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Posts posted by bigstupidfighter

  1. Perdita's a pretty simple Master, Francesco and Nino don't have anything tricksie to learn and none of her units are anything too convoluted as far as running them well goes. You aready have Ophelia though so you probably don't want her.

    Seamus is nice because he's difficult to kill, especailly for a newbie player, so whoever is using him will have good survivability, Belles are only 4ss, have 8 wounds and hard to Wound.

    The Arcanists are all easy to screw up, so are the Outcasts for the most part. I'd recommend Nicodem as well for a resser possibility, McMourning is a bit trickier as he and his boy Sebastian rely on Triggers which are easy to forget.

    This is just off the top of my head, without really looking at the book at everyhitng everyone has, so take it with a grain of salt. Lillith is pretty easy starting out as she only has a couple of tricks but they're very good ones.

  2. Well there are a few threads out there about what various faction play like, I'm sure someone will link you one but in the meantime-

    Ressurrectionists as a whole tend to need a highish model count because they are summoners. Seamus is probably the least demanding his way as he can only summon Belles. Aside from his boxset, you'll probably want Canine Remains as they can be killed and their corpses used to make Belles, plus they're just damn useful in general. The Copycat Killer is a must because it's just too awesome.

    The upside to ressers being summoners is that they get great use of each other's models. Since McMourning can summon big smashy models, it's nice to have somthing lik Belles on hand for him to start with. Nicodem and Mortimer can both summon Belles, in fact for Mortimer Belles are one of the best options.

    So in summary, Ressers need a highish model count, but Seamus needs the least of anyone, and adding more Masters to your collection is as easy as picking up their box set because they get so much use out of one another's models.

    So yes, Seamus is probably a pretty good choice of first master.

  3. Using Time to Prove Myself against Neverborn makes their damage line 4/5/7, more if they flip a ram. Seems really high for a 4ss model, but what the hell Death Marshals can do that with Finish the Job and no one's crying foul so it's probably ok.

    (0) 2nd cousin doesn't mke sense to me. Having Companion lets you activate after the currently activating model, so this doesn't do anything for you. Did you mean to have:

    (0) 2nd Cousin: Target freindly Family model gains Companion (family)

    That would allow them to activate one after the other like real Ortegas.

    Overall I really like the idea of this model, it's strong enough I would consider running some in a game, but not so powerful it makes me want them more than any of the Unique models.

    Changes I might make:

    Remove Stubborn

    Add Prejudice: This model gains +2 wp in duels where it is the defender against Neverborn and Gremlin models.

    Let Time to Prove Myself and Neverborn Hunter work against Gremlins as well.

    The reason I would do this is that effective wp8 is just way too high for a 4ss model, since wp tends to scale with ss cost. They hunt Gremlins as much as any other Neverborn, so their specail bonuses should apply to them too. Might even reduce their base wp to 5.

    I also like the idea of them having something similar to the Slop Hauler's Betcha I kin' Hit It, although I don't know what I'd have them give up for it.

  4. The lost time is the downside to this list for sure, it's what I was trying to avoid with the Blood Shaman, although recently I've discovered it isn't working quite as well as I thought it would. He still lets the team catapult itself up 8" on the 2nd turn, which combined with the already fast Nephilim crew should get you where you need to be most of the time.

    As for the "growing" crew getting creamed on turn 1, this has been discussed before but my opinion is still that it shouldn't be a problem. I've only tried this growing tactic out once, but the time that I did was against Perdita and her Papa Bomb, supposedly a "problem crew" that could do serious damage on turn 1, and I smoked it.

    This new list is definitely a viable alternative to the one I originally posted, especailly now that the BBS's usefulness in the crew has been reduced. I'd still consider keeping the Shaman in for the added speed.

    So at 30ss, Whatsicle can field by the start of turn 2, with few or no wounds on your models:

    2 Mature

    2 Young

    1 Nekima

    This is definitely the most damage output available of any idea so far, though it is admittedly even more AP intensive, and requires Lillith to use Blood from Stone.

    I think the sheer killing power of the "growing" team will outweigh the ability to be further up the field on turn 1 in most games, but you have to consider that Whatsicles team is spending much more on growing up his army than I was, so it's debateable which one of us has a truly more "efficient" list. I wrote my original one up the way I did specifically excluding Lillith as part of the strategy to make it Master-neutral.

