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Posts posted by LoboStele

  1. Yeah, honestly, having Leveticus doesn't really mean you need to buy a lot of other Outcast models. Levi doesn't actually work with any of the other Outcast Masters at all, and he overlaps a good deal with Hoffman. So it's not a bad pairing overall. If I were you, I'd give him a chance first, rather than just getting rid of him. He's one of my favorite Masters to play.

  2. Just got around to listening to this episode (accidentally downloaded it instead of the 'Dead Heat' episode, LOL). Great job as always. I've been out of the loop for a bit, but I definitely enjoyed it.

    Found it ironic, the bit about joking around regarding Theater terrain there at the end....seeing as how....that's exactly what I built for our LGS a while back so we would have some indoor terrain. ;)

  3. Big ol' BUMP!

    I'll be at GenCon again this year, and I actually have a few of these already built right now. So, if you'll be at GenCon too, and want some of these, let me know ASAP so I have time to build them. Or, if you're not going to be at GenCon and are interested, let me know too!

    I enjoy building these and spreading the LED-goodness around the community. Heck, these would be fun additions to your 'Dead Heat' campaign games, even just for terrain addition, to show the destruction and fires around town. :)

  4. I dare say that everyone who played in any tournament last year had a blast. I don't remember hearing anyone walking away upset or anything. I even got annihilated in Round 2 of one game, and it was still fun! :)

    With somebody like Nilus running the events, and other Henchmen helping out with things, we'll make sure then fun-factor is at the top of the list.

  5. Unfortunately, Dreamer is one of Raspy's toughest matchups. The first thing I would get in the habit of doing is casting the spell for Raspy's Armor boost on herself whenever you can.

    You might also try having the Essence of Power use Link onto the Silent One instead of Raspy if the Silent One has a better chance to use her ranged attack.

    As noted above, using Biting Chill is typically your best bet. If he does drop his whole crew on top of you, make sure to use Companion and get as many activations as you can before he starts activating his monsters. Try to take out at least one of his big pieces. Typically, I would say to start with Raspy, and use Biting Chill to knock something down as far as possible. As mentioned before, this is hands-down, the best way to deal with Teddy, and in many ways, Chompy too. Also, don't use Ice Mirror through your Gamin if you can avoid it at all. Always have Raspy cast the spells herself, or through a Silent One. Your 7 Ca is your greatest asset. I would definitely try to take a full 8 Soulstones though too. Raspy can really eat through her stones quick, both on casting spells, and on defense.

    Lastly....look at getting Snowstorm. His damage output and other abilities will really help in this matchup. You could also consider Von Schill for some Mercenary backup.

  6. Nathan the Sword Mister and Ericj the Bounty Hunter?(if this is the case, please please please don't make the nightmare part be them both being half naked :) )

    Gah! My eyes! :P

    Very excited about this. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about 70% of the new book being available at GenCon. That's crazy. With NE models on top of that too, guess I need to be sure to set aside plenty of money!

  7. Oooh, as a big fan of Lazarus in general, I've been on the look-out for good ways to still use him, now that the Bury errata took away the fun that could be had via the Soulstone Miner. This looks to be a very nice pairing. Lazarus makes a nice replacement for Cassandra in this build. Less showgirl heavy, but still quite strong, IMO. I like it.

    And I agree, you would not need to permanently assimilate Link. Grabbing either Subconscious Actions, or (+1) Fast would be my choices. Though Subconscious is probably better for the first one, so that you can always do Assimilate plus two other things. Would be able to grab Fast every round that way. Interesting...

  8. I also don't think casting Burnout on the SS Miner will give it 'permanent' reactivate. Don't know how they've ruled on that lately though. Still, I find it better to have the SS Miner do it's (All) action to gain an extra SS, and then have Alyce cast Burnout on it, so it can do it again. Then, next turn, you have Alyce cast Burnout on Ramos and the Mobile Toolkit. Toolkit uses Weld Together at least once on the SS Miner (twice if needed thanks to Burnout), and then Ramos uses his (+1) Casting expert to off the Toolkit while doing Combat Mechanic on the SS Miner. This gets you at least 2 extra SS, and Ramos still gets 1 scrap counter from the Toolkit when it is killed as a part of Combat Mechanic. You can still go the route of detonating the Large SPA too if you want, though I don't think it's AS important to do that.

