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Posts posted by Ratty

  1. If you target a friendly model with something that requires an opposed duel you can choose to relent with the defender. In that case only the attacker need to flip (to reach a possible TN or to get triggers) and the result is an automatic tie. But this is only an option, you can opt for the normal way when you want to reach a straight damage flip like in your case and cheat up or down both initial duel flips from your Hand as you see fit.

    Your better not relenting, so you make flips for both and can use a rubbish card from your hand on the Gamin.

  2. From the Newsletter, which went out to everyone on this forum



    When it rains .. it pours .. and then the tsunami hits and the shark-nado comes along just to join in on the fun and mayhem.

    Needless to say we have encountered large delays on our end causing an interruption of product and information to our customers, distributors and the stores they work with. We unfortunately have run into more than our fair share of issues that are out of our control but we are doing everything we can to mitigate the damages for all. The latest snafu has been our very large, fast, and sadly, expensive, shrink wrap machine has died a horrible death and finding competent techs was surprisingly difficult.

    In the mean time, we will be working the team over the weekend to make certain that the new releases below are ready to start sending out early Monday morning and we'll be pulling long hours to make certain all distributor orders are fulfilled as quickly as possible. Because of the delay we are lifting the street date and these are to be treated as release upon receipt of product. Those furthest out for delivery time will be shipped first so that the product arrives more or less at the same time.

    Please once again accept our apologies for these delays as well as delay in communication. We're now off to batten down for the upcoming kraken attack that someone must have inevitably released ...




    Shipping Now

    • WYR20601 - Som'er Box Set, The Bayou Boss - $45.00
    • WYR20205 - Punk Zombie (3) - $21.00
    • WYR20311 - December Acolyte (3) - $21.00
    • WYR20510 - Convict Gunslinger (2) - $16.00
    • WYR20705 - Dawn Serpent - $15.00
    Coming Soon

    July is a month for Minions and Mercs with 10 new plastic sets.

    • WYR20106 - Guild Guard - $16.00
    • WYR20109 - Governor's Proxy* - $11.00
    • WYR20112 - Executioner (2) - $18.00
    • WYR20210 - Bete Noire - $11.00
    • WYR20211 - Canine Remains (3) - $18.00
    • WYR20314 - Moleman (3) - $18.00
    • WYR20509 - Bishop* - $11.00
    • WYR20511 - Desperate Mercenary (2) - $16.00
    • WYR20512 - Hans - $11.00
    • WYR20605 - Bayou Gremlin - $24.00
    * These models are being fine tuned as they didn't meet our quality standards. Rather than sending out sub-par product we've pushed them off a month.

  3. The other thing to remember though he doesn't have to charge the closest model, he does have to charge, and he does have to charge in a Straight line.. so it is possible to block him.

    If for example the only legal target is an Ice Gamin... and that Ice Gamin is more than Killjoys walk from other models.. he's probably going to kill the Gamin, take the damage on killing and then be stuck out in the open to be blasted by Rasputina.

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  4. Thx, so I should try to keep him paralyzed and keep my distance? Does he/ it have any known weaknes that I can take advantege of?

    Just realised that I been a member of this forum since 2011, and this is my first post. I must really fear that ugly killjoy....

    Nope Paralyse him then beat him into the ground. You can normally take him out before he clears the Paralysis and gets to activate.

  5. It would be moved to General Discussion, but I'm pretty sure the Offtopic thread often talks about all kinds of other companies.... Pretty sure there has been some interest in AvP and Guild Ball recently.

    The thing is, I think almost all of us started at one point with GW (well at least the UK people). So any negativity comes from a place of having something you once loved, which you now see the cracks in. I don't think GW rules were ever particularly well balanced, or they were ever amazingly cheap. But you kind of gloss over those things if you have friends and are enjoying yourself. I don't dislike people for enjoying themselves that would be silly, it's their money and their time.

    When it comes to it the only issue really is the more people play other games the less chance I get to play Malifaux against them.

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  6. It really depends on crew.. normally I would say 8 of each as a good starting point, but Colette can get to the point where you could have 15+ Scheme markers in play. TBH Arcanists have quite a bit of Scheme generation so you might want to bump the number of Scheme counters up a bit. As for Corpse counters, you won't be using them, and most Rezers will bring their own, but it's not a bad idea to have some.

  7. Defintely Attack values are higher than Defence on average, the game is set up so things will be hit. A lot of the time, all you want to do is make sure the Damage is on a :-fate flip so they can't cheat and move on, rather than try to stop the hit entirely.

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