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Posts posted by magicpockets

  1. Just to chime in as this is something which has evolved over time and is now slightly different to how most of us older players remember it (there used to be a distinction between Dg and Wds and how they could kill you) -

    You now cannot do anything which would cause damage (as in a net loss of wounds, also including a sacrifice effect in this respect) if that damage is certain AND it comes as a direct result of the action you're trying to take UNLESS the action has wording which specifically allows it.

    For example, a model cannot take an action which requires them to lose three wounds if they only have three wounds remaining if taking the damage is certain (i.e. Punk Zombies)

    Conversely, a model CAN take an action which requires them to lose wounds if it would kill them IF the carrying out of the action could fail, for example if it's dependent on a spell cast succeeding (i.e. Papa Loco or Pere Ravage casting their blow me up style spell). Also, the risk of failure is based on if you were using a full deck to flip from - so even if you know all cards which could cause you to fail have been flipped it's still allowed.

    Alternatively, a model can take an action which would reduce it's wounds to 0 if it states on the car this is allowed (i.e. Levi has abilities which say "This model may reduce it's wounds to zero in this way")

    In your example, there are two elements to bear in mind. The carrying out of the action (casting Protect) does not kill the Guardan so is an allowed action. The Guardian can then suffers wounds because of an effect created by Protect. Because it is an effect causing the damage and not an action, the Guardian can be reduced to zero wounds in this way.

    Hope that helps


  2. Wow, that's some serious n00bsaucery to leave leave an obey target with LoS to the executioner but not in melee range - oy.

    As obedience can be cast multiple times (unlike obey) it's quite easy to get this off. And don't forget an executioner is a LOT of points to lose in one hit to Hamelin (who is much, much faster so will hit you before you hit him) in a 25ss game.

  3. Has anyone poked him recently?! Confirmed he is alive etc?

    Yeah, he's fine :)

    HA the reason painting is being dropped for this one because its hard to get 3 people co-ordinated for painting which i appreciate. But saying that, I know most people will have MOST models painted...

    Really please with this - my Somer crew is unpainted and I can now take it along with my Hamelin crew :)

  4. ^^ His point was he'd get stacked up with Blight Counters and then become a prime target for bleeding disease.

    2p worth - as a Hamelin player I like Guild crews who take Executioners because I can obedience/pipes your other Guild models to charge him and then deliberately fail their moral duals. Fun, fun, fun

  5. Hate to be negative but the only change the errata has made to this match up is Levi dies in turn three instead of turn two. The problem is the lack of range on the waifs movement (despite what's said above), the most they can move away from Levi is under 12" each, which means that LCB dropped on Levi (who has a bigger base so more lateral range) can drop a stitched 6" towards each waif, each of which has a 6" range to kill them. You may get lucky with card flips (as the waifs are wp9) but it's not likely.

    For me this match is the one hard counter match left in the system :(

    ---------- Post added at 09:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 AM ----------

    The only real thing you can do is take Collodi in your crew, accept that Levi is going to die and then counter with some dolls to the face. And (of course) play to your objectives

  6. Anyway, later on it occurred to me that a decent option would be to take Nino and start to Headshot important models (i.e. Nix and any rat catchers) until Hamelin has no cards left, all the while avoiding the temptation to cheat.

    This is one of the easiest ways to beat Hamelin, kudos for working it out - you'd be amazed at how few (if any) people do *wink*

  7. I can't go into the rules lawyering on this one, but I can tell you how it's played on a practical level -

    1. If Hamelin/Rat Catcher and a bunch of stuff dies at the same time and there is nothing else in range with Voracious Rats, everything dies and you don't get new rats. In your example, this means the rats don;t spawn new rats as Hamelin died "at the same time"

    2. Hamelin's talent Voracious Rats means when he dies he drops a rat himself, so in your example all of the rats and Hamelin would die, and a single rat would be summoned into B2B with Hamelin.

    ---------- Post added at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 AM ----------

    I can't go into the rules lawyering on this one, but I can tell you how it's played on a practical level -

    1. If Hamelin/Rat Catcher and a bunch of stuff dies at the same time and there is nothing else in range with Voracious Rats, everything dies and you don't get new rats. In your example, this means the rats don;t spawn new rats as Hamelin died "at the same time"

    2. Hamelin's talent Voracious Rats means when he dies he drops a rat himself, so in your example all of the rats and Hamelin would die, and a single rat would be summoned into B2B with Hamelin.

  8. Don't start with any Stolen, you're not going to die turn one and can summon one for free. As a guide, I'd consider this for 25ss -

    Hamelin with 4ss

    Wretch 2ss

    Nix 7ss

    Rat Catcher 5ss

    Rat 2ss

    Rat 2ss

    Terror Tot 3ss

    But it REALLY depends on your strategy and schemes - for example if you've got Treasure Hunt you want a Student of Conflict and 2x Guild Hounds in there.

    Hope it helps, and if you have specific schemes in mind let me know and I'll give you some ideas

  9. With my Somer crew going into the paint shop for the next month or so I'm going to be dusting off Levi again for some soulless shenanigans and hopefully updating this thread a little.



    Has anyone played the Pale Rider yet - what's the verdict?

    When are Wardens out? :(

    Why does H2W2 on the Dead Rider suck so much (I'll almost NEVER take him again)

    How are people finding aLevi?

  10. Holy thread revival Batman!

    Okay, quickly dropped into the forum to say hi and update a few threads - really gutted I'm not getting time to play much Malifaux at the minute.

    That said, I have got a few Somer game in recently and have to say I'm loving it, although my opponents are almost certainly not. I've got a fairly good grip of the basics now (and now taken the pigapult out for a run!) so going to start experimenting with Pig Boomerangs etc to try and gain some finesse in how I play him.

    One question I wanted to ask - which Masters does Somer have most difficulty with and why? I'm playing a fairly limited meta at the minute, so be good to know what I need to plan for/get my head around

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