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Posts posted by Nemissary

  1. I must also send my thanks to the Wyrds and all the distant Wyrd-kin on these forums. Thanks for all of the new hobby enjoyment, inspiration and whacky dreams. I take my (prescription) pain meds before bedtime and concetrate on Malifaux til I fall alseep :) Makes for good times in dreamland.

  2. I have always been curious about casting with plaster and Hirst Arts items. Thank you very much for covering this topic. I think i will take the plunge and start drawing up an order for what kinds of molds I would like to try. I already use alumilite for small detail things. I think plaster will be a neat change for me.

    Thanks again for the inspiration!

  3. Yeah it's her fetus-dobbelganger ;)

    A very little conversion with a great effect :)

    Much wrongness there! I like to take my conversions to the wrongness factory and amp them up some, but you have me beat with this one.

    Keep up the good work!

  4. Thank you all for the well-wishing and kind thoughts!

    I am home again. Back in my cozy little home, I feel so much better already. My strength is returning at an amazing pace. My lung doesn't feel like it is being drug across a cheese grater anymore. (They accidentally sliced into my right lung).

    So... thanks for all the positive energy! Love you all like family!

    No real updates here, nothing photo worthy anyway. I have however, laid down some basecoats on my Pandora crew, so we are officially past the "Primer stage" :)

    I am also cleaning and trimming my Zoraida crew. Swamp ideas have been bouncing around in my head forever, since I am originally from New Orleans and I love the creepy little dollies. :)

    Oh and off topic. I have received some PMS but I repkly to them and it seems I cannot PM anyone at all...... Anyone have an idea what could be wrong? If you are a person that PMed me, I am sorry for not responding because I have indeed responded, but the system has eaten my mail. (Down with the system !!!! Trying to keep me down!!!) :blackeye:

    Much love to all of you

  5. Had to gt a photo of me with a Malifaux rulebook. I was hoping it would keep McMourning away :) I cannot begin to explain the pain nd whatnot that I am in, but I gotta keep my morbid sense of humor at all times :)

    What better advertisement for Malifaux? Struggling cancer patient demands his Malifaux before his Morphine! News at 11.

    I actual have been having small dream sequences involving Nicodemus and that sort of Necromancy... it must be the morphine. But you wouls think I would be having Dr. McMourning running through my obsessive little brain or Neverborn, because I love them sooooo much.

    Well, time to pass out again... great big hetero man hugs to all of you!

  6. photo-1.jpg

    I survived the cancer removal portion of my surgery today. Took a few hours 11am-6pm total. Have yet another One foot long incision under my ribs. At this rate, I will bw homw in a week and painting on a little lapdesk as I lounge about the house.

    Thanks all for ther best wishes.

    I am on large amounts of morphine atm, so I will go.

  7. Not all police are the same. But, most traffic cops are. :) I give our traffic cops hell everyday of the week. I like when some try to pull me over and I hit my blue lights and sirens for a second to wave them off. I drive a dark red car with illegal levels of window tint and I have an illegal tag from a county I have never been to. By "illegal" I mean illegal for most everyone except Law Enforcement vehicles that are unmarked or undercover. There are some perks to my job after all. And.. no, I did not just give myself away (like any criminal masterminds in my jurisdiction would be on this forum.. lol). I have to switch cars regularly because word hits the street about the vehicle descriptions of the new ones faster than light :(

    I do have a good traffic cop experience though. I was driving near the local University and minding my business and swinging through a local college bar district, when a University cop pulls out behind me from a side street. He stays real close to my rear bumper and then hits his lights and sirens to pull me over. I feel like playing his silly game so I don't indicate that I'm who I am or that it is a UC car. He pulls behind me in a parking lot and approaches my window. He then sees that I'm an older guy and not a college kid and starts to hesitate. I then click my hidden lights and siren and smile at him as I ask why he pulled me over. He starts to say that my tag was obscured and I cut him off and tell him that it sin't and that he thought I was some young college kid leaving the bars drunk and he was making excuses to pull me over in the hopes that I might smell of alcohol. I then tell him that the road he stopped me on is my primary jurisdiction and not the jurisdiction of the University. Long story short (or not quite as long as it could be anyway). I get the guy apologizing to me and kinda testing me out to see if I am going to call his supervisors and make fun of him etc. I let him off the hook, but reminded him to quit harassing the college kids unless he is damn sure he has some probable cause.

