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Posts posted by Zwergenkrieger

  1. Hi all,


    Im in the process of painting a themed Zoraida-Swampfiend crew and I like to know some thoughts on which additional models I should get.


    Right now I own the following:



    Vodoo Doll

    2 Waldgeists

    3 Silurids

    Bad Juju



    I also own a good substitute for a Wild Boar, though I don´t see any special use for them because my swampfiend themed crew lacks any Gremlins that will help to control the Wild Boars.


    I also have a good alternate model for the Bayou Gator in mind, though I don´t really understand his set of rules. To me it is a rather squishy melee modell with some deployment shenanigans, and I don´t see any special reason to take him over a Waldgeist.


    What do you all think about Gupps?


    Any and all advice / idea is welcome.



  2. Hi all,


    I recently noticed the sheer beautifulness of the Wong sculpt, therefore Im thinking about building a Crew around him. But after reading his cards I still have no clue what to bring with him. And being without any experiences with or against Gremlins, I cant really see any obvious synergies.


    Therefore I like to get some advice on what models will work well with Wong. Can you please help?



  3. Hi all,


    some really great advice here in that lovely thread. One question though: What do you guys think about Ryle in a Lady J crew?


    I own the Lady J plastic box set simply due to those beautiful models and am going to get Ryle soon for the same reason. Will they work together well? I am also thinking about some witchling stalkers because they are, well, really beautiful models. ;)



  4. Zoraidas "Tarot Reading" upgrade:


    Bayou Servants lets you hire swampfiend models regardless of faction, but in the crew creator these swampfiends appear as mercenaries including the mercenaries tax. I think thats wrong because there are other masters with very closely wirtten rules (Marcus for example) who do not have to pay that +1 SS tax.

  5. Hi all,


    with the final release of wave 2 cards I like to come back to Malifaux. The one faction I totally fell in love with are the arcanists, therefore I like to get a start with that faction.

    Because I want to play some kind of ranged game, I decided to get the Rasputina set as my first arcanists crew (well, there are some pretty nice models included anyways) and now Im thinking about some good additions to the Rasputina starter.


    Actually Im thinking about the following models to buy:


    Rasputina boxed set

    December Acolyte

    Blessed of December


    I think this will come to 50 SS including some upgrades.


    Are there any other models I should consider?

    Is snowstorm worth it?

    What about some fast objective runners? Any advice here?


    Thanks in advance



  6. Hi all,

    I´m contemplating the buy of some Ramos stuff and well, there seems to be 2 directions to go:

    1. Wait till december to get the new boxed set.

    Though it is heavily expensive IMO. If I see it right, you get



    Brass Arachnid

    3 Spiders (or one swarm)


    Well, I´m not that intrested in Langston, because I like to run the rail golem instead. Therefore the box only is of use for me if I have to get that nice looking Joss model.

    2. Buy now, buy "the old stuff"

    Well, I can get all pieces I want with seperate clamshells (ie Ramos, Brass Arachnid, Electrical Creation, lots of spiders, Railgolem) for cheaper now.

    On the other hand I can only get a bad looking Joss model. Well, I eventually am able to convert one into looking somewhat better, but then I can also wait to get the new boxed set, because converting Joss won´t be much cheaper that getting him inside the new box (I have to get a model with some kind of mechanical arm, too)...

    So, do I really need Joss?

    Would I cut myself if I avoid using him?

  7. Hi all,

    well, I like to get back into Malifaux with the start of the new rulesset. I read through the book the other day and one thing I noticed is the sketch for those Waldgeists. They remind me of Games Workshop Dryads and I highly like the look of these (both, the DRyads and the picture offered in the M2E book).

    Therefore I thought about starting a Swamp themed Crew led by Zoraida.

    But now I really don´t know wht to add themewise.

