is NO fun and almost unfair to play against) is:




    Rest of the points in Silurids

    The main thing being to use the totem to activate the Silurids last, have them leap across the field getting insane amounts of attacks, then the doppelganger gives you initiative the next turn and you companion them all again. It is almost impossible to stop because of the ridiculous range on the Silurids (They can charge a model 18 inches away and get a free attack if they hit, then the second turn they get 2 attacks on the model each with a free attack if they hit).

    Now your tactica reads the following (once more, have a look on the bold sentence):

    @font-face { font-family: "Times New Roman"; }@font-face { font-family: "Arial"; }@font-face { font-family: "Courier New"; }@font-face { font-family: "Wingdings"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }table.MsoNormalTable { font-size: 10pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }ol { margin-bottom: 0cm; }ul { margin-bottom: 0cm; }(1) Persistent Distraction: This is a very powerful ability and one people generally take this totem for over Primordial Magic. This gives you amazing activation control over a section of the board. But to get the most benefit out of this, you need to do it early in the turn. So you want to plan a turn ahead for use of this ability.

      • Remember, this does not state enemy models, so it will affect your models. Be careful not to get anyone you care about in this aura, even though there is a Wp resist having to make the duel is a potential pitfall.
      • If a model is effected by Incite/Pacify and within this aura, they must obey Incite and Pacify in relation to models in the aura. So if you Pacify a model in this aura, they must activate last of all models that player controls inside the aura.
      • This only refers to models controlled by each player. So if I catch all your models in this, you do not have to suffer through all my activations before you can do yours. You can activate models in it once all of your models outside of it have activated.

    Now I like to know what is the right understanding of this ability?

    I know that it would be very powerful if Persistent Distraction would allow to activate all models after the opponent, but your understanding (each player counts only his own models) – if I did understand it right – seems to be some kind of senseless. If only my models are effected when it comes down to the activation order of my models, why ever should I use this ability? I can already decide which models have to be activated last to get the best out of MY activation order.

    Please give me a deeper insight here.



  2. Are you talking about the Henchman version of Hamelin or the Minion version? I haven't really noticed any synergy with either of them myself, but as a fellow Ramos player, if you've uncovered something significant, then please share with the rest of the class. ;)

    Well, I´m talking about old Henchman model. I dig the model and therefore I thought about getting one for my – also been built due to looks – ramos crew.

    Maybe I should start trying and tell you how it went? There is a 30 SS tournament coming up, my first one. And if I going to take part just for fun, why not trying to get the most fun possible? Being a newbe there is still that excuse of unexperience... :)


  3. Hi all,

    I just noticed that the search engine doesn´t find a thread that includes both, Hamelin and Ramos. Is there any reason I don´t know? Don´t they work together well/at all? Do I overlook something?

    Or is there pretty no synergy between the two?


  4. Great to hear all your answers!

    I really enjoyed reading your advice and experience.

    For some jobs you'll want few powerful models, for others you'll want to saturate the map with your low-end models. You should, step by step, get the models for every possible match-up.

    Granted, there are tournaments using fixed lists and other house rules. IMHO these people do not get what Malifaux is about (and try to force-fit it into other wargames' straightjacket). At worst the factions could be fixed, but really even that you chose with your master and according to basic rules, you can take different master for every game too.

    Well, in fact I can hardly play every week, averagly I´m able to play 1 game per month. It´s all about job and family. That beeing said, in all tabletop games I played I always stayed with 1-3 fixed lists, just to get the opportunity to learn that list, to master the models rules and to get the hang of their tactics.

    I know that this limits success to some degree, but it´s my way of gaming.

    After I wrote the initial post here, I read through the rule book and noticed the problems with activation order. I can see that immense drawback on tactics if you just field a low model count.

    Now I got a deeper insight in crew selection and crew design, which will help a lot to get the best out of my next games.



  5. Hi all,

    coming from Privateer Press Hordes and being a warbeast heavy player (for all who don´t know: few, but powerful models) I wonder if such a playstyle is feasible or not regarding Malifaux.

