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Posts posted by tadaka

  1. Few tips others may disagree with me but how I play him.

    The generic 10t totem is amazing.

    Take promises upgrade on him every time. Amazeballs

    10t Get fast from a LOT of models. A nimble reactivating, fast, wastrel doing 3 min damage with a sabre wrecks every ones plans.

    Great models for mccabe.

    Shadow Emmesary



    mounted guard

    Take at least 8 models. Getting out activated sucks for McCabe.

  2. "My last game was against McMourning. I managed to kill a Fleshy, Nurse, Rotten Belle and a Guild Autopsy in Turn 1 with Shenlong (target the Fleshy and blast the crap out of the rest). "


    Sounds awesome but how are you landing mod/critical consistently with high river. You know you have to use all your focus any time you attack? Cant just burn focus one and keep one behind. I have noticed players like to play this wrong and get very good results until they figure out you cant just burn 1 focus at a time when you make attacks. Not trying to say your wrong just see this as some thing people do wrong a lot.


    Aren't they 5SS? Also, they'll be sitting at minimum Df whilst they wait to Reactivate.

    That is the whole point of getting them to 4 poision before they ever get in the fight with this idea. If you start with 4 poision when they activate the first time you can use the 0 before you act with them. Charge some thing hit or miss you will have 2 poision between activations and 6 defense.

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  4. I supose but you would essentialy be trading 4 1st turn ap for 4 2nd turn ap and have 4 poison going in to turn 3 ready for reactivate.

    Imho the bigger question becomes can they live to spend the ap then is it valuble. Honestly if i could some how garentee i could have both models live past turn 2 i would do it every time. A model getting 4 ap in one turn is very useful.

  5. Seams like no one ever recomends the fermented river monks. Has any one tried any Poison stacking on them to get them to up to reactivate on turn one and trying to get them to go whole hog?

    So my idea on this is as follows for a shenlong list tactic.

    2 Fermented monks.



    So on first turn performer smacks each of them 1x poison 2.

    Yu heals both with upgade. Because it is a MI action it both heals and gives them 1 poison. Total 3

    Monk moves up ditches a card and gets poison

    Starting turn 2 with 4 is very important as they can use 0 action to get reactivate before they do any thing else. Then when they attack 2x they will on hit or miss of an enemy model get a poison. They should end first activation with poison 2 and get the full 6 Def. When they reactivate they can attack 2x more and get back to poison 4 and ready to repeat next turn.

    I have not been able to test this myself but currious if any one has given some thing like this a go?

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  6. Normal game do you hire 1 totem and summon 2nd or hire 2?

    What conditions stacking do you build up on first turn before combat gets heavy on turn 2?

    Do you take sensai and the emmesary or do you pick between them and if so when do you take each?

    Misdirection yay or nay?

    Fermented river style do you try and stack that 5 poision for one turn of launch in middle and give them that 16 wk check?


  7. Yu is a model i just cant seam to do any thing with. His lack of charge kills it for me. 90% of time all i do is push a model a little bit and give it fast. I want to do more but getting focus and pushing all ways leaves him behind the crew for me. Then i got to walk him to get him in place. I do think he is amazing with shen but out side of his crew he is a bad use of stones for me.

  8. Big difference here is 1 ttb have to get up in to the enemy or objectives bells dont. In fact they can sit in deployment zone and still help with objectives you take them for. 2nd the crazy 8 cast means lure works damn close to every time. 3rd ttb have a big weekness in that defensive does not help at all vs wp duels. You can never go wrong taking a belle. Shit if i could in 10t i would hire them every damn game even with merc tax. Shit ton better then both of our lure minion options.

  9. So theory time.

    Hire crew as normal. Take terracotta warrior. Toss say his glowing sabre to a model. Have terra cotta change any other 1ss or greater upgrade to glowing sabre.

    So 2 armor mecabe with strange metal shirt or having sabre on 2 models at same time.  

    Am i missing a rule preventing this?

  10. She has 7 defense? Thought she had 6. Any way take a terracotta with her. Gives her a nice boost in surviveability and lets her wreck with her eat her wounds back.

    Also her ability to place in summons means you can give her defensive and have her hold out till the right moment to attack and get them wounds back up killing a model. Let them try and kill her with terracotta buff and defensive ss if you must prevent. She is a key model they may well focus to try and take down and you can wear out there activation's trying to kill her.

  11. 8 hours ago, Eclipse said:

    I think that giving out the saber made quite a few models reach a higher level - which is part of the unique McGabe experience. However, I'd like to add for the 'give everything a saber' guys above that not everyone likes or wants to play McGabe. There are still six more Masters in the faction and Asami, who is yet to be released for everyone. Having the option to use a single Master with a cookie cutter solution to pretty much everything does not mean that this is the only Master people need, simple because 'saber'. Please keep in mind that I'm trying to give another point of view here, not to start a bitter argument or something - the best thing for Wyrd as well as for us is if there is as much balance in the game as possible and everyone has cool, at least somewhat viable options.
    As for Fuhatsu's 'fix' - I'm not sure he needed it so much, he was pretty unique the way he was designed. Now he will definitely take over Ototo's place of 10 SS immovable tarpit for me (despite having 1 less :melee). Pretty solid and comparable to a Samurai, but heavier and still different enough to have reason to take both depending on what you need. Oh, speaking about Samurai - they are going to hilarious with Terracota Soldiers. Take one 0 SS upgrade, swap it for another - almost a mini-Shenlong with a Gatling gun!

    You are correct about not wanting to play mccabe but its not like high river has no place in 10t. I personaly think all the monks could use a little love but they are far from what i feel to be bad models and do have there uses. I think fuhatsu was crap. I am not sure if this fixes him but i plan on giving him a go.

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  12. So in 10t do you have a model that every one hates but you love how it plays? Also what model does every one else seam to love but you never want to take it.

    My only I seam to love, Kamiachi. I LOVE this guy so much for McCabe other day I saw some one post terracotta finally make this model worth taking. What this guy is amazing ! Extra card check. Healing other models check. Push check.

    My hate these guys, Guild hounds. Every one says to take dogs with McCabe these guys do NOTHING for me at all. I want to like them I want to do the amazing running with them but I cant get them to do any thing but die when I take them. Give me a big pack of wastrels any day rather then these guys.

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