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Everything posted by immorfeus

  1. thanks orboros! Now my question is why the hell would they make that table insert for the 50mm base when it oviously should be on the 40mm base?? oh well.
  2. Yeah I know it's a stupid question but I can't remember what size base he belongs on. I think it's the 40 mm base but the morgue insert with the table is the 50 mm base which is why I ask. Thanks for the help so I can get this guy built.
  3. ok someone please give me an answer to this..."Can spirits walk through walls?" or even better what can/can't stop a spirits movement?
  4. Are we sure about this because i'm pretty sure that you can since if something has slow to die you can heal them with that (1) action and they stay alive...?
  5. yeah it's on the top of page 34 in the "Rising powers" book? ok just saw in another post that they took away that rule... so then i guess it does work.
  6. Does that still work with the rule of equality thing? Like can the datsu-Bo kill something with weight of sins, summon a spirit off it and still have a corpse token created?
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