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Posts posted by CrouchingMoose

  1. Either Channeling or Casting twice, just make sure that the Merc gets killed first because when the merc dies first, the graverobber dog says the merc drops a corpse as well. Which your new Gaki can pick up. Then when you kill the dog, the previous gaki is a graverobber who says the dog drops a corpse, which the new Gaki can pick up.

    This may seem pointless, but is in practice very awesome, because now, you have 2 Gaki with corpse counters that they can discard with their slow to die actions to get healing flips and stay alive. I've used gaki to tarpit some models with this trick, and its nothing more than doing things in the right order.

  2. About a month ago i decided to venture into playing the green skinned bumpkins and got myself a good sized collection. However I'm not sure what else to get or what my priorities should be

    Currently I have:

    Somer Box

    Ophelia box

    2 mosquitos

    3 young la croix

    1 egg hauler

    1 hog whisperer

    4 piglets

    So what should my next purchases be and what should i avoid. Also do i need any more slop haulers or is the 1 good enough?

  3. http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?28403-Nicodem-s-Embrace-Death/page3

    It was ruled here by keltheos that fresh meat, which is similar to purity, does affect nicodem. If this ruling has been changed i couldnt find it but yes it seems purity is allowed to push nicodem since at the time of checking to see if nico is living or nonliving, embrace death says nico can declare himself as undead for the purposes of purity or not. If he says yes im undead, then he becomes non living and is affect. If not, then he stays living and ignores purity

    As for the railworkers, iirc yes it affects them because it says are affected by abilities that affect constructs rather than may be affected by abilities that affect constructs.

    Rail workers are affected by things that affect constructs

    Purity affects nonliving models

    Constructs are non living

    Purity affects constructs

    Purity affects railworkers

  4. the easy to wound from scalding breath is only against the next strike targeting the model, so your are most times better off just doing a tiger claws and hoping for a mask, attacking all you can and than leaping out then leaving something "soft" for another model.

    Don't discount scalding breath and a very useful tool. It really was the workhorse bringing down that dead rider for me. Now, is it always the answer, no, but the ability to negate part of that hard to wound, plus ignore all armor, was huge. Scalding breath can be exactly what you need if your wanting the red joker for damage (it's in your hand) or your opponent has lots of armor which is Mei's best way of dealing with such things.

  5. I usually dont pass i spiritually empower models and send one forward. Then swirls spirits with that and a shikome. If it wasnt summoned then thats a bonus as you can nimble forward and usually walk twice into melee range and you now have fast if you are with in 4" of your prey. Then attack with a positive on attack and damage flips. If the target is fairly close ie turn 2 or 3 then cast spitual combination on her before she heads off and she can reactivate. Thats pretty filthy play though yo be fair lol.

    Something to remember about shikome is that they can never receive slow or paralyzed. So it really doesn't matter if they weren't summoned or not. You can still get the nimble plus the 2 walks.

  6. While Nix makes a great point about the dog killing list being diminishing returns (on a general basis), I have to agree with Gruesome that it depends more on what your wanting to accomplish. I have no problem with doing killing a lot of my own models early if the game dictates that it would be beneficial.

    What needs to be taken into account is how to increase the returns and get your points worth. In someone like aNicodem's case, he can easily turn 7 dogs into nearly double that worth of stones on the table. But he's a outlying case. Even with Kirai, I'll only take a canine and desperate merc, and with McMourning I'll take a single canine. You have to look at what they can do with the resources and be useful.

    Understanding that, Yan Lo can't use the corpses except to summon more Ancestors IIRC (someone correct me if I'm wrong), so he has no use for them until after one of the Ancestors has died and dropped it's corpses. (Yes, Yin drops corpses). So if you truly feel that you need Chi at the beginning of the game, take the 1 stone = 1 chi option over the dog, its more bang for your buck. The only time I would consider bringing the dogs with Yan Lo for killing turn 1, is if my opponent has Contain Power as his strategy AND I already had the 3 Chi from stones AND still had points left over to spend (so probably not going to happen).

  7. Come join us at Atomic Empire for our December Malifaux Tournament on Saturday the 15th


    Sat, December 15, 12pm – 5pm


    3400 Westgate Dr. Ste 14B Durham, NC 27707 (Atomic Empire) (map)


    Domination Scoring (TP/VP/Diff)

    3 Rounds of 30ss Games

    Fixed Factions

    Fixed Shared Story Encounter Strategies with Unique Schemes

    Prizes: 1st and 2nd places (could be more or less, but is dependant on number of participants)

    PM me if you are planning on attending so we can get a head count for setup and prizes.

  8. Make sure to take a Grave Spirit. +2 armour on Nicodem is amazing.

    Also, never forget the ability to sacrifice an MZ if the hit on Nicodem is a solid one.

