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Lord Shaper

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Everything posted by Lord Shaper

  1. played in a little tournament today... 4 people so we did a round robin and I managed to take the day 3-0 with no win lower than 7 points! Great day for Puppet Justice!
  2. I love what you've done with Tara... where did you get the cactii from?
  3. I've been busy... currently working on a Puppet Lone Marshal Conversion... Here's a WIP I'm trying to figure out what colour to do the bird
  4. Woohoo! My Lucius made it into the chronicles!
  5. I'm amazed you're putting up with it... I would have turned around and said something by now
  6. They seem to be interesting games... I'm thinking of them as one of those palatte cleanser games which can get you doing something different... I yet have to read the rules for them but Ebonstar from the SoCal Malifaux group recommended it to me
  7. Lussuria did I point out to you the Malifaux Australia facebook group? Well there's people from all over there! ---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 PM ---------- Ronin is a Samuri wargame in the style of Seven Samuri and In Her Majesty's Name is a Steampunk based Victorian SciFi game Both from Osprey and only about 60 pages each... You can make your own themes and there are no base sizes or official miniatures you need to use. As for X-Wing I ordered the Crow, Bomber and B Wing... I'm going to pick up some more Bombers, B Wing and the shuttle locally (tho I can take a 90 minute drive to get to the Combat Company when they open the warehouse)
  8. The Combat Company got my X-Wing stuff in yesterday and my copy of Ronin from Osprey arrived today... Now all I need is In Her Majestys Name to arrive and find out when my Zombicide Season 2 is going to ship!
  9. but they turn out soo good... go on keep building...
  10. Nah but I was at a tournament so I spent lunch going to find glue to fix her!
  11. That reminds me I have to touch up the paint on my Avatar Sonnia who was knocked off the table
  12. Nice Gamin and Golum! I was looking at using those bases as well but I went a different way heh
  13. Either a Blogging Site like blogger or a website backend like I used on lordshaper.com and talesfromthewarzone.com
  14. I'm just leaving for work so I'll do it when I get home
  15. It's the Gencon exclusive for the Super Dungeon Explore Board Game... which I still have to pick up!
  16. Fantastic work there... Great inspiration
  17. Ohh another Australian in here..! Games Empire is one of my local stores and the guys are great.. I get most of my paints from them as well as card sleeves and board games. Also check out the Combat Company (combatcompany.com.au) who are a great group as well. If your into Malifaux and on Facebook I run the Malifaux Australia group on there where we have people from all over
  18. So you conformed and cut your hair then... I've had my hair long since the mid 80s!
  19. Have I inspired you with my many years of tattoos!
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