    On an unrelated, it deserves mentioning that just growing a bunch of Young Nephilim is much less blood-counter intensive than growing Mature, and Nekima can help then to trigger Flay bringing their damage potentail way up. They're still more fragile but it's a legitimate option. I'm thinking of editing in an alternate version of the trick for this into the first post. I think the 30ss list would look simething like:

    Nekima 13ss

    4x tots 12ss

    2x Desperate Merc. 4ss

    Nekima does her buffs and sits tight, yes you have to waste her turn on this unfortuneately. Tot A kills a Merc, Grows and has to sit put as well. Tot B Grows, kills second Merc with Melee Expert, and moves up. Other tots Grow, move up. Lillith and Zoraida are both capable of mjoving your units from this point. I think this is a good hybrid for when the full-on "Growing" list is too slow, but the "traditional" list doesn't pack enough punch.

    /rant. Summary: Young Nephilim are the word of the day!

  5. Wodschow: You're right the healing, I must have misread the errata at some point. Thanks for catching that, I edited it out. While free healing would be nice not having it doesn't really change any strategies, so no harm done. Lilitu being able to heal themselves is a pretty big deal though, it makes them much more attractive for use in lower SS games.

    I'm a little confused as to what you mean by Lillith not benefiting from being a Nephilim, afaik the only thing she can't use is Nephilim Heart, which is admittedly a very important one.

    Chocobo, on the subject of totems, I personally like the Cherub since it's a Nephilim, but I could see using primordial magic too. Student of Conflict seems a little outdated to me since BBS can give Fast as a (1) action and has great synergy with Matures, but I suppose its useful if you can't proxy. I'm going to be very happy when the new Nephilim arrive, unfortuneately that may not be for awhile since Wyrd seems to like to get out their boxsets first :(

  6. The Blood Sense ability allows you to get a Blood Counter from a model even if Drain Blood was used on it according to a ruling in the RoE thread. So you can get two real blood counters pllus a corpse counter from the death of a 30mm base model.

    Damaging and subsequently healing your own models also works. In addition to the Blood Shaman, Lilitu also does healing and Nekima provides Regeneration, so there's plenty of heals to go round if you want to go that route. It's not what I was doing in this example however, perhaos I should take a closer look at exactly how efficient this can be.

    EDIT: Rathnard has stolen my mojo! My plans are covered in gooey pink death! Tots cannot grow via Corpse counters, this could be an issue but I will work it out. In the morning thouh, its 1am here.

  7. Along the lines of screwy lists, I think an exaggerated Papa Bomb with Zoraida would be fun.


    Papa Loco

    Pere Ravage


    Bad Juju

    Don't have the book to look up SS costs, it'd be a little high bcause of the out-of-faction hiring tax, but this would be hella fun. Blow the enemy to hell with Papa and Pere and then have Bad Juju spawn right in the face of your opponent's battered army, with Zoraida providing backup via Conduit.

    Model count could be a problem for schemes, but if you don't mind proxying you could always have Z summon Wicked Dolls, they're not Insignifigant around her.

  8. Oh, I meant he picks up a corpse counter, I'll go back and edit that. Blood shaman uses corpse counters as blood ccounters.

    I'm fairly sure the wording on Instinctual is not meant to prohibit casting the same spell twice with it, I could be wrong though. I think I'll edit out the whole blood in the air thing anyway, it just adds to the length of the post.

  9. Nephilim. In Book 1 they moved fast, hit hard, evolved and full healed, and were often considered a wee bit overpowered. In Book 2 they got more love than they could have asked for, and I think we will be hearing many more stories of defeat from those who have to deal with these supremely maneuverable monsters.

    I’m aware that there is already a Lillith tactica on these boards, but I’m looking to make a thread more akin to the Outcast Tactica thread, going through uses of models one by one. I’m going to put them forth in an order that I think will make for the easiest read-through, which will of course most likely make my thread a convoluted mess of half-explained ideas. For the record, everything below can be considered IMHO.



    Nekima: I choose to start with Nekima because she is, to me, the heart and soul of a Nephilim crew, moreso than any Master or henchman currently in print. Nekima’s use depends largely on what other models you’re running, but her role is generally to stick close to the main army, providing powerful buffs in addition to her own considerable combat prowess to take out the enemy forces. I won’t say any more about her here as she will be winding her way in and out of my theories about how other models should be used.