    For example:

    Lilith with Cherub, 2 Mature Nephilim and Waldgeist (ie 30 SS)

    Dreamer with 2 Teddy

    Maybe some Marcus lists with large beasts

    eventually some Guild list with Peacekeeper / Killjoy

    or some Outcasts list with Killjoy / Desolation Engine

    (just to name a few random options)

    What do you mean, are these list any good? Do you think such lists are fun to play (and to play against of course?).

    I really like to hear your opinions...


  6. Hi all,

    I wonder what´s the deal with Hoarcat Prides is. I can hardly find a thread in which these buties are recommended for play. Are these subpar? Or even bad?

    I think they´ve got some of the best sculpts and therefore I like to paint some. But on the other hand I refuse to spend money for things I´m nver going to use.

    So please tell me what´s about the Hoarcat Pride.


  7. Hi all,

    I couldn´t resist and got the Ramos boxed set due to the look of the models. Now I´m considering some further purchases to get a well rounded Ramos Crew. What I definetely want to include is the steamborg executioner because he´s the one that pulled me towards that boxed set.

    Reading through the forums it seems to me that

    Rusty Alice

    lots of steampunk arachnids

    are the things that are regularly recommended by the veteran players. In addiditon, it seems to me that some interesting models (mobile toolkit) aren´t released yet.

    To sum it up: the Ramos Crew is more a modelling/painting project than an "as powerful crew as possible" tournament setting. With that in mind, which models do you recommend for further purchases?

    Thanks in advance


  8. Hi all,

    I´m browsing this forums for some time now and try to get as much information as possible about the game, while I´m still in the process of deciding which crew to choose.

    I considered a lot of crews and fortunately I didn´t go and get one right now because after thinking about possible crews once more, I reminded of my love for themed armies when it comes down to tabletop gaming.

    That being said there are several themed crews I like and I can´t decide which one to run:

    Lilith and a host of Nephilim_ Nice looking models, strong theme and is well scaleable even to higher points. If I understood correctly, there are some more Nephilim to be released yet.

    Marcus and his beasts: Privateer Press Hordes is one of my favourite games and Marcus pretty reminds me of this game. Simply I like the idea of a beastmaster who leads a bunch of beasts that do the work for him.

    Ramos the mad scientist: Well, it´s kind of a combination of the above regarding Marcus and the imagination of a scientists who tries to invent some mechanicals which will work for him.

    There might be some more strong themes, but these don´t interest me that much due to various reasons. For example, Dreamer and his dreams: bad models; Somer and his pigs: too much money to spend for starter purposes and I don´t like painting greenskins; Ortega family: from what I know, the model range is limited and full of uniques.

    THat being said, which of the above named crews are best suited to beginners? I´m rather pulled towards Ramos, but it seems to me that he is counted to be a rather hard to learn master. Lilith on the other hand seems to easy to get the hang of it but I´m not sure if a fully melee crew isn´t a bit boring on the long run. On the other hand, realistically I´m able to play a game every 3-4 weeks which means a straight forward to play master might be the best decision.

    You see, there are some thoughts that hamper my decision and I hope that you´ll be able to help me deciding.

    Thanks in advance


  9. Poor Zwergenkrieger. Insted of getting help he is getting OT rant about collors.

    No problem! It doesn´t matter...

    *giggles* but getting back onto the point, Candy and Kade are wonderful to have. They have a nice balance between psychotic stabbing and Candy can give healing flips. smile.gif Always good to have on board.

    What have you chosen, and i hope they are Neverborn!! biggrin.gif

    So far, the decision is still open! The more I read, the harder it is to make a decision...

    If jou like the Minions liek Candy, Teddy, Cade or so... then you could play zoraida...

    She is a very good master that works well with this minins...

    I tried to get some informations on her, but it´s tricky to get a deeper insight on this forums. Although there are some pretty decent threads here, I miss threads with a good overview on the available model without the need for knowing the rules. I can´t get a copy of the rulebook right now, here in germany it seems that the rulebook is not available at the moment, therefore the only thing on which I can base my decision is the look of the models.

