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Posts posted by CrouchingMoose

  1. I've just downloaded the update for it.


    1 bug I've found is when you do Strat/Scheme generations the 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th cards for schemes are being generated as the same card. I have so far done about 20 generations of it and they are always 2 sets of the same card.


    CritterKiller32 nailed this on the head. I could have let people pick individual cards and generate from that, but personally if I was going to go about manually selecting 4 schemes, I'd rather just see the Schemes and not have to worry about cross referencing cards.


    I've also made a note to go in and specify that the 1st 2 drop downs represent the Scheme Suits while the 2nd set represent the numbers.


    Finally as you said, since I haven't had time to announce it yet. New version just went up today. If you previously downloaded the app, then you should have received an email telling you that the new version is up. Please go ahead and try it out and let me know what you think.

  2. I want to go ahead and thank all of you who have signed up and been testing the app for android. In less than a week, you have allready managed to break over 250 hours of testing, and provided some great feedback that I think will make the app that much better. I've included a lot of your ideas and have added a couple of my own as alternatives to your suggestions. I've got one little thing left to do and I'll be putting a new version up as soon as it's done.



    • Like 1
  3. I can see an old west preacher-type running around and decrying the evils of soul stones and such fitting into the fluff.  It does't have to be a crusade or a batch of fire-bombing templars.  Like I said earlier though, I can understand why Wyrd doesn't want to go there.


    Soooo.....The Exorcist?

  4. Guild McMourning doesn't get his test subjects


    I just checked this and it all looks correct. Make sure you're taking the 'On the Clock' upgrade or else they wont show up. Also remember that the upgrade only grants Zombie Chihuahua, Nurse, and Sebastian.

  5. You may be able to test Ausplosions issue by shutting down the app and then restarting it. (From the App settings area, or if you have a "multi-task" button on your device you may be able to close it from there). I was having a similar issue with my app until I put all the data into localStorage and tested it this way. Some devices are more...aggressive...on reclaiming space, as noted above, and that's all this is. (I think...)


    I kind of like the Central Settings page, which is accessible from all other pages. So you don't have to dig around to find the particular setting you're looking for, but you don't have to go anywhere to get at it either. 


    yeah, thats what I did (swapped from sessionStorage to localStorage). I've been testing it by turning off the phone and back on and it seems to be working


    Also, someone hire Mach_5 as a QA...the man knows how to provide solid feedback. :D


    His last suggestion makes me think of using NFC or BT to share data between devices. Just tap the button with the phones next to each other and BAM, everyone has a copy.


    I'm definitly going to (if I haven't allready) incorperate a lot of Mach_5's ideas. I might look into a way of sharing info down the road, but currently I'd rather focus on adding more functionality so the app is more useful.

    • Like 1
  6. @Moosey


    If you're using PhoneGap/Cordova, you can attach to the "backbutton" event on document to do what you need to do.


    Yeah, I did some quick digging arround and found the backbutton event. I've allready added that in and have got it working. It'll be part of the next rollout.


    I've also gone ahead and addressed the issue Ausplosions was having with stuff resetting when the screen goes blank (at least I think I have, he'll have to let me know if it isn't fixed). A few of the other changes people have suggested have allready made it in with a few more let to do before I make another release. I'm also happy to announce that I've gotten the ground work in for a 'Settings system'. What I'm curious about is, would people prefer settings to be handled and set from a menu option on each page, or 1 central 'Settings' Page that manages all pages.


    Personally, I'm leaning towards each page handling it's own, so you don't have to change pages to edit any settings. Just make your change and it happens right in front of you.

    • Like 1
  7. I love it, however I would like to see a way to show the info on the upgrade cards so we know what they do. Even if it is just a quick blurb about it. I think that would assist the newer players like myself who don't know all the upgrades and what they can do as well as people trying out new masters and don't know the master all to well. Even if it is a glossary added to an additional section of the app.


    Unfortuatly, while I would like to add something like this, it comes to close to infringing on Wyrd's copyright for my taste. I'd rather stay away from having as little model information in the app as possible with the exceptions being model costs, wounds, and stratgey/scheme information. Anything about model specific rules (even blurbs about what an upgrade does) feels like it might be stepping over the line a bit.


    First (unique) thought:


    - I know there is a 'back' button up top, but it would be nice if my hardware back button worked the same way. Currently, if I am in the crew creator and want to return to the menu, pressing my hardware back button takes me to my home screen.


    Most of what pops up in my head while I play with it are features that have already been covered (saving, tracking, etc). Making sure what is generated and created sticks around upon closing the app is probably the most important change to be made in this version. For what the app is right now I don't see a whole lot that needs changing beyond this.



    My device: HTC One running Cyanogenmod 11


    I agree with your idea about the back button. My device has the same issue, and while I've tried to figure out how to fix this, I haven't been able to figure it out. If I do figure out how to fix it, I can guarantee it will be in the next version.

