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Everything posted by Shrapnelsmile

  1. if so, are you happy with them? My gf and I are strongly considering the street theme.
  2. Thanks again everyone; we did a lot of research and ordered yesterday. The stickied tactica were particularly helpful, although I wish there was more.
  3. yes we both read Tarot cards for ourselves and other people, so imagery and symbolism are pretty dear to our hearts. When I showed her the demo online, and then the figs, it was the first miniature game she was 110% ready to jump into.
  4. thanks man. yes we are definitely getting the Mal-decks, as that is part of what hooked her.
  5. Just to clarify before we order our stuff (including rule book), my girlfriend and I need one color deck each, correct? and no others, correct? Thanks
  6. What new models are you going to purchase from Book II, based on rules and abilities? I can get them 50% off, so I'd like to partake but I haven't played my first game yet. A compliment of one box + the rulebook to my two starters would be excellent.
  7. OK all, we are probably going with Legion of Sorrow and Red Chappel, because: A.) we like the miniature lines the best from these two factions overall and B.) with my gaming experience I can probably adjust to the learning curve fairly quickly. so my last question for now: Do we need other miniatures? One Teddy, perhaps, to swap out Candy until I get the hang of things? What about Seamus' summon ability? Should I buy additional miniatures and use that ability right away? (Does his survival depend on it). Thanks so much for the advice. A new LGS that is opening this month in town is going to carry, and have me demo, this game. I may pick up Lillith or Lady J as a third demo box if necessary, but as for additional figures needed now please give feedback on just the two boxes above -- Seamus and Legion. Thank you again, and cheers from California
  8. good advice here, thank you. is there a full gallery of malifaux that shows full size pages of individual figures as well as box sets?
  9. Thanx Dais and thaehl. Regarding the trickiness of the legion of sorrows, I have a couple more questions. I tend to enjoy finesse armies, but I've heard the Legion has some kind of ability that grants them more miniatures. I want to avoid flooding a small game with summoning of sorts, as well as avoid using an figure whose point cost I am not getting the maximum out of. If they are the more difficult of the two I will let my gf play Red Chappel. It is often a pet peeve of mine when players post questions such as this without reading the rules, but like I said we want to make one bulk purchase. Secondly, what is a good shooty army? Thank you
  10. Greetings all, New player here from Central California. My Girlfriend and I each want to pick u a starter box and get these on the table. My question: are the Legion of Sorrow and the Redchappel Gang a decent way to start? How do they match-up vs. one another. Are they ok for the initial learning curve (I read they are) will they expand well, or should we somehow choose one "good" faction to balance them out? We like these minis best, however. She plays card games and I am a miniature wargame player (both skirmish and squad based) for about 15 years. We pick things up quick but I wanted to grab some expert advice for newbies to the Malifaux world. Thanks in advance for your help.
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