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Everything posted by xxXhayzelXxx

  1. He does have such a wonderful way with words *sighs, then dances by herself*
  2. Along the dark cobbled street, a young woman skipped. The young woman’s jet black hair whipped behind her, as the wind picked up speed. The moon was high in the sky and cast the shadows in eerie forms, making it easier for them to come alive in the girls head. One shadow man that had taken form began to follow the girl; she turned and held out her hand, which the shadow man took with glee. Along they walked the girl giggling, the shadow man silent as ever. He twirled her along the deserted lane, past the boarded up windows and doors, past the creepy trees, the deadened houses and along the dusty path to the castle in which the girl lived. She looked up at the Shadow man and sighed. As she waved her hand the man vanished, and as soon as sad thoughts of loneliness stole into her head, she heard the soft mew of her little kitten. Looking down at her feet sure enough there was Zebadee looking with concern etched over her little face. Giggling yet again, the woman bent down and picked up the kitten. With Zebadee cradled in her arms she started off along the path to her castle. But as she neared the huge wooden doors, she heard a rasping breath and movement in the nearby bushes. Not those mindless zombies again she thought to herself, and as to mirror her thoughts the beauty in her arms began to hiss. Placing Zebby on her shoulder she took out her spear and crept over to the rustling in the forest. Treading skilfully through the moss and twigs that littered the floor, she edged nearer to the rasping armed with her spear at the ready. Now one mustn’t be deceived. Ok here we have a young girl, with a spear that looks to have a lolly pop on the end. But many a fool has been slaughtered by this madam. Her hazel eyes are full of trickery; they can paralyse you if she senses you are a threat to her or her Kitten. The bountiful bosom resting on her chest heaving as she gets ready to pounce is just as transfixing. Her milky white skin looks as if it’s never seen the sun. Her blood red lips full and luscious. One such as herself could not cause as much damage as I say surely? You must be thinking. Just you wait and see... With one swift motion the spear is thrown into the bush and pins three zombies to a nearby tree. Zebadee jumps down and prowls the area for more threats while her mistress decapitates the pinned Zombies with her own hands as she giggles maniacally. “Oh Zebby, I wish we had more than just Zombies to play with!” Breathes Aveline, as she wipes her bloodied hands on her clean white apron. “Don’t get me wrong, but they are just too messy, I don’t like the clean up afterwards.” Leaning forward slightly so the cat could jump onto her shoulder, Aveline continued to dance back to her home, when a sorry sight caught her eye. On the floor, lay a rabbit all skin and bones, passed out. “Look at that! We have a new friend! Oh bless him, he must be so hungry!” She picked the little rabbit up and carried him carefully into the Castle. When inside, she cleansed the rabbit and carefully fed him the milk she saves for Zebby, much to Zebadee’s annoyance. Within moments the rabbit awoke and began to get restless. He writhed and shook in Avelines arms, but as she started to stroke his head and hum to him, he became less restless and actually rested into her embrace. The hunger he normally feels seemed to evaporate the more she comforted him. Even so, the food that was on the table had his stomach rumbling. Hearing the rumble made Aveline laugh, she placed him down and saw that he was eager to munch away. “Go on little man, eat your fill.” pushed his bottom towards the raw meat and vegetables that was awash on the wooden table. With almighty speed, the rabbit gnawed his way through the entire spread. When he had finished he peeped at Aveline and flinched as if he thought he was going to be hit. Eyebrows furrowing Aveline looked at the quivering rabbit and picked him up. “You’re a hungry little boy aren’t you? There’s nothing wrong in having a healthy appetite my darling don’t you worry. Would you like something else? Just wait here, Zebby, watch him for me” With that off she flew. Zebadee stared at the rabbit which began to retreat against the edge of the table. Within seconds she was back with the remains of the zombies she had mutilated earlier and placed them in front of the bunny. “Go on little fella, eat if you want.” She said with her soft musical voice. With that the rabbit munched his way through the remains. “That’s my boy, you shall be called Sheldon” she