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Posts posted by magicpockets

  1. Well, theoretically, rules would revert to whatever the natural state is. The rule of equivalency in the rules section of Rising Powers would be the answer, but I don't find it clear if it's saying what the maximum is total, or for a given type (the example isn't the clearest in the world).

    I think you may have found an interesting, if incredibly situational, loophole.

    The RoE has been revoked with the release of the Rules Manual - I'm not sure if you were around at the time but it got VERY messy and Wyrd pulled it for the sake of keeping things simple.

    Surely the default is "drop Corpse counters equal to your base size, unless you're a construct, then drop scrap"?


    The abilities put forward by the OP are for models which are both undead and constructs (I think that's why they have their own rules tbh) so the question is which would it default to if it happened. Good catch imo, if not very situational

  2. If you are planning on coming to GenCon, I know there are some Indy players that would take you up on that offer to play some games outside of GenCon that is. :D

    There's two guys coming across for Gencon, but this would be later in the year

    Detroit does(or will have) a really cool Robocop statue put up eventually. I totally want to go see it.

    That is cool :)

  3. Just to chip in on this -

    1. RAW if you obey a model to charge an A&D from out of range it will do "no damage" and fills the criteria for the A&D to sacrifice it. All of the above is valid and I doubt RAI this was how it was meant to be played, but the points about "failed charges/strike actions" etc are superfluous as it stands, it is simply any charge which does no damage (which includes one from out of range). Also, I'm sure this has been ruled on previously...

    2. Re obey and sacrificing, the thing to bear in mind is the model being obeyed isn't causing the sacrifice - the A&D is. (This hasn't been ruled afaik, but based on experience that's how these things tend to be explained/ruled)

  4. Just to bump this following chats with Nix - I'm up for confirming something for Autumn/Halloween if that works for people? I'm happy to take lead on organising the UK side and - depending on costs and likelihood - would be open to a trip to Washington to take on the NOVA guys and then a mini road trip south to get some more games in. Also, I THINK (note "THINK" only) that Nix may be able to organise the US side of things.

    Let me know what you think guys

  5. 5. I've got someone in my group who insists that blast templates must be placed on the ground, and that if a blast template cannot touch the ground in a particular area because there are too many other models present, then it cannot be placed at all. So, for example, imagine that Nicodem is completely surrounded by mindless zombies, all of whom are in base to base contact with him. He is struck by an attack that generates one blast. This blast cannot be placed on the ground in base to base contact with Nicodem, because there is insufficient empty space. I'm told that this means that the blast cannot be placed at all, and therefore fizzles. Is this correct, and if not, what reference can I use to prove the point?

    This made me smile - if blasts could only be placed in empty ground they'd never hit anything :)

  6. So yes and no. It's not strictly a Companion chain because v2 Marcus does not companion to another Beast, but has an ability to permit a beast to activate directly after him. But if Silurids can companion to other Silurids, and they're all within 6" of another one in a "chain', then you can Companion Jackalope and Marcus, and let's say activate Marcus first; during his activation use Pack Leader on the closest Silurid. This ability states the targeted model activates immediately after his activation, which means it interrupts his companion chain. So once Marcus' activation is over, the Silurid can go, and at that point I believe you can set up a Silurid companion chain. Once the silurid chain is over, Marcus' chain resumes; Jackalope goes. You could also have had Jackalope go before Marcus, but that wouldn't make as interesting an example.

    That's my understanding of it anyway. I've played Marcus for a while but not with Silurids, so anyone feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

    Spot on

  7. And don't forget that with H2W2 the LCB player can cheat to make sure he's flipping 3/4 cards each time he damages you - over three attacks and potential onslaught's there's a pretty good chance the Red Joker will come out in there (not forgetting Poison too). Plus the Dreamer player can summon more Daydreams - not ideal for him but if your 10ss model is dead it 's quite a good trade off I think. Lastly, if he drops any Stitched Together's in your DZ he's going to kill your waif every time as they have a 6" threat range which you'll fine very tough (if not impossible) to base block.

    There's a few things you can do to make it a "good try" against the Dreamer, but as rules stand I believe it's the ONLY match up in Malifaux where it is impossible to get the game on an even footing.

  8. Ok, I don't want to speak for anyone else but after a conversation with Nathan I wanted to put this post up - and I'd like to reassure you Nathan hasn't asked me to do this so it's genuinely from me.

    I know I have an abrasive personality and can be very arrogant about things I'm good at. I make no apology for that as that's me, warts and all, and I'd ask people to accept me for who I am.

    However, having reread certain recent posts and the comments I've made in them in an objective way I can see that I've crossed the line from having a "character flaw" to being outright blunt, rude and a general d*ck. And for that I'd like to hand on heart apologise to everyone.

    Sure I could blame "misunderstandings" on the internet in how things come across or try to take refuge in "thing got heated" or even "I'm right and I should be able to defend that" - but I think things have gotten beyond that. When I hear people are genuinely threatening to give up the game or their role as Henchmen because of me, I don't think any excuse can cut it - it's time for me to man up, look at my behaviour and apologise.

    So, to everyone who's been offended, upset or p***ed off by how I've acted recently I whole heartedly apologise. I've taken it on board and intend to bear it in mind in the future. Malifaux is a game I love, and we have a fantastic community - I don't want to be the guy who screws that up.

    I don't want to overdo it so I'll leave it there, but I hope this goes some way to put things straight.

    - Adam

  9. When I search (either using quick search or advanced search) I'm getting results for any of the keywords rather than all of the keywords. For example, if I search Hamelin Target Gremlins it shows me posts which contain any number of those words rather than all three of those words.

    Am I doing something wrong? Can anyone help me!?


  10. Hi,

    It was me that told Spiku about this ruling. A long time a go there was a question about doing Deliver the Message on Pandora and whether you needed to do the Wp->Wp duel to to complete it. It was confirmed that you did as DTM targetted the other model.

    The problem is, I've tried to search for the post and it seems the search function isn't as good as the old one so I'm getting billions of results. :(

  11. Well, everyone knows who I will take at a tournament, even if I'm vs Neverborn ;D

    Master reveal I like in principal, but I would have to play it. I am a little concerned that being able to build specific counter crews might be a bit powerful in already bad match up results on master pick. Meh.

    It would be good for tackling things like Hamelin -if you know it's him you're facing you can stack your crew with card discard or die triggers, blasts, pulses and magical weapons etc to get around him.

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