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Posts posted by Oshova

  1. Dumb Luck, don't forget those pesky pigapults. They would smash Hamelin the Ratcatcher in the face.

    Rathnard, trying to sell Bishop over Von Schill is crazy. He's 1SS less, and if anything is underpriced. Whereas Bishop is massively overpriced. There is a reason that people don't take him.

    Lastly, Viks with Ronin is the way to go. So you want, Viks + Avatar, Von Schill, and then some Ronin to leave you with 4+SS in your cache. Viks don't have to rely on them, and if you play Von Schill right you won't need to keep Healing on Slow to Die.

  2. Nah, torturing you is more fun. ;)

    There may or may not be Bacon and Cheese Gamin in book 4.

    So you're saying Book 4 is a book of Gamins for every occasion? With Santa and his Xmas Gamin, Easter Bunny and her Chocolate Gamin, St Valentine and his Love Gamin . . . The opportunities are endless!!!

    Either that, or it could be a more sensible release . . . So, who's up for a Gamin book? =p

  3. The only real thing you can do is take Collodi in your crew, accept that Levi is going to die and then counter with some dolls to the face. And (of course) play to your objectives

    Yeah, not wasting SS on trying to keep Levi alive can be a good option to.

    Or taking a Guardian to try and keep a Waif alive a turn longer, then mix in Collodi, and you've got a nice little 1-2 to defend yourself and strike back when the drop happens.

    In my view, just taking a cache of 2 is fine if you are going this root. As Collodi doesn't really need them, and if you're accepting that Levi will fall over, then you're not wasting anything there. So then you're just maxing out on Minions to get your objectives, and get the VP you can to win.

    Finally, taking Watchers (or Wardens when they come out) to rush your objectives before you can be stopped is a good option to, as with any crew it's all about maximizing your options for whatever Strategies and Schemes you get/choose.

  4. I played Dreamer/Collodi Pre-Errata. And I can definitely vouch for them working well together. And Post-Errata, I can see them working well together still, if anything Dreamer will require the mobility of Collodi even more.

    Collodi and Marrionettes, with 3 Stitched and 2 Daydreams leaves you with 5SS, which is usually enough for me, unless I need to get a new Daydream. But sensible play can help you avoid that. =]

  5. It also didn't help that last game his objective was slaughter. With the exception of losing my Rogue Necromancy, I was able to keep my numbers up. But it doesn't matter, the more I summon, the more he has to kill and get points from.

    When playing Slaughter, you want to minimise what you summon. This makes life hard for the other Resser masters, but Seamus relies less on summoning than the other 2.

  6. My initial reaction is that it's "OP" so to speak, but we'll see how we go. I just get the impression that used right Gremlins can lay down so much damage that they're much more powerful than people give them credit for, I think we're in for "Somer is broken" but it's still early days. They are reminding me of when I started with Pandora though for some reason.

    Well with Pandy, you're chucking out a lot of damage that isn't really that defendable. (Especially how you play her)

    And that is the same effect you are seeing from PMF.

    I don't get how there is NO resist on that at all. Between Skeeters and Somer you can chuck out 14 wounds pretty easily. That is crazy! Especially with no resist.

    My thoughts on the games: Game 1 - It was going your way, until the terrifying hit I think. But that was partly down to me not knowing my rules properly =p

    Game 2 - Initiative on 1 turn was all it took to swing the game from being pretty even, over into being a win for you. But even then there was opportunities for me to get a draw. And it was an 8-4 win, not 8-0 =p

  7. Models I personally don't use and suggest against, are The Drowned, The Hanged and any spirit that isn't an Onryo.

    So you don't take Night Terrors? I hope this is just a slip while typing, and not a gaming mistake. No Resser model is as good at getting objectives as Night Terrors.

    Other than that, it's some very sound advice (although I still don't like Molly, no matter what spells she can steal)

  8. As I've been either a student or unemployed for my time play Malifaux, I've had to look at the most cost effective models to take with a master. This has meant that I don't have many cross-overs, and so I actually use each of my models a good amount. But has also left my choice a bit thin when it comes to playing the same people over and over.

