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Everything posted by madazam

  1. In fact I didn't ask for the good ones or for the best ones I just would like something that doesn't remain flat in term of play style/mechanic. I really would like to try Jack Daw, even if everybody says that it is hard to play. so master that are cool and variable and never straightforward. A master where you'll never have to approach the same situation in the exact same way. Someone who the opponent will never be sure about... well you hit it on the head. Jack Daw is it. He is a very tricky master who has a huge hiring pool. I love Von Schill but he's the (not easiest) most solid master I've played. He's not flashy but he's great, ESPECIALLY the specialist. His crew are all pretty strong pretty self sufficient people who shine when they're synergizing. Jack Daw. The enemy will have a hard time pinning you down. Jack is fast and his crew is tricky. With his hiring pool , you'll be buying alot of models but you'll never be lost for options. He's the kind of master that you need to think about your moves turns in advance because the parts in his tormented machine need to run carefully. oh! Tara. She's a awesomely tricky one. Sooo much extra AP. Activation order is key with her. Lots of hand management with her thematic crew and condition placement. Hamlin is another good one. Hamelin is a complicated master as well. Very condition based. He has hordes of weak models that you need to turn into efficient death machines. He's just fun...yet he's a negative play environment on a card. It's easy to get annoyed at him. Thanks. Yeah, I got Von Schill and Jack Daw boxes; just to be sure
  2. In fact I didn't ask for the good ones or for the best ones I just would like something that doesn't remain flat in term of play style/mechanic. I really would like to try Jack Daw, even if everybody says that it is hard to play.
  3. Got it. Thanks. What do you advise for a second master? Even not Outcast.
  4. Thanks guys for your replies. So it seems to be simple to run, but has a couple of things to make it a little more complicated, if you want. Am I right? If I want to get to just a little bit higher step of complexity, what do you advise as second purchase in addition to Von Schill box?
  5. Hi guys, I have been collecting some Malifaux miniatures since 2010, but never played the game before. Now I was thinking to give it a shot and I was considering to get the Von Schill box. My question is, is it a good box for a new player to start with? I am not new to tabletop miniatures games and usually I don't like lists/warbands/crews with really straightforward mechanics. Thanks.
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