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Posts posted by magicpockets

  1. I think the issue is that you are seeing the effect as sitting on the Pale Rider. The Effect from Auras sits on the model that the aura is on. IE the Guardian has an aura, with a defined end time, the resolve effect phase. If a model comes into the area of the aura they gain Armor +2, when they leave the aura they lose the Armor +2, they can't have it as there is no effect on the Pale Rider and it's not in the aura of the Guardians effect.

    Sorry to come back to this late Alex, been hammered at work.

    By the definition of an effect it would be an effect on the Pale Rider (btw, I get the intent but just pointing out the wording doesn't support it). from the rules, an effect meets all of the following criteria:

    It is generated during an Encounter - the armour+2 is generated during the encounter

    It sits 'on' a model - the armour +2 sits on the Pale Rider

    Has a defined end time - it would end at the end closing phase

    So I think that would mean it's an effect on the Rider and therefore wouldn't end when it left the aura. Perhaps the rule for auras should state that effects gained within aura's end once you leave the aura - but this ability certainly should.

    Also, can I bump these for confirmation -


    Kill Yourself


    So this has changed again? Now Masters can Drain Souls on themselves and sacrifice themselves (Ramos/Hamelin) and we're back that models can kill themselves with certain DG? Also, this seems to now preclude that the chance of a spell going off doesn't matter - if it theoretically could go off you can't do it?


    Hamelin and Crew


    As we've now had a full model errata, can we assume there will be no other foreseeable changes to Hamelin and his crew? It would be cool to know that so people know whether to learn to play against him or if we have imminent changes which tone him down (I'm not saying if he needs them, just asking if they're coming)

    ^^ Re Hamelin, I know it was intimated that changes were coming, but with Book 4 and GenCon upcoming are they going to get to us soon? I'd guess they'll come in with aHamelin (who is hopefully toned down too), but it's almost impossible to know what you guys are planning :)

    I'm just sick of not being able to play Hamelin without getting complaints because everyone is expecting huge changes and sees playing him right now as effectively cheating...

  2. ^^ Problem is Somer can't take Skeeters though? In effect you're paying 5ss + each additional ss you pay for gremlins/pigs etc for Zoraida and losing access to some cool models (skeeters, pigapult etc) Obviously I'm new to Somer, but this doesn't seem like a good use of ss in a brawl?

  3. So you're saying Book 4 is a book of Gamins for every occasion? With Santa and his Xmas Gamin, Easter Bunny and her Chocolate Gamin, St Valentine and his Love Gamin . . . The opportunities are endless!!!

    Either that, or it could be a more sensible release . . . So, who's up for a Gamin book? =p

    Oi, gets some work done

  4. Firstly, thanks for the work that's gone into this - I think generally speaking they will be useful docs to have available. However, I do think there's a few problems with the wording which has been used -




    An effect meets all of the following criteria:

    It is generated during an Encounter

    It sits 'on' a model

    - Paralyzed sits on the model which is Paralyzed.

    - Conduit sits on the Voodoo Doll.

    - Nurse's Massive Dose sits on the target of the Spell.

    Has a defined end time

    - Excessive Bleeding lasts until the end of the Encounter.

    - Wild Heart lasts until the end of the Turn.

    - Damage Effects end once the damage has been applied and you have started Damage Resolution.

    This means something which doesn't have a defined end time cannot be an effect

    When do the effects from my Spells and Abilities end?

    Unless otherwise stated they end in the Resolve Effect Step of the Closing Phase

    Okay. So given the "effects have a defined end time" rule there are no longer effects which don't have an undefined end time as it needs to have a defined end time to be considered an effect? This means this (i.e. quoted above) part of the FAQ would never be used?

    Effects on a buried model resolve as indicated in their descriptions.

    So anything without a defined end time now doesn't resolve when something is buried as it can't be classed as an effect and therefore be assumed to end at the end of the turn.

    Practical Implications

    1. If Hamelin gives a model insignificant it can be shrugged off as it says it lasts until the end of the encounter (defined end time). If a Rat gives something insignificant it doesn't specify when it ends so is not an effect - that means it also now lasts until the end of the encounter and can't be shrugged off.

    2. Bette receives Blessings of Desolation from Levi which doesn't end as it has no defined end time so is not an effect, so don't resolve at the end of the turn or whilst she's buried. (Hell yes btw)


    Kill Yourself


    Can a model kill or sacrifice itself?

    Yes. Unless the Talent/Spell causes a fixed number of wounds and those wounds would drop the model to 0 Wounds.

    So this has changed again? Now Masters can Drain Souls on themselves and sacrifice themselves (Ramos/Hamelin) and we're back that models can kill themselves with certain DG? Also, this seems to now preclude that the chance of a spell going off doesn't matter - if it theoretically could go off you can't do it?


    Guardian Errata


    UPDATE: - 'Stalwart' should say "(0) Stalwart: :aura 2. Friendly models within the :aura gain Armor +2. The Guardian suffers 1 wound each time any of those models suffers 1 or more damage."

    Lets assume the wording on effects is wrong and things which don't have a defined end time are effects (in this case armour+2). This wording means if a model (let's say a Pale Rider for example) is at any point in the aura it gains armour+2 (creating an effect on the Pale Rider). Then it can move away and keep armour+2 until the end of the turn (or, as it stands, for the rest of the game).

    Should this say Whilst within the :aura friendly models gain armour+2 until Stalwart ends or they leave the :aura or something?


    Hamelin and Crew


    As we've now had a full model errata, can we assume there will be no other foreseeable changes to Hamelin and his crew? It would be cool to know that so people know whether to learn to play against him or if we have imminent changes which tone him down (I'm not saying if he needs them, just asking if they're coming)

  5. Don't forget we're expecting a new FAQ and a rewrite of book 1, and we've got the possibility of alternate avatars to attach to Masters too - they could be working on any of those time round. Book 4 with Special Forces would be cool though :)

  6. Can I just chime in here in Cadfan's defence? Especially as some of the more senior players are being a bit impatient with someone who's only been a member on here for a couple of months (I mean, seriously?).

    Firstly, I agree that Ratty has said "play it as XYZ" so that's enough to resolve the question. That said, I think what Cadfan is getting at is why has it been ruled that way and what's the difference between how Guild Hounds work and another effect like terrifying - not that they are different, but why are they different?

    To put it into context, I explained Cadfan's questions to Oshova in the office and he thought on the basis of how Guild Hounds work that terrifying would affect the model in the companion chain in this example. So if someone who has three years of 'faux experience can get misled by the Guild Hound ruling, I think we should cut Cadfan some slack.

    To help explain the situation, as those of us who've been around a while know, sometimes we get Run-DMC rulings (It's like that and that's the way it is) on some stuff just to resolve conflicts and issues - and I think the Guild Hound issue was one of those things. Technically only the first Hound should get the extra walk, but I believe it was ruled to go with the intention of the ability and is an exception to the general way it's played. And that's led to the confusions here (I can't think of another effect which you have to retrospectively work out who was where at the start of a companion chain)

    So, as a general rule, afaik you resolve each model at the start of it's own activation in the companion chain (which would mean poison can be removed btw). Which is what Ratty said :)

    Hope I've helped settle things down rather than stir up a hornets nest.


  7. Arcane Effigy + Hamelin the Plagued = :)

    ---------- Post added at 12:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------

    I like using the Arcane w/ Zoraida so I can Hex the same turn I conduit.

    Not got the card to hand, but can you do that? Can you combine the Ap from Casting Expert with the bonus AP from the Effigy to cast a (2) spell?

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