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Posts posted by ukrocky

  1. Aye we did chat briefly at Normal One, found your ideas and crew selection thought provoking too so thanks in response!!


    I always want to diversify, but even things like the lone swordsmen with the emmisary for fast, and possible reactivate, even if saccing himself is capable of some impressive scheme feats, as is Huggy, and the TT Bro etc. There's not really any strats or schemes that bother me, and I can usually find something!


    Wanna see a trick comes in and out of favour with me for that exact reason! It's super impressive in some games, or would be if I had it, and then...not...in others, invariably when I have taken it!


    The depleted is great for anything where model count is big, so guard the stash, extraction, interference (ie, alot atm!). I also find him really useful for just shoving in peoples faces wants huggy goes down, forcing them to deal with it, and then gaining brilliance in response. 


    As for Lynch, I used to *always* take woke up with a hand, at the start of m2e. I guess now if I'm pushing with Lynch I'm happy to use his pistol or pay for blood, as pay for blood can be guaranteed and the damage/slow/card drop on the pistol can all be important. I think it occasionally forces lynch players into forcing them to activate last with lynch, and he's usually an early turn model for me, either to get huggy out or contain activation control. I'm very conservative with lynch, and usually bring him in to get huggy back. Turns 1 and 2 it's not unusual for me to mulligan and then waste his 3 AP, either walking, passing or dropping scheme markers for no reason. 


    There's no doubt final debt can be excellent, I just don't feel the need for it and points are tight, but can fully see why it's used in many peoples set ups!

    • Like 2
  2. Afternoon all,


    So I got back into malifaux in October after a while out and have gone straight back to Lynch.


    I appeared on Schemes and Stones talking about Lynch but had only just come back, so there were a few bits I was a bit ropey on and a few of my ideas have progressed since then, but the core is the same. I just want to type up my recent experiences, thoughts and core of my crew, and hope that some of you get some use from this. It's only going to be a short post due to a fractured wrist meaning my usual speedy typing is either slow or painful, so apologies for a lack of depth!


    Since the turn of the year, my record with Lynch at UK tournaments has been:


    Masters - 3rd - 3 Wins, 1 Draw, 1 Loss

    Troubleshooters - 1st - 3/0/0

    Love Hurts - 4th - 2/0/1

    Scrap at Steelworks - 1st - 3/0/0

    Expert Cheater - 1st - 3/0/0

    The Normal one - 1st 3/0/0

    (2015 saw 1st, 1st, 10th(out of 88), 3rd - 12/1/2)

    All have been single faction, bar masters which was open faction, whilst I've stuck with pure TT Lynch. I provide the stats above for 2 reasons:

    1. To boost my already massive ego.

    2. To prove that my ramblings aren't made up *that much*


    Since the turn of the year, and troubleshooters onwards, I have only used the following models and upgrades...so this is my core lynch list for any budding gamblers:


    Hungering Darkness

    Shadow Emmisary

    Yin the Pengalanaalalgnaninilanin

    The Lone Swordsman

    (May have used Chiaki once...?)

    1 TT Bro

    1 Illuminated

    1 Katakana Sniper

    1 Depleted



    Rising Sun

    Wanna See a Trick

    Recalled Trainings

    Hidden Agenda

    Smoke Grenades


     And that's it...happy hunting boys and girls.

    Note: This is by no means a fool proof list, and there are plenty of models in my side pool, I just never reach for them!

    • Like 3
  3. So did a look at how top 20 and 30 scores would affect Harrogate.


