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Everything posted by Whatsicle

  1. Has anyone posted this in the 'Rules Questions' thread(s)?
  2. For 30 SS I go with: Viktorias Student o' Conflict Convict Gunslinger Misaki Ronin x2 The gunslinger is almost entirely for suppressive fire right before I plan on sling shotting a fast Viktoria into their midst, while Misaki and the Ronin run up to harass anything else. I absolutely love Taelor (with her less effective friend Johan now exclusively reserved for Killjoy summoning), but 30SS is a bit small of a game to cram her into, especially when you consider you're really bringing 22-25 SS against their 30 because Viktoria has no cache but absolutely needs one (Both to augment her defensive flips and to summon another one!). Taelor taking up almost half my SSs... ouch! (The second we go to 45 SS though she's the star player and rightly feared) As for the Ronin.. the only time I would suggest running all three is in a 60SS game! Since run through has been errata'ed, they're not the obvious choice any more and though they can pack a punch, that third ronin is typically what's standing between you and Taelor or a Gunslinger. The thing with the Viks is they take a surprising amount of finesse and a great great deal of concentration. Their learning curve isn't nearly as bad as say, Ramos or Leveticus, but I would definitely say they take a few games to use to their full potential.
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