    So if you're all about saving money, then look closely at what each model does and have a max of 2 types of model to pick for each slot (objective grabber, heavy hitter, tank etc.) But if you want as much variation as possible to mess with your opponents heads, then have as many options as possible for each slot. They won't know what is coming at them, and they will find it harder to adjust, and to learn how to fight against your models. Obviously the first choice also allows you to make a more themed/fun crew, whereas the second choice is allowing you to win more games (and obviously still have loads of fun, as this game rocks)

    Hope this helps.

  9. If she was a Henchman, then she would be worthwhile for something. But it would be a bit too similar to a Lilith crew, and the last thing we want is for repetition to creep into Malifaux. (see Space Marines, Dark Angels, Blood Angels etc)

    She isn't that bad when it comes down to it, but 13ss is a lot to spend on one model (seeing as the majority of games seem to be 35ss), even the people talking about the Filth List knew that it only began to be effective at 35ss, and only started to be optimal at 40ss+.

    Is she a cool model? Yes

    Does she have cool rules? Yes and No

    Is she over-priced (£$)? No

    Is she over-priced (ss)? Probably

  10. Hmm, I'm not 100% sure about that. It all depends on the timing of the switch. Because if I declare my trigger before the switch, then I'm declaring the Onslaught on the current target (Kirai), not one in the future (Seishin).

    Or so it would seem to me. It's much the same as with Collodi and Marionettes.

    Do you know whether this has been brought up in the Rules Section yet? (I hate repeated threads)

  11. The only time I've played against her with Dreamer/LCB, I had a hand full of high rams. So I landed Chompy on her, and just Onslaughted her as much as I could. Even with sacrificing Seishin, she still takes 1 Wd, and once they're gone she's taking a lot of wounds. Then if she uses Lost Love, you can get through a Teeth strike, and get the poison on her as well. Poision is a pain for Spirits =p

  12. If effects that happen at the end of the turn still occur with buried models then Two Sided will happen. With both of them buried there won't be the other "in play" so they'll both take 3 Wds. :(

    That sounds a little crazy to me. Although that is the way the rule seems to be written, I find it hard to believe that is the way it's meant to work. This also means however, if you have 1 on the table and 1 buried, only the one on the table would take wounds. Which is how it worked before anyway . . . but if both are buried, and they're taking wounds for it . . . that just feels a bit wrong to me.

    I hope we can get this cleared up soon.

  13. [Craig I hope you don't mind me saying but this is a prime example of Hamelin "misinformation" - people think he's uber broken because they've heard that (in this example) he can't be beaten in slaughter and that's not the case at all. In fact, I'd be surprised if anyone who had actually played slaughter against Hamelin felt like it was impossible to win]

    Admittedly all my Slaughter games against Hamelin have been with Pre-errata LCB, but there are so many situations where just killing off a few rats, doing your Schemes, and staying alive can easily win you this game. The Hamelin player will be the one stressing out about having to do stuff, this really lets you control the game against him, and that is something the Hamelin player won't usually have to do, and so will be more likely to make mistakes. Such as running after your models, and forgetting Schemes (or vice versa).

    If you're playing against Hamelin, and they flip Slaughter. This either means they're 1 SS down (to reflip), or you're going to find it easier to deny them some VP.

  14. Oh man. I wish I had Nico's resources with the A&D. A&D + Nurse = amazing, amazing, amazing. Free sac at the end of the turn opens up a (0), get a better Cb, better Wk... man. I wish. And with Nico Bolstering? What's the A&D at? Cb 13? /drools.

    Of course, there are drawbacks to using it with Nico. Like the fact that it's going to be half your list and never give you a counter. On the plus side, it can turn any model in the game into a corpse (SPA -> Corpse).

    Anyway, they each have their ups. I'd rather use it with Leveticus because they fit each other well, but I'm going to haul it out with Nico one day and cackle with glee. Hopefully in 35ss with a Nurse and Molly. Give it Wk like 11 and Cb 13, Reactivate. Hahahaha. Oh the maniacal laughter I shall create on that day.

    Any excuse to bring out Miss Pack and Molly, and them be useful is good in my book. But them and A&D quickly fills up your SS. But it would be cool to bring out in those games where you only have 1 or 2 models to kill to neutralise a crew.

  15. You sir, can have an "Awesome" badge. I need to play it again now!

    I'm looking at getting one for Nicodem, so would definitely be up for helping you sort out A&D =p

    In a lot of cases Nico and Levi aren't that different, just that Levi is better at a lot more things. But thems the breaks of playing Ressers. ; ]

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