    We currently have 6 members, with 20/30 the following would be contributed:

    Cy Dudley - 0 (Top score is 44)

    Paul Hansell - 3/3 (3 for 20, 3 for 30)

    Ant - 2/4 (2 for 20, 4 for 30)

    Doxey - 5/7

    Paul Butler - 5/8

    Me - 5/7

    With the 30th coming from one of the above. That means a bit of rivalry between the team, trying to get more, but also encouraging (hopefully) Cy to get a result to contribute. I agree a larger number is better, so 30 is possibly the crutch as our score would then be 76 as a lowest, meaning Cy has to aim at 77pts? :)

  4. What about a teams top 20 (or any other number...) scores count. This would mean the top player in the team might contribute 5-8 scores, but lower players can still contribute if they get one solid result and might inspire the players less high up to get one big result to help out. In fact I like that idea.

    Another potential idea is to introduce different results other than just "1st" - think Tour de France:


    White Jersey - Young Rider - Newest team, or highest team under 4 players?

    Yellow Jersey - 1st Overall - 1st Overall?

    PolkaDot Jersey - King of the Mountains - Unsure...? Highest average...?

    Green Jersey - Points - Most Podiums as a team

    • Like 2
  5. 12 hours ago, Mr Janje said:

    The most up to date list of confirmed people is as follows...

    1. Steve Wilson
    2. Nick Pratt-Paying on the day
    3. Rob Hallam
    4. Kai Young
    5. Lewis Phillips
    6. Jamie Clark
    7. Joe Jackson

    OldManMyke and "Matt" haven't been added yet, as Rich is slacking and for some reason Craig isn't on there either....

    I'll have a chat with him tommorow and get an up to date list off him!

    Hey - I've paid, just checked my paypal and it's gone through...? :s

  6. 2 minutes ago, decker_cky said:

    I think with Arcanists seize the day and arcane reservoir should be in the discussion.

    The other obvious one you're missing, which is IMO the best choice overall is clearly Outcasts with Creeping Terror (makes all your auras bigger).

    Forgot about creeping terror.

    Will need to look at seize the day, as for arcane reservoir, assuming that's +1 card, I'd rather have rush of magic and a p-magic?

  7. Good morning all!


    I hope everyone is well and having a wonderful morning. I come with 2 questions, both relating to the Crossroads 7. 

    First off, I'm a naff painter. Like really poo. But when I paint I like to go a bit outside the box. (Eg, My lizardmen are all washes, my TT are all greyscale with casino bases). I'm a bit stuck for ideas for a rubbish painter for the Crossroads 7. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

    Secondly, I'm hoping to take Crossroads 7 to an event soon and do reasonably well. I've been doing a lot of theory but it's the upgrades where I'm debating how to break it down. They have 2 whole SS to spend...! As far as I can see the following combinations on unspecified models are the main options. If you have anymore, any tips, or agree/disagree with any of my options then please let me know!





    Option 1 - A primordial magic (for hunting party and the like).

    Option 2 - Upgrades mixed between Mimic's Blessing, Wings of Darkness, Retributions Eye and Aether Connection


    Option 1 - Decaying Aura

    Option 2 - Spare Parts


    Option 1 - Upgrades mixed between Killswitch (on the Resser guy), Imbued Energy (x2?) and Recharge Soulstone

    Option 2 - Imbued Protection


    Option 1 - A mix of Tally Sheet and Survivalist


    Option 1 - Dirty Cheater, Hide in the Mud, 

    Ten Thunders

    Option 1 - 2 x Recalled training (Because, as a TT player, it's mint).

    And that's my *feasible* options...?

  8. So from reading on this, just two things:


    - I'd like to clarify I didn't do the majority of what I've asked...!

    - Verbal bluffing is considered very poor in all forms.


    My opponent from that game had no issues, and I just wanted to see where the line was, not that I am an advocate of always playing "on the line" - I don't feel a need to, partly as I like to enjoy my games, and partly because I'm just incredible at Malifaux. 

    • Like 8
  9. 10 minutes ago, solkan said:

    To quote the rules forum rules, "The devil doesn't need an advocate."

    Obnoxious behavior is obnoxious behavior and in person, you'll be asked to stop it. 

    No one cares why you've decided to start singing an opera about your tragic scheme choices during a tournament. 