  8. for now, just post any comments in here. I'm keeping an eye on the thread and it will be easier to find out what everyone as a whole wants rather than going through individual requests


    So far what I've seen is:


    • make the soulstone and pool font color more easily read. (not surpirsed at this TBH)
    • Schemes are reseting on screen blank out for some people. (I believe Ninjahamster hit the nail on the head with this one, but I've got an idea of how to stop this from happening)
    • Saving a crew and coming back to it (a long term version of this currently in progress, but I will make it so that just what is currently done is saved and reloaded between app uses.
    • Also, the scheme and stratgey is just like normal flipping for now (no ability to select which ones you are taking), but there will come a time when this will be able to send you to another page where you can keep track of an entire game (stratgey and schemes including which you took and notes, model wounds and conditions, etc). Unfortunatly, this is going to be later down the road.
    • Like 1
  9. I was just thinking this might be another suggestion, well it is who am I kidding. I'm not sure if anyone else is in the same boat as me, but I have so many malifaux models sometimes I forget if I have certain ones or not, is there anyway that we'd be able to make a "Collection" type page, then if you could load that model list in the crew creator you can make crews with what you have on hand vs everything all at once?! I know making an app is hard and I'm quite grateful for all the work you've put in already and will be putting in. It's just a suggestion and if you tell me to stuff it I'll gladly take that as an answer and still enjoy what you have brought forward so far.


    Thanks again, and can't wait!


    I'm definantly looking at something like this. Right now I'm working on getting the ability to save and load lists, which is a major stepping stone for getting a collection page up and running. Once I've got both of those done, it should be super easy to add in the ability to filter the crew creator by some criteria (ie. all models, models I own, fully painted models only)


    I'm sorry that I kept promising that this would be going up each night. I kept running into family issues and then ended up spending last weekend away from home with no internet. Tonight was my first sit down and relax hobby nights, so I'm getting a jump on this and just uploaded the Android version now. I'm going to post a link to the BETA version on the 1st post of this thread in the next couple of minutes

  10. Ok guys, please bear with me. I'm almost ready to put this up for android (iOS & WP8 will come in time). The one thing that is holding me up is this Splash Screen. Google's Nine Patch image system is great if your doing something with a solid background or a gradient, but not so much in this instance.

  11. Hey, sorry about the lack of updates guys, but this is still coming. I'm hoping to get the first round out either tonight or tomorrow. I've been hard at work switching the UI over to the new style and getting a new feature added in. I've also been doing a lot of travel and it's much harder to work on a laptop than my main computer at home. As a quick little thanks for your patience, I'm attaching some screenshots of what I currently have done. All that is left is the splash screen. Before that however, I'd like to give a great big thanks to all the work that SmoothWD40 put into this. He's responsible for the new, and easily much more beautiful look of the app.


    • Like 4
  12. I think far less awful than it used to be when I was writing it. 1.5 had tonnes of layered conditionals, and I was more or less hacking it together. Alex's version is far cleaner, and M2E's hiring is just less confusing, saying that you do now have upgrades and know the other Alex has fixed the Jack Daw issue a few times.


    I'm looking at that issue right now. The biggest issue I keep running into with fixing this stuff is I'm working on the mobile version at the same time which is just different enought to be a pain to remember what is where.


    Honestly though, I'm not looking forward to adding the 'Kill Switch' upgrade. I know what I'm going to do for it, but it's another on of those off the wall additions that makes things a pain.

    • Like 1
  13. Yes, Nathan gave me permission to go through with this as of last week. I've been swamped with another project I started while waiting to hear back from him, which is finished up now. I'm going to start talking with one of the graphics designers that messaged me and show them what I've done. I also want to get their input on what they would do to improve the look of the app before I send it out for a beta

    • Like 4
  14. Ok so quick update for everyone (I'll update the main post when I get a minute to do so)


    @everyone Right now my plan is to get some beta builds generated and put up this weekend. I'll keep you updated with how thats going.


    @solkan Yeah, my wife also suggested Test Flight as a means of distributing a beta app and from what I've seen it looks like it will do the trick for iOS devices, but not android. That's why I've found a system almost identical to Test Flight called Test Fairy, that does Android apps. Also I'm using Cordova to generate the apps so I only have to write code once.


    @ anyone with windows phone Since there seem to be so many of you, I'm going to to my best to support Windows phones as well. the Cordova API is supposed to be able to handle all of the major phone OS's and Windows Phone 8 seems to be no different. Microsoft has even setup a built in beta distribution into their store, so that handles how I'm going to do the beta


    @Fetid Strumpet I really like the name 'The Breach'. I'm gonna go with that for now. Thanks :lol:


    @Cats Laughing I like the idea of having a collection manager, as well as some kind of intergration into the crew creator, but I think it would be better if the crew creator filtered out models you dont have rather than highlighting the ones you do have. Could also add different filter levels (ie. All Models, Models I Own, Painted Models Only)

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  15. Hey sorry, I know that the Crew Creator is still behind on updates and I promise that they have been getting done. Somehow, there is some point between me and Ratty's email where I'm sending the updated files and he doesn't seem to be getting them. I've been keeping an eye out for him in the chat room because I know he tends to hang out in there from time to time and would be a good way to make sure I'm reaching him.

  16. It's something I can look into. I've actually been looking at ways the crew creator might be improved with new functionality, and that seems like it would be an easy addition. I'll let you know more when it's closer to being done.


    EDIT: Sorry, quick update. I took a quick break from what I was working on to do this and the next time an update comes out, this will be in there.

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  17. Hey guys, thanks for the finds. Sorry, but I haven't had a lot of time to work on these updates due to personal events going on. I will be back working on this sometime next week (after april 14th) and I will make sure all of these updates get in. I have been sending updated files to Ratty as I've gotten around to them. These updates don't seem to have been published yet, and I imagine that it is because he has also been hard at work on other things for Wyrd.

  18. My issue with your list is that it's low on models. I get that you want to use the big named models for outcasts, but with a low activation count, it will end badly (unless you're playing Reckoning)


    Depending What I was going against, I would drop Taelor or Bishop and the Malifaux child for 2 ronin and either hans or sue for 2 freikorps or void wretches. I would also consider replacing survivalist with stalking bisento.

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