    Some people rebel from outside the system and usually get squashed by it. I preferred to become the system and change what little I can from the inside. Most cops are good people, some just have crappy jobs they are ordered to do. Some cops suck. Some of us try to buck the system and help out the ordinary people, because we know we are just ordinary people too. ;)

  8. @Nemissary: Noo, don't use the P-word! It's generally shunned due to how it's used on all these ebay auctions! ;) Just kidding, thanks a lot for the compliment.

    Haha! Yeah, I guess "Pro Painter" and Pro Painted" are descriptions with two edges since Ebay came about. I commonly see listings as "Pro Painted" that look completely horrible.

    What I meant by using the "P" word to describe your work is better described as this: "You are already an accomplished and highly skilled artist!" :)

    Hehe.. that should clear that up ;)

    Again, beautiful work!

  9. This:

    I had managed to avoid all the spoilers about Shutter Island, but I still had it worked out from the first scene. It just seemed like a completely obvious twist - so overworked and obvious, I spent most of the film hoping I was wrong, but being continually proved right as the film dropped its little clues here and there. I still enjoyed it, though. The sturm und drang made a lot more sense, for one.

    IT, yeah the Giant spider thing just made me want to punch Stephen King in the face.

    I also totally agree about Law Abiding Citizen. The movie was great, then it just seemed like they decided to cop out on the ending and it became very lame.

    How about great endings???

    The Mist. One of the funniest ending ever. I laughed out loud in the theatre. Great stuff!

  10. 2 more days til I get sliced and diced. I have made a little progress, but haven't concentrated on minis too much the last week or so.

    Here is a primed version of Pandora after I converted her ever so slightly.



    Here is my wife's first base for her Colette crew. Kinda slapdash, she was just doing a test base to start. I think it is coming out nice though. She was just testing colors etc.


    Some sceneray that I have partially finished:








    Oddly enough, A friend and I were working on the strange gears scenery before we ever heard of Malifaux. I think this clockwork/gears scenery will fit in very nicely though.

    I hope to get at least one more post in before the big day.

    All of you take care and hope to see you on the flip side :)

  11. Before September 11th hijackings normally resulted in the passengers being held hostage. After September 11th passengers will now fight for their lives when anyone tries to pull anything. I think the realization of the possibility of everyone on the airplane could be killed by hijackers or terrorists has done more for security than anything the US Federal Government could possibly ever do.

    As someone that has assited in Kuwait Liberation (Gulf War vet here) and currently works investigations, trained with FBI, GBI, Secret Service and so on blah blah blah... I have to agree with this assessment. It is kinda like having everyone carry a gun. Armed Robbers have to really think twice... a random passer by just my waste them on the spot.

    On the other side of the coin. The terrorist may not care about crashing the plane into a building. He may just want to get the bomb onto the plane and blow everyone up and not even say anything before he does it.

    One thing I have learned in my life. If someone truly wants to kill you and does not care about the cost or thier own life or anyone elses, then chances are you will die. (unless you are lucky).

    Security does help and does deter, but no system is perfect and crazy fanatics do exist and can and will kill more people. Sadly, it happens everyday in this mean old world we live in.

    No matter anyones feelings about the government or certain rules and/or regulations, one thing will remain true til the end of time:

    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. -Edmund Burke

    (well maybe him.. some controversy over wheneter these were his exact words)

    This, however is a quote of his that also applies:

    People crushed by law, have no hopes but from power. If laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to laws; and those who have much to hope and nothing to lose, will always be dangerous.

    Guess I am veering way off topic now :)

  12. haha! Very interesting holiday!

    Don't feel bad, I have been stopped at a roadblock and told to exit my vehicle and put my hands on the trunk. When the Officers took out my wallet and found my badge and realized I was with Criminal Investigations Division of another jurisdiction they gave me my wallet back and apologized and everything was cool. Then I told them that they should have checked me for weapons first and showed them the two concealed .45s I had. One on ankle and one in waist line. I then told them that if I had been someone they were looking for or just a random wanted felon that was desperate... they would have both been dead. The looks on their faces were priceless.

    I love pointing out weaknesses to rookies. Hopefully that will keep them alive one day.

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