    Terror Tots: I tend to think of Terror Tots as my supply line. They are fragile and need to be kept safe from enemy attack, but at the same time need to be near the front lines to provide support by turning into more powerful units. They should be near Nekima since without her casting Grow can be problematic. When a Tot does leave Nekima, it is probably going to be because you need to accomplish an objective and a more important unit cannot be spared for the job. Terror Tots are particularly good at this because Nekima vastly improves their Sprint spell, and they can be given flight in a pinch. If push comes to shove, remember Nekima can give them +masks to attack, making them auto-trigger Flay on their attacks.

    Young Nephilim: The backbone of the Nephilim army, the Young should stick to Nekima because she can allow them to trigger Flay 100% of the time, giving them the same damage as Mature. They have two major functions- first, they can stick to Nekima and act as standard infantry units, hopefully Matureing during the fighting. Second, they can act as shock troops, using Diving Attack to hit the opponent in unexpected places. Between Flay and Melee Expert a Young can be relied upon to take out enemy scouts quickly and then rejoin the main army, or to draw enemy attention allowing the main army to move about unhindered. Young Nephilim should usually be grown from Tots, so their death is a minor setback.

    Mature Nephilim: Tall, dark, and ugly, these guys get it done. Unlike their smaller brethren they have little need of Nekima’s support, and are thus the best choice for dealing with threats too far out of the way to hit with the main army. Diving Attack lets them get the drop on their targets more often than not, but even if you have to come out take a few hits that’s OK, 10 wounds and Armor 1 should protect them from most onslaughts. Don’t make the mistake of thinking these guys aren’t expendable- if one dies, another can always be promoted up from the ranks.

    Black Blood Shaman: The obvious use for BBS is as a support unit for the main army, but it is perhaps the most versatile Nephilim. Early in the game it is good for improving the overall speed of a Nephilim crew by going out first and using Blood in the Air to summon the rest toward it. After that they make the perfect partners for Mature Nephilim since they can be Carried easily. They are by no means slouches in combat due to their poison, and with access to blood counters they become absolute terrors, good at healing, killing, and buffing. As Silver Chocobo once said, Mature Nephilim should never have fast! Nekima can also be used with them to great effect, as she lets them automatically pull off Bloody Mess, getting their blood counters back for free. The bottom line on these guys is that they are just plain hard to fit into smaller lists, but if you can afford them their uses are endless.

    Malifaux Cherub: Worthy of note as the only Totem Nephilim, this little guy is only available with Lillith and works reasonably well with his brood. Nekima and her +masks to casting is probably the only thing relevent to him, but its possible for him to survive when attacked due to Dissappear, which makes the ready availablity of healing in the crew very nice fo him as well. I would consider him as a cheap alternative to Waldgeist/Hooded Rider(discussed below) since he can spam Illusionary Forest every if you want him to.

    Warning! Theoryfaux ahead! I have not used Lelu and Lilitu in actual games!

    Lilitu: Unique on the Nephilim list, Lilitu specializes in bringing the enemy to you rather than the other way around. Combined with her 4” melee range and powerful healing abilities she becomes an excellent support unit even at the steep price of 7ss. Combined with Nekima a Lilitu can keep herself healed without a Lelu on the map, allowing you to use tots instead of Lelu and evolve them when you get a 12 or 13 in hand. As written, they are insane with Nekima, as if they have line of sight to a model they can Lure it in and continuously trigger Double Take for terrific damage output. There’s an entire thread on whether this needs errata here- http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15042

    Lelu: Aside from their obvious capacity to keep Lilitu from withering away into nothing, these guys pack a serious punch. To make up for their lack of flight and Diving Attack they have remarkable healing capabilities, meaning if your opponent wants them dead they have to put serious effort into killing them, making them exellent decoys. They are a halfway point between Young and Mature as far as general tactics go- kept near Nekima they can trigger Flay consistently, but even when going solo they may still activate and be healed along with Lilitu.

    Special Mention- Enslaved Nephilim: It’s important for Perdita players to remember her totem is a Nephilim. I played a game once where I was hiding behind illusionary forest, late in the game I commented that the Enslaved Nephilim could see through the forest since the ability did not specify Friendly Nephilim, and though I won that game, my opponent and I both agreed it might have gone differently if he had known that from the beginning his totem had LoS to my stuff. If you’re running Dita, be sure to know which abilities affect it and which ones don’t! Also, I think it would make a cool Lelu proxy, but that’s just me.



