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Everything posted by Extro

  1. Doppleganger looks amazing. The blood, both the spatters on her legs and the slick on her exposed tissue looks really good. Highlights on the bedsheet look great too. I didn't realize it had that much texture on it from the studio job.
  2. His hands look particularly good. The way you made them combined with how you did the highlights makes them look like perfect marionette hands. Good stuff Josh. I've never had it in me to attempt sculpting from scratch like this.
  3. Tadaka I definitely feel the same way about pictures as you do. Svenn is right though, the extra zoon can really be a tool if you use it to check for potential touch-up areas. If I can offer one suggestion for eyes that has helped me (you can still do it to your group without changing anything): I load a fine-point brush with some black wash and "inject" it into the eye sockets by touching it there. I then wipe the brush dry and use it to soak up and remove any excess wash. What it does is darken the eye cavity a bit. Then, if you paint a small point of white on the eye, the eye really stands out. Also, if you start with already having a white eye (like your models do) and then wash it black, then hit it with white again, it looks good. What it does is add contrast where the eye sinks in, this both calls more attention to the eye, makes the eye look less sloppy, and adds more definition to the facial features. I've been using Games Workshop's Badab Black wash for my eye sockets, but there is no reason you can't make your own if you have some black paint and a little mixing medium. Also, you can substitute black for another dark color like purple or violet if you want your character to have eye shadow. Hope that was helpful.
  4. The solid ice bases are unique. I don't think I've ever seen anyone try that before, at least none that actually looked translucent like real ice. I like the two-tone gamin, it makes it more visually interesting. Good job on the blending all-around. It looks especially good on the cloth of the December acolyte. Excellent looking crew I would love to play against. Look forward to seeing your golem when you get the pic up.
  5. Given the relatively small number of models involved in Malifaux I've just been painting the primer on by hand, using Vallejo matte varnish. I can say however that Testors Dullcoat and Krylon Matte spray have both worked great for me in the past. Definitely shake the bajeezus out of them before use, though. And as someone who has ruined models in the past, I would always recommend testing the spray on something disposable to see if its working right or if it frosts up.
  6. Hey everyone, I'm making some progress on my Pandora crew so I decided to post some update shots. Apologies in advance for having trouble lighting Candy properly. More to come, thanks for looking! Extro
  7. I love this Teddy. The alphabet blocks are hilarious and the death black void eyes look awesome set against the hot pink. Great job, and congratulations on placing in the competition.
  8. I'm feeling some major comradarie looking at everyone's space. I recently started shifting my workspace around out of my tool cave and to a station beside my bed:
  9. Your Perdita is gorgeous. She looks great with the contrasting clothes. Your highlights are very effective, particularly on the skin. She actually looks worthy of all that hype she gets about her beauty. Nice work.
  10. Awesome Teddy. Teddy is what drew me into Neverborn and I love seeing great new examples of him like yours. The gloss effect on the blood is great (makes me want to go back and gloss my own!) and his tummy turned out really, really good. I was too chicken to try freehanding plaid onto mine.
  11. Hey Spidey, He looks good, especially for a first go. The picture is bright, but I can tell you chose a good color palatte. I like the look of the jeans with the leather duster. I agree with everyone about the base. I ignored them at first as a new painter, but now I see how they can really bring a model to life. You got that right away. A note about the sealer: High humidity can cause matte varnish to give your mini a "frosted" look. If that's what happened, it can usually be remedied (at least partially) by giving it another coat under better conditions. Just make sure to shake the can very well prior to use. (I am paranoid now and also soak it in hot water beforehand, to help the matte particles "melt" better into the sealer instead of sticking around like snowflakes). Some people also hit the model with a blow dryer after the second coat to help the melting, but I have not needed to try that yet. It was really getting bad in my area with the humidity effecting primer and sealer. It's gotten to the point this summer where I just purchased liquid varnish and started painting on the sealer by hand. It takes longer to do but I find it's safer for the mini. Anyway, hope that was relevant info for you. Welcome to Malifaux
  12. I would be very interested in this guy, Josh. I've been kicking myself for missing out @ the Con, but at the time I was just deciding to get into Malifaux and didn't really have a Limited Edition figure on the mind. Please let me know if you're still looking for a buyer.
  13. Iamwyrd, The demo was me as Lady Justice versus McMourning. I think it was Friday, and I had an olive t-shirt with a giant bleeding hand clutching a lambda. Either way it was a great game, and thanks to both of you for running them.
  14. Thanks for the replies, The lamppost is something I picked up at a terrain building event years ago. It is from some urban terrain made by Games Workshop. It originally had a giant spike hanging off the lantern but I clipped it so Teddy would fit.
  15. Hi everybody, I was at Gen Con this year and a guy named Josh ran an excellent Malifaux demo for me, so a couple friends and I decided to start it up. I bought Pandora's crew and just finished painting my first mini (also the mini that sold me on Neverborn): Teddy! I was inspired by this excellent scheme Peekaboo! Thanks for looking! Extro
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