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Shadeau Gorgon

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Posts posted by Shadeau Gorgon

  1. I did this with my Vampire Counts (just the counts). It took a lot of time, and some of the bases will have to be reworked. I found that putting them on a rock base (just a piece of slate, and then putting the magnets in the slate helps a ton. As does having a tungsten bit on your dremel for hollowing out the stones and the tin pewter....

  2. I love these. I wish my first attempts had been this good, they are however buried in parts of GA swampland least the world ever face their vile visage....

    You are doing great, I know he's your least favorite, but I love the Green Mohawked punk... he's my fav.

  3. I like him. I know that the other comments point out a few improvements, but when you are working with bits it's very hard to find an arm that is in proper proportion to the torso, and to sculpt the bibbed overalls and the head onto it was a great feat. He looks great.

    The one comment that I definitely agree on is the rope belt. A thinner sisal or hemp rope might make it a bit more proportioned.

  4. Also, being new to freehand, did you trace/sketch things first or just go at it with the brush?

    I used a pencil to make a grid on the base coated paint and then free handed on the grid. Gridding helped with the symmetrical ones like Tenderheart, but the sleepytime bear I think it hurt on. I would have just freehanded that one if I had known.

  5. I both hate these and love them at the same time...

    What recipe did you use for the teeth and gums? I love it!

    Also, being new to freehand, did you trace/sketch things first or just go at it with the brush?

    Every one of the teeth is a little different. I used Squid Pink as a base for most and either the Baal Red or Badab Black GW washes a few times over to darker the gum lines, then went over the teeth with Jack Bone from P3 and washed those with the Sepia wash...

  6. I've always seen Bette as being a vengeance spirit out to get a man that wronged her, soooo.... I thought she'd look neat as an apparition bride...

    I can't seem to get the photo to take very well, it looks so different in real life than in the photo, but when I increase the light the glow effect causes the photo to wash out... tips?





  7. I like it alot my favorite is Good luck great detail on him. On sleepy time the blanket is amazing but the bear could have done with a little better highlighting,but overall A+ easy

    The blankie was a beast. I wanted it to look like he was just trailing it behind him.

    One thing I didn't like is that I left finger prints all over it. Is there a way to smooth those out on the next one, or should I just start wearing gloves?

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