giggled with happiness as she watched him devour the entire table as well. Two months later and Sheldon had grown to about six foot. He loped around the castle grounds occasionally attacking whatever belle or zombie rambled near his domain. Nothing was going to get to his Mistress or his sister Zebadee, no sir. Waiting underneath the trees at the entrance of the dusty path the the castle for Aveline to come home from her day at work he felt uneasy as she was usually home by now, dancing along in the moonlight with a shadow man or two, Zebadee at her heels. Thumping his back leg nervously, the earth around him quaked with the vibrations he caused. Then he heard the most wonderful noise to his large fluffy ears, the musical giggle of his owner. She rushed towards him and gave him the hug he was waiting for since she left. Allowing her to climb onto his back, he loped off towards the castle, when he then sensed it, but he was too late. Aveline was hit square in the shoulder by the gun aimed at her by one of the Guild. Sheldon’s eyes turned blood red and with a nod to Zebadee, he charged at the group of guild seemingly hidden in the bushes to the left of the forest. Trees tumbled as they were knocked down by the raged rabbit, as if they were toothpicks. The guild members couldn’t move as the fear shook their core at the monstrosity came careering towards them. Sheldon jumped and his teeth ripped at the men, bones grinding, metal screaming, he devoured them on at a time. “Sheldon, come here!” Screamed Aveline with her hands bunched up into fists. This penetrated his haze of anger and his head turned to face a furious Aveline. Thinking he had done wrong he dropped the Drill Sergeant in his mouth and lowered his head. “Not you baby you’re a good boy, looking after me like that. Its just mummy wants to play. And it looks like the others want to play hide and seek Zebadee. So go play!” With a flick of her left hand they were enveloped in shadow and all three of them disappeared from sight. One by one the Guild came out, as soon as they did Aveline appeared out of the darkness, pounced on the nearest mans back ripped off his head, Zebadee distracted the others and for the finale, Sheldon. Leaving one alive and severely injured Aveline danced over while giggling at her challenge. “Now my dear, I think its best you go back to your master and tell him not to disturb me again, now would you like a sweet?” she whispered to the man, kissed him on the cheek and let him run away. Watching the retreating mans back, Aveline sighed, and headed over to her castle and shut the door.
  3. Greetings Dear Child! I am Hayzel and I am the (self pro-claimed) Neverborn Princess. I hope this msg finds you well. Should you ever have any need for some frivolous banter, or to discuss Neverborn love, send me a message.
  4. *giggles and grabs Nilus in a big neverborn hug* would you like a lollypop Nilusy???
  5. *giggles insanely* Iamwyrd you are adorable. Come and play??? *holds out hand*
  6. *giggles* Can i have a look at your pocketwatch???
  7. *snaps at Doctor* No one touches me! *bares teeth* I'll set Sheldon on you... *sucks lollypop*
  8. *mouth open in awe* goodness me! You are a creative genius! What fab work you have done! you deserve TWO lollies now.
  9. Dude, i so wanted to watch this film! It seems so funny!!!
  10. Well I am declaring myself Princess of the Neverborn so there
  11. Am rather confused, can i be a princess or not??? ::hmmmm:
  12. oooh! and *cuddles* for choosing Neverborn. Welcome to my neck of the woods. Want a lollypop??
  13. Or try Lilith, shes a nice starter Box to go for. She is well balanced and works well with just about anything. But then I'm a little biased as I LOVE HER! Good luck!
  14. your funny! Mr E I am a little hurt that you could conjure up such a thing to make me unreal. Don't worry though I won't hold it against you. Just won't offer you any more of my sweeties Ratty, you are superb. But I assure you Mr E is not Jim Carey. Sorry to get your hopes up. And as for us beating everyone. I try not too, otherwise I have to deal with sulky males at my club. And can't be dealing with that!!! Hope everyone is having a fabulous day
  15. *giggles* no silly, Mr E is Eric J. I have a baby version of him because i cant have him as my pet.
  16. Im not! I suck at painting. However i do rule at creating characters! I have been tampering with a few of my own recently (with Master Karns wondrous help) I may post them on here when i think they are good enough... What should i do Master??? (oh for all those who are wondering how my baby Mr E is getting on, hes doing fine. )
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