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Posts posted by magicpockets

  1. If Dave is going I'll likely come across to provided I can roll with unpainted minis? Also, did you mean to allocate 2.5 hours to a 25ss game? Just seems like with those timings you could get 4 games in and would likely get more people coming and the £15 would be more reasonable. If you PM Dave (Clouseau) I'm sure he'll help rework it if you want to.

  2. Agree with a lot of this. To add -

    1. I think Crooligans should be a 3ss model with a slightly changed rule balance.

    2. I think since book 2 Bad JuJu is overpriced/underpowered for 10ss (it was close in book 1)

    3. I'm not sure about Molemen and where there use in now (maybe should be 2ss like CRs?)

    4. And I think the Ice Golem is very expensive at 9ss, he's never struck me as being particularly useful for the money

  3. stuff

    more stuff

    If you go back and re-read it you might notice the point I was making wasn't how awesome I am (everyone already knows that) but how a model which was written off as a waste of 6ss then became a "must include" and is now being pinned as over powered.

    I think the problem is sarcasm doesn't come across well on here, and if you're not British (yes, I'm a racist too apparently) you'll miss a lot of it. But you should never feel bad about "taking credit" for something, if you're going "god you're all idiots and if it wasn't for me you wouldn't have a clue" that's being a d*ck, but saying "I came up with that idea" or "I sorted that lot out" is fair enough me thinks.

    So calling me out on saying "I got it worked out and confirmed" as a matter of fact is a bit harsh, especially as it was only in answer as to why I'd said something you'd criticised in an earlier post. But hum ho.

    Quite a massive thread derailment though...

  4. You don't see how arrogant it is to make a statement like "I'm the sole reason anyone ever thought of this"? *baffled*

    Also here's a quick search for you:




    Clearly we see how you were the one to bring up the topic in the first place, or wait.. No, you were 7 months late.. What a shame.. Puts things in perspective doesn't it?

    Am I claiming to be the "sole reason anyone ever thought of this"? Am I f*ck. The burying idea and keeping effects is ages old and it was actually TwistedMetal who gave me the idea (see his post above) in the Levi thread we were working on.

    But if you actually READ those threads you've posted you'll see how contentious it was with how it worked with the SS Miner in full (and Bette at the same time in my Levi related threads) and I got it all worked out and confirmed by the powers that be which then led to various people adopting it as the defacto way to play SS Miners. That's all I meant, and it was only in my usual graceful sarcastic way anyways - jeezus.

    Chances are if that whole debate hadn't been resolved people wouldn't be having this conversation now (and wait until I'm finished with Bette). So excuse me for taking a little credit for something positive in the community, it's a better contribution to the forums than *baffled* and quoting the threads the person you're trying to troll is actually talking about - so why don't you sit down and put that "in perspective".

  5. It works like this...

    Canine is killed and Bete comes into play. Levi activates makes a waif with corpse, gives Bete and the SS miner blessing of desolation. SS miners goes over drive and kills the waif which auto triggers siphon soul to gain a stone . SS miners Kills Stolen which again gains a stone and brings in a rat. SS miner kills the rat, gains a stone and triggers bete's feed on death giving her fast. Bete activates and burys with all of the buffs.

    Spot on mate, just don't forget to bury the SS Miner and DStance Bette/do her (0) action too.

  6. Magicpockets - Could you explain why you think the Soulstone Miner is crap without the bury mechanic tricks? I'm curious to hear more from the other side of this discussion. ;)


    It's a good 6ss model as it is, losing the bury tricks it would probably be one or two stones overpriced.

    I agree with James, for 6ss without the bury/effects thing I think it would be over priced compared to other minions in the game.

    It's just funny that the SS Miner was seen as a poor minion for 6ss by the majority, then after I posted how to "break" him with burying and got it all confirmed as legit by RMs he has become the "go to minion" for Arcanists, and people now feel he is OP and needs Cuddling. Maybe I should keep my ideas just for tournaments...

  7. What? Another day! Do you guys not realise how important this is?

    I think I'll go back to playing GW where they really know how to look after their customers.

    As people got the wrong end of the stick with this, Serigala is a great bloke and would never have meant even the slightest bit of negativity with this - sometimes sarcasm doesn't come across well on here (as I'd know). I think he was making the point that this actually isn't that important or urgent :)

    This post is untrue.

    We aren't discussing it. We noted it as Keltheos mentioned. Then we moved on to work at other tasks at the moment. The Rules Marshals and Wyrd staff do have other duties besides reading the forums 24/7. :)

    We get that, but if you know the answer you could have posted it in less keystrokes than typing that lot took...

    We do appreciate how hammered you guys are running a company like Wyrd between so few of you (no sarcasm), it's just it seems like it only needs a "Is now on damage" or "Damage doesn't matter" to resolve it. We're bound to get frustrated when there's mistakes which seem easy to resolve but don't even get acknowledged - we don;t know if you guys have even seen the posts we make or not, we can only hope you do (maybe a sooner post of "noted" like K did so we know when it hits the radar of a RM?)

  8. The easiest fix would be to change "Place" to "Summon" and just live with the new Seishin being slow on the turn they enter play.

    Dont they start with being summoned and the point of the rule is to Place them instead? Plus changing place to summon would have wider repercussions, for example within 6 inches of a model with Voracious rats.

    And re my comments above, my issue is the tone of a lot of new people on here who seem to down talk Wyrd, constantly complain that the rules are crap and badly written, and nit pick every small detail - often seeming for the simple sake of there "could" be confusion, not because there is. It just clutters the forum with bad feelings and gives new people the wrong impression of the game.

  9. Hamelin has an awesome avatar when you consider the impact of the Blight Counter spreading, Kill All Rats and his Tyrant's Justice action. My feeling is he'll need toning down before he's released - otherwise it will be "Hamelin is OP" on a whole new level

  10. But what makes Sorrows work? They do cause some wounds when enemy models fail wp duels, which is good for instance when someone fails against Ruffin or Harmless, but is that it?

    Useful but not where their main power is. Doldrums cast at a model which is in range of Nixs empiness is a guaranteed paralyzed - great to cuddle high point models (which Nix can kill the next turn if you want). Also, link a sorrow to Hamelin to move with him (you'll take a wound each turn but meh) to get the movement you need whilst keeping the 2AP free.

    As with Hamelins entir crew, it takes some coordination and getting use to the order/interactions, but he's devastating once you do

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