    The Women Behind the Nephilim-

    Lillith: The obvious choice to lead her own brood, Lillith does indeed have a great deal of synergy with her children. Since both she and her totem are Nephilim all the tricks you’re using to help your units apply to her too, and Drain Blood and Blood from Stone can provide more fuel for your army. The downside of Lillith is that she is a mobile melee killing machine, which is something the Nephilim already have in spades. Transposition and Earthquake let you engage the enemy that much more efficiently. There’s a while tactica for her here- http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=9302

    Zoraida: A viable option for leading the Nephilim crew, Zoraida has little synergy with her own crew so she loses nothing by trying to lead the Nephilim. She’s especially good at getting those hard-to-reach enemies via conduit, and using Obey to finish off an enemy or help a wayward Nephilim rejoin the pack. In addition to this she is good for accomplishing objectives because she is very mobile and can summon Stitched Together to pad your model count for strategies like Claim Jump or Reconnoiter. For me her main selling point is she does not need additional SS, and she gets her totem free, meaning I have more SS leftover to buy Nephilim when playing her.

    Pandora: Haven’t played her myself, but Lilitu and to a lesser extent Nekima and Matures cause quite a few wp duels. Add that to the fact that lelu and lilitu are Woes and she looks like she has potentail as a Nephilim leader, but that’s just theoryfaux from me.

    Other units of note:

    Desperate Mercenary: If you intend to cannibalize your own units for blood counters, these guys are the cheapest option available, period.

    Waldgeist/Hooded Rider: Good for protecting your forces from ranged attacks on maps with limited cover. The Waldgeist is cheaper but really only works if you have Lillith to make Illusionary Forests. The Hooded Rider is powerful in combat, keep him on Night mode to protect your army. Good Rider thread found here- http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15534

    Everything Else: Many neverborn models are extremely powerful and may be tempting to add on the crew. In general I would advise against including non-neverborn models without a good reason, since they won't synergise with the rest of the crew. Nekima synchs well with anything that targets wp, but if you're hiring something like that its probably in place of Lilitu who does synch up. I think with all the new units provided in Book 2 there is very little incentive to marry outside the clan. (Does anything I say make sense?)


    Strategies and lists:

    I’ve written out what’s probably the most efficient way to grow your tots into Mature Nephilim on turn 1 here- http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15209 It needs to get cleaned up a bit, I will do so when I can.

    I will try to keep any relevant (and reasonably short) strategies posted by others in this thread here as well.

    Well, that's it for me. I'm curious to see what people think of my uses of the Nephilim crew, particularly whether others agree that Nekima is almost an aouto-include for a Nephilim list. Hope you enjoyed this small tactica about that elite sub-faction we know and love. :feedback:

  10. Generally onw type of effect doesn't clash with another.

    Only 1 Summon per death.

    Only 1 Card Draw per death.

    Only 1 of any kind of counter for a 30mm base eath.

    But none of these clashes with the other, so you can have a new skeeter and a card draw. I think Larva sacrifices the target so you wouldn't get any corpse counters.

  11. Where does it say in the rulebook you must have the appropriate miniature to use a model in a game? Wyrd allows and in fact frequently encourages creative proxying. Just because certain TOs don't want to allow proxying does not mea that that is an officail rule.

    As for whether nicodem works that way, remember he is not listed as unique in the book. He has an ability that allows him to choose to be affected by spells that affect undead as if he were Undead. Reanimate is such a spell, so while you may argue that it shouldn't work this way, without him being Unique(which at the time of that thread he was not officailly) you have to at least accept that the rule is debateable. Yes I realize that it is moot now :)

  12. There is a rule that says you may only hire 1 Henchman per Master, but hiring rules do not apply to models summoned in game.

    There was a similar question asked awhile back about whether Nicodem could summon himself, since he is a non-spirit Undead and in the book Masters are not listed as being Unique. On their stat cards they are however, and I imagine Henchmen will be listed the same.

    The rules as they stand though, I do not believe there is anything stopping this from being legal until her stat card comes out with Unique printed in big bold letters on the front, or an officail ruling is made.

    I would say that this is clearly an oversight, but then I would have said that Nekima+Lilitu Lure combo was clearly an oversight ad that is apparently working as intendid, as is Mobile Toolkit+Collette triple tomes casting combo.

  13. Couldn't Lilith, in a Lilith vs. Nicodem, transposition one of Nicodem's zombies with a Vulture perched high above the battle field, in impassable terrain?

    You, sir, are a genius. That's a very nice 1-AP way to eliminate a model, although admittedly it would still be on the map which could be an issue for reconnoiter or similar things. Very situational since it only works against one master and one type of terrain.