    Of course, the following models are almost auto includes:


    Vodoo Doll

    Bad Juju



    Besides these I´m searchng for some inspiration on what other models may fit the theme, especially ones that aren´t neverborn but may be fielded due to Zoraidas special rules.

    I am not purely looking for models with "swampfiend", any model is a good one that may come out of swamps. Mmhh, maybe some resser models? Maybe some bog bodies? Uhh, I have to have a look on the Resser minions...

    In addition, is there any tipps or tricks regarding Bad Juju? I´ve never used him and I like to try him out, though I don´t really see his strenghts. He costs a lot and is rather easy to hit, meaning he seems to die the death of a thousands cuts without bringing to much to the game.

    Any advice here?


  8. Hi all,

    just noticed that Toshiro will extremely boost a Nicodem melee Crew, doesn´t he?

    Nicodem gives +2 cb, Toshiro gives a positive flip to melee attacks as well as offers some movement tricks.

    These two in conjunction with all of our low ss but high damage minions like Crooked Men, Rotten Belles and Punk Zombies should give you some nice melee force.

    Or is there any drawback I overlooked?


  9. Hi all,

    I really like the model of Ama No Zako and modelwise he would be a good addition to my Zoraida Crew, but reading his stats I wonder what to do with him. I really can´t see any outstanding abilities and for a 8-9 ss model he might be ressilent, but the damage he produces seems to be rather low.


    What´s his job on the battlefield?

  10. I´m also intrested in fielding Hamelin and I like to know: how many rats do I need in a Hamelin Crew?

    My build should look something like this:


    Totem (but which one to choose?)


    Baby Kade

    Rat Catchers

    lots of Rats

    The idea behind this Crew is the following: In germany there is a tale about "THe Pied Piper of Hamelin" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pied_Piper_of_Hamelin), which always reminds me of Hamelin. ;) I like to come as close as possible to that legend when it comes to crew selection. Candy and Kade shall represent the lost children of Hamelin, maybe I can get some other ideas for lost children. Do you have any ideas?

    thanks in advance.

  11. [...]but as with it's beasts it lacks a bit of resilience.


    You have no hitting power (apart from Marcus and he does not hit that hard) and you lack resilience

    Well, if I correctly understand you, then all beasts lack resillence, meaning a low ressilence is the signature of all Marcus beast lists, isn´t it?

    Which minions provide a good ressilence as well as some synergy with Marcus?

  12. Hi all,

    Marcus has been one of my favourites (storywise) and while I recently checked my selection of models, I came up with the following idea to start some Marcus fun:

    Arcanists Crew - 35 - Scrap

    7 Pool

    Jackalope [1ss]

    Von Schill

    • Night Terror

    • Night Terror

    • Silurid

    • Silurid

    • Silurid

    Well, I just need to get Marcus and his Jackalope to run that list. Though some questions arise:

    1. Do you feel that MArcus and vonSchill is a good combination? Or don´t they work well together?

    IMO they seem to be a good pairing: both are fast and rather hard hitting, though I don´t know wether they both need to much ss on their own, meaning this would prohibit to run them in the same crew.

    2. Later I like to get Blessed of DEcember and/or Shikome. Modelwise Blessed of December wins the competion for me, but I wonder if there are some arguments that will tell me: go and get the Shikome, it´s a steal with Marcus. Is it?

    3. Regarding Night Terrors and Raptors: Where are the strenghts / weaknesses of both these minions? Night Terrors seem to be the models everyone likes, but what about Raptors?

  13. Wow, guys, great answers here!

    Sorry, I was off for some weeks so I couldn´t write here.

    Speaking of Ashigaru, they can be a great addition to the crew, as they are Undead. However, they are technically skeletons, not zombies, so if that makes a difference on your theme, you can always omit them.

    Yeah, theme s pretty important for me! Even the Necropunks don´t fullfill my own requirements concerning "being a Zombie!!!". My list of possible Zombies!!! is pretty restrictive.


    Thanks for all your help here!

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