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Posts posted by Silveri

  1. Now who's making accusations here? Yes, the stereotypes were rash and I wanted to find out why they didn't fit. Perhaps I could have phrased myself better, and I originally meant to intend to add a phrase where (if such a division were possible), the latter would think the first as childish brats and the first the latter as uptight snobs. I didn't feel that to be a necessary add-on.

    I'm primarily interested why you take this so personally? Does the description fit and you don't like what it implies (again, these are your interpretations, not mine - there's nothing wrong in liking big breasts and macho heroes)?

    I personally noted a polarization and wanted to see whether there is a correlation.

  2. So these are our only two options then?

    For someone complaining about shallow archetypes in characters, you certainly seem perfectly willing to throw around shallow archetypes in real people.

    Did you actually read my post before making that accusation? I'm more than happy to have that theory debunked. Please, if you feel you don't fit the theorem, tell why. The current trend seems to be that people who criticize the hypertrophied sexual characteristics in miniatures tend to prefer the "lesser heroes", but there's not as much support for the idea of people preferring masculine heroes not really minding having miniatures that are cheesecake instead of "realistic" proportions and equipment (given the setting).


    Plus, I really need to emphasise this, as people continually tend to misread me. I originally did not say that big boobs were unrealistic or overexpressed, more that the big boobed minis looked like they had implants instead of naturally big breasts.

  3. Would I be going against the grain if I said ilike both archetypes, as long as the story is well-told?

    That being said, I still like large breasts on minis.

    This is just a theory I created based on the strong polarization I've seen in threads where fantasy vs. realism meet (not just regarding breasts). I'm more interested in whether I get support for it or against it and I'm interested in whether most players (something like 75%) could be roughly categorized this way. Probably no-one is purely of either variety.

    Trust me, I do hope I'm wrong on this, but if I'm right, it perhaps could help us understand each other more. As I'm personally more of the latter type (for instance, I don't have a huge superhero comic book collection and I've never read the Conan books), I sometimes have trouble understanding the people who are more of the former type. If the kicks we get out of miniature wargaming are different, no wonder we have trouble understanding each other.

  4. There seems to be a curious trend growing here of polarity between players, both male AND female. There are those who assume that all players here like playing with macho men and big-boobed women, and those (an apparent minority) who complain about the lack of depth and common sense in those stereotypes. It's really not an age question either.

    I'll ask you a question. If you are the player of the first type (the assumed majority), do you prefer playing powerful heroes who can overcome all the odds they are facing by sheer power (be that strength, magic, intelligence), or do you prefer playing "lesser heroes", that were thrusted with a job probably way too difficult for them (and what they probably would prefer to be without) but what they have to do since there's no-one else to do it? If of the minority, do you prefer the latter hero archetype more?

    Is this more a conflict of player personalities than of attitudes towards boobs?

  5. I have many times. My girlfriend does not have fake breasts, but when she dresses up to go out her bra and blouses force her cleavage up and it does end up shaped like that. Many outfits that boost and magnify the shape of breasts do that. And the victorian & renaissance era clothing seems to have emphasized this even more.

    Okay. I'll try to phrase this without sounding impolite. If your girlfriend has a comparable body structure to the miniatures mentioned here, I will admit my error.

  6. But I think it is also worth mentioning, again and again and again, that this is a Viktorian setting and that involves a lot of uncomfortable clothing in the name of fashion - such as corsets and bustiers.

    Agreed. I never meant to question that. It's part of the goddamn appeal.

    And I have to wonder about those people claiming that natural breasts do not form the bulge on the top. They do when outfits are designed to boost and shape cleavage - which many outfits are meant to do.

    Yes, they form a bulge, but not a deep crease at the top especially like the one in Pandora alt. paintjob. I again suggest trying this out with a live pair of big breasts.

    They need to wear something to support and prevent unwanted movement - its not like they had sports-bras in the Viktorian era.

    Actually, they most likely would have had a tight-fitting corset that covers and supports also the breasts. For reference, check out BBC:s version of Pride and Prejudice. But this is nitpicking. I never complained about the corsets.

  7. From a viewpoint that many Wyrd's female miniatures are sculpted and/or painted to look like they have breast implants (instead of just having naturally big breasts) to discussion of sexual undertones in virtually every marketable media... Should have guessed that this would be the direction where things would be headed.

    But to add an insult to injury, I would like to ask whether you feel that do female miniatures that aren't picture perfect have that much character in them? Can Perdita be even compared to Abuela? Frankly, when I think about it, Perdita and Justice (and most of the female Masters) don't differ that much as characters (although ruleswise they do) and seem a bit shallow. Then think about Hoffman, Zoraida, Seamus and the rest who are not pretty girls with big tits (the only exception that springs into mind is Colette). Sure, there are also shallow male characters (such as Marcus, given the lack of his fluff), but I feel that most of the female masters could be summed up to a single sentence.

    Plus, anybody that thinks that Molly is fat should be slapped around a bit with a Trout of Common Sense.

  8. For reference images, I suggest watching Julie Bell's artwork. Those women certainly have big breasts, but don't look that much like they are surgically enhanced. One can have fantasy images with big tits without having them look like they've been under the surgeon's blade.

  9. Does my avatar have the boob shadow? As I'm not sure whether you mean the shadow above the boobs or between them?

    The crack between the breasts is natural, but the crease on top of the breasts isn't. I'd recommend you to do some empiric research on the issue with a live pair, but speculating further on the issue is a path way too awkward for me to continue on. (short explanation for the rest of you nosy buggers: I'm rather familiar with Math and his wife)

    Furthermore, I'm suddenly very self-conscious of my avatar. I just chose it as I consider it one of my better paint jobs... maybe I should I change it.