    With Zoraida I can imagine the following:


    Vodoo Doll




    It´s 23 SS if I did the math right. Anything special that can be added to this crew? Or should I simply run that crew for 25 SS games and look how it´s doing?

    Or try Lilith, shes a nice starter Box to go for. She is well balanced and works well with just about anything. :)

    But then I'm a little biased as I LOVE HER! :D

    Good luck!

    Yeah, Lilith is pretty cool looking and her theme seems to be strong. In addition, it seems to me that you can scale the Nephilim theme rather easy, meaning that I´d get a strong theme beyond 25 SS too.

    But I´m not sure wether a pure melee based army is the right thing for me.

    An other thing I came up with is the Dreamer with Teddies. Someone on these forums posted that he wants to run Dreamer with 2 Teddies and that thought heavily intriqued me! I then thought about





    1 daydream

    for 25 SS, but as far as I understand the Dreamer, he needs his nightmares to do his tricks. Well, Candy and Kade don´t seem to be nightmares, meaning the above list should´nt do that well.

    This brought me to


    2 Teddies

    3 Daydreams

    which comes to 24 SS and is rather well looking modelwise. This last list definetly is one I like to start the game with.

    What do you count to be better, the 2 Teddy / Dreamer list or the Zoraida/Kade/Teddy/Candy list? I know the drawback of Teddy can´t be obeyed in this list, but the list mustn´t be developed to the max. I´ll be playing a game or two every 4 weeks at best, therefore the modeling aspect is more important for me than a maxed out power list.

    One last question though:

    Is there any way to play Pandora a bit more intresting for both you and your opponent? Not running a one trick – every second game seen – pony? It is ok if the power drops when I get a more appealing force. Or is Pandora just made out of boring cheese?

    Sorry for the long post and I hope you´ll share your thoughts once more...


  10. Hi all,

    after browsing these forums for quite a while now I finally decided to go with Neverborn as my starter faction of choice.

    Well, looking through all available models, I noticed that Kade, Candy and Teddy seem to be somewhat in-line themewise meaning that all three represent either small childs or small childs cuddly pet. ;) This leads to the thinking if there is a chance to field them all in the same team.

    Therefore some questions:

    1. Because Candy and Kade are part of Pandoras boxed set I´m thinking about getting this set and a Teddy for starters. Is this a good idea? These will be my first ever models for Malifaux.

    2. I noticed that Pandora seems to be kind of a hated model (by the opponents of course). Is Pandora unfun to play? Is she overpowered? Are people upset if they see Pandora on the field?

    3. The other crew I´m pretty interested in is Lilith and her Nephilims. From what I read, Lilith is pretty straight forward in gameplay and therefore might be a better sterter for new gamers. What do you advice for starting purposes: Pandora or Lilith?

    Thanks for your help!


  11. Sorry for thread necromancy, but I thought that opening a new thread isn´t needed because my question is somewhat themed to this threads title:

    I totally dig the Lelitu model but I can´t stand the Lelu sculpt. therefore I wonder if it is possible to run lelitu without lelu to some degree of success. Or do I have to field both to get the best out of them?

    Thanks in advance


  12. Hi all,

    I´m currently in the process of deciding which team to start with and therefore I browse the boards just to get some informations about models that I like due to their look (that´s the most imprtant thing for me).

    Well, that being said, I´ve got some questions for you:

    1. I totally dig the steamborg model and I like to get some informations about it: First, if I like a model, I try to run 2 of them in an army just to increase the possibility that this model will do something on the table. It´s kind of redundancy... Is the steamborg a model one likes to field more than once in a team?

    2. I browsed these boards and it seems to me that the steamborg doesn´t recieve much love here. What´s the reasons?

    3. What´s a good master to run with the steamborg?

    4. Marcus is all about beasts, that´s what I already learned. And he may master beasts from other factions as well if I I understood his rules correctly (I don´t have a rule book right now, they seem to be out of stock here). So is he able to run these cool looking piglets and warpigs from the outcasts? Or aren´t they beasts as per Marcus rules?

