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Posts posted by Geckilian

  1. What's not to like about the steed? It's a freakin' nightmare hellsteed. I am well pleased by it.

    It's nice, certainly, but I'll probably got for a darker colour palette. Going to be interesting running him and the 3 riders.

    Edit: Ramos looks excellent!

  2. Nice idea on the scarabs. I was tempted before, and am tempted again should 7 not be enough, heh.

    Played a lovely 2 matches earlier today and did rather well with Pandora then Dreamer, so not much work got done. I did, however, headswap Von Schill, added sleeves and cuffs, a scarf, backpack similar to those of his troops and added a mouth grille.



  3. What the hell are those?! And where can you get them?! Did you make those or..? They look great! :D

    Thanks, but much of the credit is due to the design. They're the Sackbot keychain, with limbs and head pulled off and reattached. The open mouth involved sawing through the head and resculpting the sides of the jaw. The teeth and claws are knives.

  4. Painted this guy up this afternoon, 'Teddy' A -


    My 3 Teddies are all the same style, alphabet block puppets. As my Neverborn are all going to be monochrome, these guys are somewhat... grey. Each Neverborn fig will have a spot colour. For Teddies, what else but blood?

    Here's the wip pic from a couple of days ago, also showing the converted Freikorps Librarian (shown in the chat at the time) -


    Should manage to paint the other 2 'Teddies', 'Pandora', 'Doppleganger', 8 'Malifaux Rats', Dreamer, 3 Sorrows, Lord Chompy Bits NE, rebase the 'Steampunk Abominations', Ryle and Hollow Waifs this month.

  5. Good to see this thread up and running. As I've bought more items since I pledged my list, here's an updated one -


    Steampunk Arachnid Swarm

    'Joss' counts as

    'Kaeris' counts as

    Coryphee Duet


    Sonnia Criid

    Samael Hopkins

    3 Witchling Stalkers

    Executioner (base)

    C. Hoffman




    Mechanical Attendant

    2 Guild Austringers


    Dreamer and NE Lord Chompy Bits

    3 Daydreams

    3 'Teddies' counts as

    'Coppelius' counts as

    'Pandora' counts as

    'Doppleganger' counts as

    5 Sorrows


    3 'Ratcatchers' counts as

    8 'Malifaux Rats' counts as

    2 Hollow Waifs

    5 'Steampunk Abominations' counts as to rebase

    3 'Steampunk Abominations' counts as

    1/2 'Desolation Engine' counts as

    1 'Ashes and Dust' counts as

    Von Schill

    Freikorps Trapper

    Freikorps Librarian

    Freikorps Specialist

    2 Freikorpsmann


    2 'Canine Remains' counts as

    Should be everything. Unfortunately Seamus got axed, as I may not own him for much longer.

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