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Posts posted by CrouchingMoose

  1. targetting Jack 6 times is all well and good, but you'll need 6 cards from your hand (and/or soul stones) to keep him alive as December's curse is magical.

    True but I've tested this twice now and have killed pandora after only 3 blasts...since pandora has 8 wd then rasputina can kill her with 2 medium blasts (2 dg) and a severe blast(4 dg). Jack is still required for this because he can stop pandora from doing damage prevention and healing flips with soul stones.

  2. Sweet. I thought there was something up with that, cause that game pandora didn't take any damage but my big comeback started with a massive damage spike on her and her sorrows, but once the sorrows were gone then I couldn't hit pandora any more.( where jack daw comes to the rescue). Now I feel much better knowing that pandora should have been really injured after that.

    thinking back on tihs makes me want to see if I can use rasputina to automatically get her overpower trigger when she's aiming at jack daw so that she can get up to 6 hits in on pandora from decembers curse with out pandora blocking any of it...espically since jack would prevent her from using soul stones to help herself.

  3. the first example is what happened...all sorrows and pandora were caught in the blast...each sorrow would receive enough damage to kill it, plus pandora would take medium damage from the spell (hit with severe decembers curse). As damage was being dealt. He move pandoras damage to a sorrow that was going to die from the blast anyway.

  4. So I was playing a game with this match up and had a question about how my opponent was using pandy...

    If I'm using decembers curse, targeting a linked sorrow, and pandy and all other linked sorrows are caught in the blast, can pandora move the blast damage off of her and to one of the sorrows?

    If not this actually makes me want to use the tactic of jack daw with the cheating aura getting in pandoras face and then being raspys cursing post...mabey with a silent one using north wind near her... this would allow you to cheat all day from 17 in away...then not worry about actually hitting or not since you can make jack forfeit on getting hit and then cheat the damage up from outside pandoras aura...plus pandora has to deal with jack who seems like he has a good enough wp to stand his own against her.

    Just kinda seems like a great way for raspy to take down pandora with out being walled by the wp checks and the resistance checks.

  5. I'm not certain about this myself, but the way I look at it is a stack system or triggered effects from mtg.

    When the closing phase starts, the game checks to see if leveticus died during the last turn. If so, eternally shackled activates and goes onto the stack, so you discard and draw (6) cards...then you start going through the normal start closing phase events (normal discard and shuffle). Then at they beginning of the next turn, you don't draw unless something to live for activates, in which case you draw 2 cards (regardless of hand size)

  6. So I've heard from some people that Ashes and Dust is super fast, but i'm just not seeing it. Like people say they can get Ashes and Dust to get the treasure counter back to their deployment zone on the first turn. How could they do something like this. And if the Master is important then I would like to know how I could do something like this with levi or Nicodem (although I could just use the necropunks). I'd just like to be able to make a defensive list that doesn't care about making sure the treasure gets back in 1 turn.

  7. So I have both Kirai and Nicodem whom I think both go very well together, however, their brawling strageties are a bit limited. So I'm looking at a McMourning...

    I don't really want to buy Mcmourning cause I really don't like the model,but I am considering fielding my newest model as a proxy of him cause I want to put him on the table so badly (when I get home, ill post a picture of the guy I'm wanting to use).

    I was wondering if McMouring paired up well with either of these (mainly nico) and if so would it be worth it. I allready have most of the resser models I want. The only ones I don't have are:

    nurses (not sure if I want these or librarian)

    flesh construscts (heard a lot of bad things and until I feel better I don't want them

    chihuahua (I'm thinking of using him as a 5th canine remains)

    sebastin ( getting because he's great with dogs).

    If I used Mcmourning would I be at a disadvantage for not having these guys?

  8. I also need a lot of help with Kirai but as for how to handle the seishen as scouts, i think i've kind of figured out because it surprised a bunch of people at the last tournament I went to. The seishen have an ability (Enslaved by Kirai, i think) that at the end of any model's activation, you may move it into base contact with Kirai. This counts for all seishen. Feel like one seishen is way to deep into enemy territoy or just got lured there. Pop it back out of the way.

    That being said, i agree that summoning ikiryo isnt doing much for me because when i do get it off, ikiryo rarely hits, when she does hit, its only ever been for weak unless i cheat it up.

  9. I haven't tried the trapper (although now I'm going to), Hans has always seemed very situational. I only see a use for him in defensive games. I place him behind some wall troops to stop him from getting in melee and alongside rasputina and a silent one, he starts shooting for like 4 or 5 on a weak attack easy. He seems to work pretty well as long as you are using him to defend something, otherwise I would just say use something else

  10. I thought it was more like he was willing to work for anyone for the right price, he's just not willing to hire any employees that could ask for rights...or health insurance...

    you know thinking about it, there should be laws against discrimination like that.

  11. So for masters right now I have kirai, nico, levi and raspy ( considering getting ramos as well for synergy) but the first 2 can use the nurse...I'm really big on only getting models that can fit with 2 or more crews and I was wondering if the nurse would be a good addition for kirai and nico.

    I know that this would mostly be for kirai and her I just half killed my self for summoning and I think the spirit nurse could fix that. However I also keep hearing about the freikorp librarian and that could fit in every crew (yay for mercinary)

    Which one you guys choose of those 2 and why?

  12. I kind of try and spread myself out but make sure that they synergize together.

    I got

    Raspy(looked cool)

    Kirai (also looked awesome)

    Nico (brawling with Kirai and resser synergy)

    Levi (undead synergy)

    Ramos (arcanist and levi synergy)

    This was so that I could get a good spread of gameplay types while also not having to get a lot of different models that I can only use with 1 master and might not even use all the time. So now every model I have can be used with at least 2 masters (except MZs, waifs, and Seishin)

  13. you may choose to have your models fail any duel. and yes, you can totally Lure your own models, as per the text of the spell. It does not specify "target enemy model."

    You can choose to have any friendly models fail a duel, however a defensive filp is still required. It just doesn't matter if the defensive flip is successful or not you can still pick the outcome, it only matter that you went through and used the fate deck for an outcome. This is a new ruling in the official errata under the resisting a duel section.

  14. I don't have the manual on hand so I can't look it up to be certain of everything,but I was wondering about counting mindless zombies as friendly units with nicodem around.

    The listing for mindless zombies says that they don't belong to a crew because they are neutral, but any mindless zombie within 12 inches of Nicodem is under his control. What does this mean for ownership? Can I count all mindless zombies as friendly if they are within 12" of Nicodem? Or are they still neutral with full control over them. Also, what happens to a mindless zombie that is within range of 2 Nicodems. Do I treat it as normal or does on specific on gain control.

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