    Nothing wrong with it. Not painting the crease helps a lot. As an additional experiment, take the image of the mini into GIMP or somesuch and tone down the highlights on the top of the breasts near the (non-painted) shadow above the breasts (it's bloody difficult to explain in exact terms - "near the ceiling of the breast") to alleviate the slight remaining beach ball effect a bit and tell me how it affects the result.

  10. The point is that putting a shadow on the top of the breasts makes them look like a couple of sacks of gel. The shadow does not occur naturally and big breasts aren't "perky" by default (although supporting corsets and brasierres help with the... erm.. effect).

    What makes people assume that the shadow on top of the breasts is something that "should" be there, is frankly due to the popularity of implants in Hollywood movies (both the regular kind and pornography). It's not. It's the top of the implant.

    Again, making the breasts look like they're fake bothers me. I'm not against big boobs (actually, I kinda prefer 'em).

  11. Now, this may not be as irritating to others as it is to me, but I grow increasingly frustrated how female breasts are more often than not sculpted in females. What I mean that most of them look like they've had a 1/2-1 gallon silicone implants put on them.

    Now, I'm not saying that I dislike big breasts or breast implants on general, but given the timeframe where the events of the game takes place, it's "historically" incorrect to have silicone boobies there.

    Of course, Wyrd isn't the only company to suffer from the phenomenon and perhaps I'm just pointing out something that most would find to be irrelevant, but here are a couple of reference images (probably semi-SFW).

    Natural cleavage

    Silicone breasts

    And to drive the point home:

    Pandora alternative

    Perdita alternative

    Again, this may not bother the rest of you, but I'd just like to point this out. Perhaps it's just a matter of painting.

  12. I was sorta convinced by Sholto's defense of the Shikome. It takes quite a bit of forethought, but a well positioned Shikome with Pere as her prey seems like it could work.

    Again, I didn't say that one couldn't get rid of Pere with a Shikome. I had previously stated that I could have probably gotten rid of Pere with a well placed Sabretooth (for instance, I could have leapt to the terrace, kept the kitty in hiding and when Pere was close enough, another leap and then charge - or if distance is enough with just the leap, move, devour (devour was a (1) action IIRC) and 2 strikes).

    The trouble is that BOTH options cost 8 ss, and after taken Pere down would probably get killed before achieving anything else, which would mean that they would most likely not achieve their points' worth.

    The Trapper would have much higher chances of containing Pere without getting himself killed and thus would probably be at least worth the 7 ss he would cost.

    Of course, then there's nitpicking on whether Ophelia's crew initially has a strategícal advance over Marcus' crew when a 5 ss model in Ophelia's crew would dictate more than 5 ss worth of models in Marcus' crew? Ie would a known Shikome/Sabretooth in a Marcus crew change the composition of your Ophelia's crew? If not and with the assumption that Pere does dictate the opponent's crew composition up to a point (at least when playing with Marcus) AND the known response (be it Shikome/Sabretooth/Trapper) doesn't cause changes in your Ophelia's crew construction, I would state that Ophelia's crew has a marked strategical advantage over Marcus. Probably not other crews, but again, these are issues of balance and very difficult ones at that.

  13. Freikorps trapper is the easiest way to deal with him. Even if you don't kill him you stop any chance of him going off twice, and cause your opponent to rethink his troop placement out of fear of collateral damage.

    Freikorps trapper costs 6 ss, when taken in a Marcus crew, he costs 7 ss. Again, 5 vs 7 ss tradeoff benefiting the gremlins, but with the trapper, he probably has a bit more use than just taking Pere out, so that's the best idea I've received so far. He also MIGHT be good fluffwise too.

    But this one is the only good suggestion (IMHO) for Marcus crews thus far, anything else?

  14. Molemen, with their Wk 3 are just simply too slow and Pere could run around them in circles. Also, Shikome costs 8 ss and most likely would end up dead before accomplishing much else. Now, is there a 5-6 ss solution or a 7-8 ss solution that would still be its points worth after Pere has been taken care of?

  15. To emphasise a point, I was on the receiving end BOTH times when MM deployed Pere. I currently play Marcus and I had prepared for Pere a bit, but as I would like to play with fluff-consistent crew, I didn't want to take other non-beastly options into account (which in retrospect would have been the wise thing to do).

    Still, Marcus crews tend to rely on hitting fast and hard. I thought I was holding back when my models were about 13" from the table edge, but that apparently wasn't enough. They were also in hard cover if they had been shot at, but where Pere was standing at the point of the explosion, it didn't provide hard cover. Also, as Oopsie isn't an explosion as such, I didn't get to use my Hoarcats' Evasive 3, which would have helped a lot with my group's survival.

    I had prepared for "surgical strikes" with a Razorspine and 2 Silurids, but as Pere was accompanied with Ophelia, 2 slop haulers and a couple of other gremlins, I considered it a waste to throw either option directly at Pere, as both cost considerably more and would certainly die very quickly with probably only causing 2-4 Wd to Pere - certainly not enough to take him out.

    So, I have a counter-question: What is the best way to take Ophelia-based Pere out with a Marcus crew? With a raptor make him a beast and then with Marcus take control? But, Alpha is a (2) action and has pnly a 8" range, and would require at least a 8 of Masks... I'm not certain it's really worth the risk.

    Or with a rattler manage to charge with (1) Serpent-strike, actually cause damage and then (1) Constrict Pere to make him have Slow. Of course, that would probably mean a dead snake quickly and an unfair deal to me in that sense.

    Hmm... or, with a Sabretooth I have a 16" threat range (leap+walk+devour, and if that fails, I can still try to strike him twice, which possibly could be enough), but that would also mean one dead kitty very quickly before she can do anything else. 8 vs 5 SS, yet another unfair tradeoff.


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