    On a similar note, since Lillith makes frequent use of flyers, she could transposition enemy models with her own flyers that are on hazardous terrain. The default damage for hazardous terrain is something really high and there's no defense dlip. 3/4/7 I think but I don't have the book. There's autokilling terrain out there too, bottomless pitts and such. So if you have the oppurtunity to pick terrain (by the book you are supposed to be placing half the terrain off of a usually fairly long list) this could definitely be an interesting tactic to try out.

  14. As for making freinds by doing this... it sounds hilarious to me. I'd be a little annoyed that my 7ss model went down so easy if it was killed this way, but there are way more douchey things to do in Malifaux. I think the Papa Bomb is worse than this in terms of power, and this is actually funny. No one seems too upset over Papa Loco, so I don't see you alienating yourself by doing this. Plenty of things can get a cheap kill in specific situations, this is just another one

  15. Well, here's a question for you- can Mature Nephilim achieve sustained flight? There's no fluff about them (unless there's some in the chronicles) so there's no way of knowing:dontknow:. Young Nephilim certainly could not fly at all on the tiny wings they have exept via magic or strength unlike anything in existence. Mature Nephilim aren't doing much better honestly, their wings are a lot bigger but their bodies are too. Maybe the best they can do is jump really high and glide.

    Any model that did have sustained flight would present many more problems than this. For example they could fly too high to bee attacked in melee, or ranged for that matter, on turns when they weren't diving down to pick up counters or kill things or whatnot. So my assumption is that Malifaux models either can't fly properly, or simply choose not to because they would be too high to attack anything or interact with the battlefield in any meaningful way for objectives and whatnot. Anything flying up that high would simply not be part of the encounter.

    Actually that reminds me of a game I had years ago, still have the pieces around somewhere, in which there was a paratrooper model that was not deployed at the beginning of the game, but could join in at any time after the 2nd turn or something like that. Wyrd already has some similar rules for bete and Killjoy, it'd be neat to see them applied to a flying model. Perhaps the model could take an (all) action to fly into the air again, causing it to be "buried" and be able to re-deploy again later in the game.


    EDIT: come to think of it, Bad Juju's rules are basically what it would need, plus an (all) action that allowed it to bury itself, and subsequently be allowed to come in again starting on the next turn.

  16. I personally don't believe the Hooded Rider has a place in a Nephilim crew, at least not on anything resembling a regular basis. Nekima makes it easy to grow Tots up by cannibalizing your own units, making Young or Mature way cheaper than they should be and thus pretty much outclassing other fast beats models. In bigger games BBS can be used to make this even easier, and don't forget Nekima makes Young Nephilim near her aoutomatically trigger Flay, putting their damage at the same as a Mature which can be a good thing in smaller games where you need more models for accomplishing objectives.

    Lilitu as written now will simply eat many crews alive when paired with Nekima, basically anything that isn't good at crazy long-range charges (I'm looking at Lillith, Perdita w/ Papa Bomb, SPAs, probably a couple more I don't know about) will get eaten alive by them, and lelu provides all the melee support they need at the cost of a 3ss Tot and a 12+ cdard from your hand.

    I know this is blasphemy, and I'm not speaking from experience, but maybe, just maybe, LCB could have some luck with this guy. After all he is fast and hard to hit from a distance, he could go in the direction LCB does not, he's sturdy enough to survive on his own, so he could be good for accomplishing/denying VPs since while LCB is very fast, he can't be in two places at once. Immune to Influence is a big turnoff for Pandy and Zoraida but then I hear tell that teddy gets played so why not this guy? It could really go either way with them.

  17. I've used the Rattler with Tina and though I lost the game, I would have won if it had ended on turn 6 instead of continuing. Rattler was my MVP for sure, it's fast and could rip through a Belle (I was fighting Seamus.) Cerberus is a powerhouse but tends to draw fire, and once it gets hurt it's pathetic. I know the Cerberus is popular and I'm intentionally playing devil's advocate here, but I think the Rattler potentailly has a place on a Tina list. I'm not a bug fan of Gamin, so I might go something like:


    Essence of Power





    My reasoning for my changes:

    Myranda vs. Rattler: Myranda can shapeshift into a Rattler if need be, and can also heal an injured Cerberus which is very important.

    Moleman vs. Gamin: I'm just straight-up not a big fan of the Gamin, keep your one Gamin alive if you can, and use the Moleman to go for objectives (he's absolutely beautiful for this) or to get all up in the face of a unit that doesn't want to be in melee.

