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Posts posted by KirigakurenoHaku

  1. Xmas is taking it's toll, time is getting tight.

    Nonetheless, although not fancy the third Punk Zombie. And I still don't know if it's female or not.


    Skirts were not atypical of samurai. Hakama, the garment covering the samurai's legs, were originally fashioned like skirts. It wasn't until after the introducation of horses that hakama became split and more pant-like in design, allowing samurai to ride.

    This punk is likely male.

  2. @KirigakurenoHaku

    Thanks :), I had a hard time figuring out what to do with his belly, but I'm pleased with the result :)

    I like it; very clever! I think this is very successful.

    I look forward to seeing more of you progress. ^_^

  3. Your bases are absolutely stunning! I can't say that there are many crews that you can go all-out on the bases of and still suit the flavor of the crew, but this works so well for the Nephilim! This is absolutely stunning! Many, many kudos to you!

  4. The colors looks really good together. At first, the sound of a yellow Bits is something that I would have imagined to be an utter failure, but your scheme tones down those yellows into something far more natural.

    The colors look great! Very nice work! ^_^

  5. Your Teddy is absolutely wonderful.

    Those serpentine eyes are so creepy and malevolent on him with that big, toothy grin.

    I am enjoying the detail of whatever it is that he is carrying in his claws; a plush of sorts, I think.

  6. thats a great looking dog!

    Thanks so much!

    The way you captured the form of that little doggie is pure genius! Hats off to you and your sculpting skills. I'll be watching you for hints and tips :)

    Thank you so very much; I hope all here is insightful or entertaining.

  7. Strangely, I never thought that Englishmen would read my name I stop after Taj. So they called me Taj so many times on Forums, that guys in here sometimes call me Taj. It's funny because Taj sounds to me like a muslim name, and I'm ortodox christian.

    It seems seldom that anyone ever abbreviates my name. I even have capital letters included that identify where words begin...

    Haku is a perfectly acceptable manner to refer to me as; the entire name is not necessary. o_o

  8. Xoloitzcuintli --> it is difficult more or less it goes so:

    Sholo-iss-ku-int-li OR as wiki says: SHOH-loyts-KWEENT-lee

    By the way... thats a cool idea... about the guild dogs

    Thanks so much! I appreciate the comment.

    And the provided phonetics may very well be something I refer back to repeatedly. Thanks! ^_^

    Looks really great - sculpting is a sod, and you've pulled it off awesomely. :)

    ...it still hurts my eyes with the horrid blue :(

    "Sod"? Please define this for me. o_o This is a good thing, yes; to be "sod"?

    Is it the blue of my text that is bothersome?

  9. Good, complete name of the breed... "Xolotzcuincle"

    How about that for a malifaux miniature name?

    Impossible to pronounce. I've been trying to figure this one out for a few days now. o_o

    very nice mr haku as always, i should be able to get that green stuff to you.

    I enjoy how useful our relationship is.

    Thank you very much, Mr. Haehl. ^_^

    (On a side note, I am noticing how abundantly it is that I use emoticons. o-o) (Did you see that!? There was another one! ºOº)

  10. So here, I present to you, my work space:


    From left to right, there is Niño Ortega for some size comparisons for proportioning my hound in Wyrd scale, a piece of paper with some preliminary sketches and a 30 mm circle drawn on it, the compass that I used to draw the circle, an old CD case for working on (polymer leaves a residue), a block of yellow polymer clay, and a pair of files to be used for sculpting.


    This is the beginning of sculpting my first hound. Here it is, taking form. After taking this picture, I repositioned the head and neck, tweaked the hind legs, and put the front legs on.


    The hound has just been placed into the oven, laying on a piece of aluminum foil. The legs opposite the foil are being supported, here by more foil.


    And it is done! (Mostly.) The dog is free-standing. All this one needs now (as far as the sculpting goes) is the addition of what the hound will be wearing. I'll probably end up sculpting the leather, goggles, and bite-mask on with some flour (or greensyuff, if I can steal some away from a friend). That is not a concern as of now, though, as I have more hounds to sculpt!

    Oh-- and those burn marks, they're not from the oven. Rather, they are from a lighter. I used a lighter to heat up some of the hardened plastic to soften it up for a bit of minor reposing. (I turned the head just a bit to the side and shifted the front leg to look a little more natural.)

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