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Everything posted by xxXhayzelXxx

  1. Check you out, i can barely breathe and look at the same time.... even then i forget to breathe.... (its true... ask Pat)
  2. Is that a hatchet i spy??? *throws over some bacon on a fishing wire and waits*
  3. Awhh nighty night dear *hands you a blanket and a teddy* sweet dreams...
  4. *regurgitates abs then swallows him down again, repeats this process until abs gets ill*
  5. Lol, *clicks fingers and makes steam into an actual woman* there you go, just felt it odd with you being in me....
  6. You see i can grow or shrink depending on my mood. So if i wanted to be taller than you then i can be... Just because i portray myself as an innocent flesh eating sweet neverborn princess, doesnt mean im small....
  7. *coughs and pats Abs on the shoulder* ahem... i think you mean the world is mine abs...
  8. lol meh not really. Im working but so unmotivated its unreal. I just cant be bothered.
  9. awh chickie, i probably wont be up tonight, im all tuckered out by 10 nowadays.
  10. Awhh! bless him!! *feeds the hungry teddy lots of sweets, puts him down and watches him run around like hes on speed, and giggles*
  11. okay will let you off Fell just cuz i like you mind... @ Pat: Hey honey hows you doing? What time you working today?
  12. Ahh Fell i was only going easy on you as well! Well, working is boring, in here is boring. So that must mean I'm boring... nooo fricken way!
  13. At least im actually at work... *hurt, sits on throne ignoring Abs now*
  14. No, no fun.. im at work supposed to be working... but cba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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