    Downside of my list is of course it's a little more complicated to run, and requires you to buy Molemen in addition to the two boxes. Even if you don't want that expense I'd still go for including Myranda, she's an awesome unit.

  18. I think it's interesting that you would have won had the game ended on turn 6. It's happened to me before when I lost the fighting but was still able to manuever in for objectives... feels pretty good until that 10+ gets flipped. (I was going to put a happy face here, but the random smilies on this site aren't giving it to me and I don't feel like opening up the full list. So to fill the void, here's Huan the Magnificent! :juggle:

  19. I think most of the Book 2 stuff is balanced with the better Book 1 models. This makes Book 2 seem pretty powerful, but honestly, if you balanced them any other way, people wouldn't need to buy the new stuff, and the company would die.:bawling:

    Book 1 masters should still be relevent, but some may have trouble keeping pace without access to some new models of their own. Since Nico can't summon spirits, maybe consider starting with a few. Also there are some Mercenary models from book 1 with magical hammers that do full damage to spirits. All in all though I have to agree with Karn, Kirai is always going to be diffuicult for Nico since she can eat corpse counters and he has very little to use against spirits.

    To address the larger question, generally I think Book 2 Minions are above the book 1 curve, particularly the Neverborn models. As for masters, Collette worries me, she has top-notch defense, upper-tier maneuverability, and mid-to-high stopping power from what I see. Aside from Collette though, I honestly think I see some Book 2 Masters having trouble keeping up with the Book 1 masters, assuming the Book 1 guys have access to their new toys. Henchmen strike me as generally lackluster masters, LCB has very weak defenses, Hoffman has lower-end defenses for a melee master. Kirai is the exeption, I think she's just right, with strong but not overwhelming tricks capable of giving any Book 1 Master a run for their money.

    All the above is of course IMHO, I'm by no means the last authority on this game or any other minis game.

  20. Wow, seeing that list all put together is... wow. I knew there were more Constructs+Undead than living models in the game, but it's different from seeing the list there. I hadn't even been thinking about the fact that Levi has access to Henchmen from other factions for one thing.

    I noticed you missed some Rare ratings, Dead Rider is Unique, I think Rouge Necromancy is Rare 1... I'm sure there are more.

    Also it has been ruled that Masters teaming with Leveticus in Brawls are allowed to bring their own totems, by extention I would assume this applies to Henchmen as well, so you should add those Totems to the list... don't have a book in front of me but I know the Arcanists have at least 3 Construct totems and I think the new Resser totem is undead.

  21. I haven't played them, but the Alps seem a bit overpowered, a little moreso with LCB.

    The reason I see them being tough to fight is, against LCB as Karn mentioned earlier clumping up is a good defense. Against Alps though spreading out seems key. So I see how that could leave you in a sticky situation. I don't see this being the next OMG cuddle PLEASE WYRD thing though, what you have to remember is that, the new masters are powerful yes, but the old masters have new models to add to their crews. Like any game with collectible pieces, getting more options will make your Crews able to deal with more situations. Lillith with just her Book 1 models might not be well-equipped to handle LCB and his alpha strike, but what if you have Nekima there to help you grow strong units? Or Lilitu to lure LCB int a vulnerable position?

    Neverborn in general seem very powerful in the 2nd book, but if anything needs to be cuddled it'll be Lilitu, not Alps or LCB I think.

  22. Well if taking the fight to him is a problem, Lillith and her Nephilim can cross the board like nobody's business. Lillith and her totem can both reliably cast Earthquake, advacing your entire force 6" and still moving themselves. That combined with the natural mobility of the Nephilim made them very fast, but now you also have the ever-useful Black Blood Shaman, who can move ahead and pull your entire crew forward another 8" with Blood in the Air. So that's 14-16" of move already, and all the rest of your army is still unactivated. Mature Nephilm can Carry the BBS around, and Nekima can give tots +masks to their cast so they can Sprint to keep up with the fliers. So whether you use big or small Nephilim, your speed is thorugh the roof and you can easily get where you need to go.

    Marcus and his beasts are also pretty mobile, and his beasts work well with other masters. Nino and Remi can snipe from halfway across the map. Only ressers are left truly in the dust, though the new spirits might changethat, I haven't taken a close enough look.

    EDIT: Wow, I really went long-winded with the Lillith thing there. Sorry, I guess I'm just a little too fond of the Nephilim and it makes me sad they often get written off as "too simple" for serious play. but I digress.

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