    5. Even if it would be some work, may I ask you to give me an overview of which beasts Marcus is able to field? I just like to know the ones that are already released so that I can have a look wether I like those sculpts.

    Thanks for your help!


  13. Hi all,

    first of all: thanks for all your answers so far!

    Well, after having a closer look at the Guild models, the following models are the ones I would use. Models that aren´t listed I don´t like to get.



    Nino (it´s a bit meh, but if it is really that good gamewise...)

    Grandma Ortega

    witchling stalkers

    Guild Austringer

    Now some questions for you:

    1. It´s mentioned several times that every model in Malifaux is playable – therefore I´m thinking the above models would work well together. Am I right?

    2. What´s with outcasts? There are some really sweet looking models such as Taelor or the Ronin. Is it possible to run these with Perdita? If so, what´s the drawbacks compared to Guild models?

    3. Could anyone clarify that special rule of Grandma Ortega that allows to run a friendly model with the family companion rule?

    Thanks all,


  14. Sorry for thread hijacking, but I really ask myself the same questions like the OP and there is no reason to open two of the sme threads:

    Vikortia 1 bister

    Vikortia 2 bister

    The Ronin (comes with 3 Ronin witch is awesome) Blister

    The Convict Gunslinger blister


    2. If you want a heavy Melee list then look at Telor she has a great hammer that will sort out any issues you may have that can be solved with a hammer.

    3. If you want someone a little more intresting in the same melee feild there is Misaki, she has a load of good fighting melee base spells and some sweet ablities, she is not as striat forward as Telor but she is just as good.

    Well, what about the following as a starter:





    That would give me a pure female party, something I always wanted to do. I just can´t decide betwen that and a Perdita crew for a starter list.


  15. WEll, thanks for the clarification. Family and companion indeed seem to be strong rules tegarding ingame tactics. Manipulating the order of activations is a huge benefit in all tabletopgames I know.

    Mhh, ok, then I have to get some Ortegas to get the most out of Perdita. Let´s say I go with




    Which of the following models would best suit these 3 lads?

    Guild Guard

    Guild Austringer


    Governors Proxy?


  16. There are really no bad Guild models but you lose one of Perdita's major synergy abilities(Family and companion) if you don't field any other Oretga model(the other guys in her box set).

    Mmhh, ok, I know what synergy mean, but I have no clue what family and companion mean. Are these rules that strong so that I definetely should field some Ortegas?

    And if so, which of the Ortegas should be named mandatory? I read about Nino (if I remember correctly), because he offers long range fire support. Any others?


  17. Hi all,

    I´m totally new to the game, I just watched some 2-3 games, though I didn´t understand much! The rules seem to be rather complicated.

    Nevertheless, a lot of people recently started playing that game in my LGS and I´m thinking about being part of that group of beginners, ie I´m rather interested in starting the game.

    Because the look of the models always is one of the mort important things for me, I browsed through the online store to look what models may be in my favour.

    Well, Perdita decided that race slightly followed by Sonnia. I already tried to get some informations on these forums regarding both of these figurines and seems to me that Perdita is a well balanced character that is rather easy to master. Unfortunaltely I couldn´t get any informations on Sonnia yet.

    Reading about Perdita she sound as if she is the right one to start with, though I don´t like the models much that are part of her boxed set, which pushed me towards the consideration that I like to buy individual models as a starter party. The models I really like due to their look are (in the named order from best to least):


    Guild Guard


    Guild Austringer

    Govermors Proxy


    Could I get a good starter out of these models? For starting purposes I´d like to stay away from huge investments, therefore the Peacekeeper is on the last. But if he is mandatory to have the slightest chance of winning, I´ll go and get him. ;)

    Or should I rather start with Sonnias boxed set, which looks also pretty nice?


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