  9. Heh, yeah, I had a TON of fun building that terrain piece. Took me quite a bit of work though. I've seen some other great ideas around here for other takes on what the Star might've looked like though. Seen a couple with more theater-like chairs. Honestly, mine is almost TOO open in the middle sometimes. We have a tendency to really clutter up the middle with smaller terrain elements whenever we play in it, as it really needs some Ht 3 or 4 objects in the middle to break up the long LOS. I just always pictured it as a giant drinking hall, and less of a formal theater.

    Glad you enjoyed the pics though, and I'm excited to see what you may come up with instead!

  10. CincyCon 2012 is just around the corner (March 2-4) and it's going to be a great weekend with a lot of fun. I'll be running Malifaux demos on Sunday afternoon from 1-5, so stop by the Malifaux gaming area (talk to the folks at the Art of War booth if you can't find us). I look forward to meeting some new faces and getting some new blood addicted to this great game! :D

  11. Ugh, I feel you man. I hope you have luck growing it there. The best advice I can give is to play, play, play. Meet in your LGS and play the game. Demo to other folks. Maybe get together at a local book store and ask to use a table for a couple hours or so and play.

    If you do want to come over to Cinci at some point, touch base with some of us. We'd love to have you join us for a special event or something! I do understand it'd be tough to come over on a regular basis.

  12. That's good forward thinking, while they're hanging by their heels they've still got their hands free to pack other stuff!

    I've never really had a problem with Maelstrom, even being slow doesn't seem to happen to me. Mind you, I phone them up if something's out of stock and they generally sort things out pretty quick. If only I didn't want the stuff that's in really high demand everything would be perfect!


    This reply is full of win. That's a pretty impressive mid-pack though. Glad you'll get it sorted easily.

  13. Demos tonight and tomorrow at Art of War on Beechmont Ave in Anderson Two ship of Cincinati. Starting tonight from around 8pm and on, law_and_disorder and I will be running demos till after midnight, and then again tomorrow afternoon. Come on out!

    Once you learn how to play, then you can play in the Open Faction tournament on Sunday!!

  14. I am new to malifaux and use raspy, silent one and snow storm so I need pillars, however I live in Australia so I want pillars in blue obviously and switch would be great could you find out shipping cost to victoria... and id be after maybe 6

    Hi! Thanks for the interest! I'll send you a PM with the details!

  15. Actually the general rule of the thumb is that if you aren't specifically allowed to cheat, you can't cheat.

    Duels of any sort are one area where cheating is specifically allowed in the Rules Manual.

    Damage Flip is another area where there's blanket permission to cheat the damage (see page 45).

    Obviously :-fate would stop the ability to cheat Damage Flips just like any other flips.

    Generally speaking, all flips other than Duels and Damage are not cheatable, unless there's specific permission in the text of the rule. Damage flip doesn't require that permission, because there's a blanket permission for all the damage flips on page 45.

    Good clarification. I suppose I should have said that "the general rule of thumb has been that if the damage flip does not specifically say it CAN'T be cheated, then it CAN."

    In general though, I don't find this to be too broken. The only way to reliably do it is with Ramos leading the crew, and the Mobile Toolkit to get the extra Tomes consistently. Then you're having to sacrifice a significant portion of your crew in order to get enough Soulstones for Kaeris to keep herself alive. If Kaeris is leading the crew, you have to depend on getting the Tomes in your hand, and then can only have 5 SS total. I've not seen it be broken yet in the various games I've witnessed with her. Time will tell I suppose.

  16. Well, if you're up against Arcanists, you're going to lose no matter what, because that's just how it goes...


    Seriously though, looks like a good well-rounded approach. Almost all Arcanists, except for Rasputina, can have a tough time with largely ranged crews. And the token Witchling Stalkers will have fun with the various high Ca folks. ;)

  17. I dunno, the general rule of thumb has been that if the ability does not specifically say it CAN'T be cheated, then it CAN. Not a bad idea to get a good clarification. Whether something involves a Duel or not, typically doesn't change whether it can have a Positive or Negative twist.

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