    It does sometimes, especially when I don't have concrete other examples to rely on.

    I'm not an obnoxious person, however I come across, and my behaviour at the event was not obnoxious. 

    I apologise that I made a discussion about something malifaux related to get opinions on something that isn't defined. I didn't realise Malifaux Discussion wasn't allowed in the Malifaux Discussion forum. I guess the whole forum should be shut down?

    Yes I'm biting back, but I don't appreciate being called obnoxious, inconsiderate and annoying over the medium of a forum. If you wish to discuss me further and my reasons behind my initial post then please drop me a message, and we can discuss it over there, or perhaps over Skype as I accept forums aren't the best medium for civil discussion. If you however wish to discuss the OP in a civil way then please feel free to respond to the OP. 

  10. For what it's worth, I'm going to play devils advocate in a lot of this as genuinely intrigued.


    43 minutes ago, solkan said:

    If something is a secret, and the other player isn't allowed to know due to game mechanics (because it's a non-revealed scheme or whatever) then talking about it is at best useless noise, and at worst annoying, inconsiderate behavior.

    I massively disagree with this, and I think you could have phrased what is essentially talking about my behaviour a tad more eloquently...! If something is secret then talking around it is far from useless, annoying or inconsiderate. If the opponent wants to ignore, reciprocate or anything inbetween that is their choice, but the fact they are secret means you have to think of all possibilities. That's like saying talking in Poker is inconsiderate and yet still happens. That's like saying sledging in Cricket is inconsiderate and yet still happens. There are plenty of behaviours that some people adopt and others do not in this game, but rarely is it down to being inconsiderate. 

  11. Morning all,


    Just following on from a discussion on Twitter it seems that the boundaries between bluffing, which some people believe is an integral part of the game, and cheating, which is flat out not allowed, have shifting boundaries and I just wanted a discussion that wasn't Twitter based around this.

    I started the discussion following on from a tournament game at the weekend against a regular tournament attendee (Ie, both competitive players), where I had in reality taken Take Prisoner and Frame for Murder. There was also Convict Labour, Hunting Party and the 15ss Minion one in the pool I think. My opponent had taken hunting party and take prisoner. The strat was interference (table quarters). He knew TT very well with having played them for a long time, and I'm sure he considered me a competent player (back story done!)

    I scored frame for murder early and scored the 3VPs for it. We both start scoring for the strategy, and he starts scoring for hunting party. I have a TT brother who drops a scheme marker ont the middle line. Start of turn 3 there's a super important initiative flip, that sees either me bringing Hungering Darkness back at the expense of a Vik, or losing Lynch and a Sniper, and I lose, so I'm now on the back foot.

    Now, we've agreed on Twitter that dropping scheme markers when you don't need them is fine. I think we can all agree on that.

    The query comes in the next part. 

    I then start talking about how I need 2 more scheme markers for convict labour, about how I can score convict labour on Turn 5 maybe to take me to 7VPs, about how I think I might be capped at 7VPs, etc. I was pretty sure he had take prisoner and *hadn't* guessed I had take prisoner. 

    The discussion on Twitter has been mixed, with some saying if I'd actually scored VPs for Convict Labour, that would be cheating (obviously), and others saying any form of verbal discussion around Convict Labour could be construed as cheating. But what *are* the boundaries? Some are seeing what I did as fine, others not. My question boils down to the following statements:


    "I might have convict labour" - Cheating/Not Cheating?

    "I have convict labour" - Cheating/Not Cheating?

    "I might be capped at 7VPs" - Cheating/Not Cheating?

    "I think I'm capped at 7 VPs" - Cheating/Not Cheating?

    "I'm capped at 7 VPs" - Cheating/Not Cheating?


    If some of the above are cheating, which some may well believe so, does that mean that exact phrasing becomes exceptionally important and we all of a sudden are hoping to hear definitives so we can pick up on it and make our opponent concede due to a slip of the tongue? 

    Just a discussion...

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