    Is that +2 armor before or after Nicodem has manifested? I ask because the +2 bonus the Grave Spirit gives is only to undead, and nicodem is living until he manifests, plus his ability that lets him be treated as undead only works when hes targeted, and the grave spirits ability is not targeting him.

  9. Thanks, but I ended up being convinced to stay away from neverborn for the time being and help flesh out lady J a little while also grabbing some handfuls of little green skinned hillbillys since I've got both of the easter gremlins and no way to use them.

    I got alt sonnia with some witchling stalkers and an austringer for the guild, plus

    the Ophilea box and Alt Somer, bayou gremlins, couple of mosquitos, the hog whisperer, and piglets. Figured all of that would be a good starting point along side the war rooster and egg hauler.

  10. So with black friday sales here and running for the weekend, I find myself in a bit of a predicament. I just cant seem to figure out what else I should grab.

    Currently either in my possession right now or on my shopping / wish list is all of the following masters with well fleshed out pools of minions to pull from:





    Yan Lo





    Mei Feng




    Von Schill


    And with not so fleshed out minion pools: Lady Justice and Collodi (Mostly box set with models that were for other masters)

    So what I'm trying to decide on is what I should look into next, especially when almost everything I look at makes me think I'd like to try playing it. Right now I'm leaning heavily towards fleshing out my Dead Justice for my wife since she had me get it for Resser models for me and guild models for her, or maybe Collodi since I've only got his box and can only use him alone in a 15 point game without loosing stones.

    I've also been looking at several new masters including: Sonnia (with avatar, of course), any of the original 3 Neverborn ladies (including Pandora even though I know how much of a negative play experience she is and would be used purely for tournaments), Hamelin, or Gremlins (The last 2 of which I love the more I watch them even though every game I see with them has their opponent cursing them).

    So whats everyone's opinions?

  11. Something to remeber about Datsue-Ba is that she is also a model that can heal. I take her almost every game with Kirai and here's what I'm using her for in order.

    1. Turn 1, trying to turn canine and merc into gaki with corpse counters (important to remember because it keeps them alive much longer) or onryo.

    2. After that, she moves up or gets swirled up, to focus on healing the big players in my crew. She will also get moved in to deal killing blows to enemies, for more gaki/onryo on top of the seishen.

    3. If she is about to die, she will be sacrificed for something more necessary.

  12. I actually took rafkin a couple of days ago and really liked him. I was trying to hold him out late for a last ditch cover deploy for my claim jump as well as the numbers game for death after death. However i also took him knowing that hes not gonna be a super star...his job was to sit back with nico and toshiro and play a numbers game. With the extra healing, late game numbers drop and giving a mass of mindless zombies hard to kill, he was totally worth 7 points

    All in all, im of the same mind set as grusome and i will take rafkin if he fits what i need in that game, other wise i will take other stuff that does fill the role i need

  13. What I do is, rather than not playing stuff, I will force my self to take things that haven't been played recently. I will intentionally play stuff that is considered weaker choices just to have fun with it. (Unless I'm playing a more competetive level game. I will also keep track of all of my masters and wont play any a second time until they have all gotten a chance to be on the table.

  14. Atomic Empire (formerly Sci-Fi Genre) is reopening this week at its new location and is hosting a couple of events this weekend to celebrate. they are as follows

    Saturday 9/30

    Daylong Demo

    • 10:30AM - 5:30pm

    Sunday 9/31


    • 30ss Fixed Faction
    • Domination Scoring
    • 3 Shared Stratgies
    • Starts at 11:00AM
    • Free Entry Fee
    • In Store Gift Cards as prizes

    Contact information is as follows:

    Atomic Empire

    3400 Westgate Drive

    Durham, NC 27707

    (800) 918-3985

    Please PM me to let me know if you will be coming to the tournament if you have not allready so I can get a headcount.

  15. Ive been looking over all the new resser stuff and thinking its all awesome, except chiaki. Even with what Ratty said about her effect removing pulse, i couldnt wrap my head around her.

    Well last night it clicked that she is so powerful, she makes models previously thought to be useless into decent choices. Im speaking about nurses. Yes, the nurse is valid once again....and not just the nurse, but dog torpedo lists.

    Remember that the biggest flaw in the dog lists is nurses require sacrifice. Well what if you had 6 unkillable dogs that will be around each turn, what if the nurses slow for healing didnt matter anymore? The more i look at these 2 5 point models next to each other the more i think thats where they belong.

    This is still going to need more testing but i plan to look into this more tonight. Any thoughts?

  16. I typically find myself summoning ikiryo every turn (use absorb spirit on it each turn after its activated, then call it right back to the field)...then i use to summon something else depending on the situation. Usually id bring out a shikome turn 1 when it got prey immediately, but since that errata, i find myself being more reserved...what i find my self doing more now is picking an injured spirit and replacing it like i do with ikiryo, or swap it for something better like changing a weakened gaki into jaakuna if i need board control.

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