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Iron Skies

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Posts posted by Iron Skies

  1. So. After lots of procrastinating I have finally got around to putting this up.

    Game 1

    Shared Slaughter against club mate Liam 'Ohgodshutup' Toop with him using Ressers.

    I had : Perdita, 2 X Exorcists, 2 X Austringers, Drill Sergeant and Nino

    Schemes were Kill Protege on the Dead Rider and Hold out

    Liam had : Mcmourning, 2 X Crooked men, Zombie Chihauha(SP?), Belle, Sebastian, 2 X Dogs and the Dead Rider (Of awesomeness)

    Schemes taken were Kill Protege on Nino and Exterminate Guardsmen

    The game started off fairly bloodless with two turns of 'dancing around' with me tempting Liam up the centre with Perdita and Liam moving the Dead Rider along the flanks until the end of turn 2 where the Dead rider charge and one-shotted Nino. Only for Perdita to return the favour the following turn.

    The Exorcists were Liams primary target and I had no trouble using them to draw McM out to be gang-killed by the rest of my crew. The rest of Liams crew got picked about by the Austringers and Perdita chasing down the stragglers.

    Thoughts after the game : I took a boring gunline and Liam fell to my tempting with first Perdita then the Exorcists.

    Game 2

    Shared Recon against another club mate Ant 'Stryder' Hoult with him using Arcanists

    I had Perdita, 3 X Death Marshals, Watcher, Santiago and Samael

    Schemes were Stake a claim and Bodyguard on Perdita

    And had Rasputina, her avatar, 4 X Ice Gamin, Silent one and a December Acolyte

    Schemes were sabotage and bodyguard on Raspy.

    Again two turns of dancing around doing nothing as Ant set up a line of ice pillars to stop easy movement for me. Turn three kicked off with Ant bouncing a few blasts into my death marshals. Killing two of them rapidly and leaving the third cowering. Perdita then jumped in to shoot Raspy in the face but failed to kill the ice witch. All the while Ant was still making pillars down the centre line of the board.

    The next two turns followed this same pattern with the game ending with me on my claim marker and Perdita still alive and one corner to Ant's sabotage with Raspy still alive and three corners.

    Thoughts after the game : Should have pushed after Raspy as soon as I started to shoot at her instead of some 'clever' manuvering.

    Game 3

    Shared Claim Jump against Adam 'Boyzie' Boyes Guild on Guild!

    I had : Hoffman, 2 X Hunters, Guardian, Peacekeeper, Mechanical Attendant and a Watcher

    Schemes were Hoffmans own (Kill master with machine puppet) and Grudge on Samael.

    Adam had : Sonnia, Witchling, Samael, Austringer, Nino and Santiago.

    Schemes were Raid and Eye for an Eye.

    This was a rather bloody game for Adam and a rather bloodless game for me, it was also the first time Adam had played against Hoffman so I hope it was a good learning experience for him as he takes the challenge of playing Hoffman himself. Adam manuvered to make a run on the claim jump marker with the Hunters shadowing several key models to get them closer. the Guardian moved up to cover Hoffman and take advantage of overprotective while the peacekeeper moved into position slowly (Dragging the Hoff the whole time)

    Turns three and four involved the peacekeeper and hunters jumping on everything that was near. Rapidly killing Samael, the Austringer, witchling (Denied explosion thanks to dampening) and knocking some wounds off Santiago. Sonnia managed to run away from the initial onslaught only to be chased down by the peacekeeper and machine puppeted to death (Getting both my schemes) Nino fell to a hunter clawwing his face off.

    Thoughts after the game : Realising that the flame walls from Sonnia are damage not wounds and could have possibly killed Sonnia a turn earlier.

    Game 4

    Shared contain power against Ian 'Calmdown' O'Brien playing as Ressers.

    I had : Hoffman, Mechanical Attendant, Ryle, Guardian, Hunter, Watcher and an Exorcist.

    Schemes taken were : Breakthrough and Raid

    Ian had : McMourning, Bete Noire, Von Awesome - er Schill, Sybell, a Belle, Dog, Grave Spirit and Zombie Chihuaha.

    Schemes taken were : A Piece for me and Hold Out.

    The first two turns were McM turning the chihuaha into a load of body parts as well as the dog to move into position while the Hoffman Death star got into position as well. Sybelle and the Belle came on first but were mown down by Ryle before being taken down himself by Bete. Hoffman managed to pick up Ryle's scrap as well as the Hunters (Who had been taken down by Von Schill) McMourning then scalpelled in next to Hoffman and the Guardian to face four bouts of open circuit (resisting three) then McMourning taking down the Hoff and going to town on the remaining constructs.

    Thoughts after the game : McMourning was next to the Guardian. What I should have done was companion the attendant first to open circuit and stone it then use Hoff to Machine puppet the Guardians shield. I had low rams in my hand so even if I missed my minimum damage was 3 following by activating the guardian to hit two more times. Hindsights 20/20 as they say.

    Going to post on Lady J after having a few more games with her

  2. Been waiting till after the tournament to post this.

    Firstly thanks to Ian (Calmdown) to organising the event and an insightful last game (I don't care what people say. If you get the chance to play Ian do so, it will open your eyes to somethings you have missed)

    I'll be coming back to add on this on Thursday so this is just the initial rundown of the tournament. I'll do a game by game writeup on Thursday.

    The tournament was 35 stones fixed faction played over four rounds with the strategies being determined at random. Schemes were unique and no painting restriction.

    I took the wonderful Guild to this tournament and ended up with two wins and two losses for the day.

    First game was against Liam 'Ohgodshutup' Toop who took Ressers with Mcmourning as his master. Game ended 8-2 with the highlight being the Dead Rider one shotting Nino only to then be gunned down by Perdita for killing her cousin.

    Strategy was shared slaughter.

    Second game was against Ant 'Stryder' Hoult who took Arcanists with Rasputina as his master.

    The game ended a very close 7-5 to Ant with the highlight being a wall of ice-pillars taking up most of the middle line.

    Strategy was shared Recon.

    Third game was against Adam 'Boyzie' Boyes who had taken Guild with Sonnia as his master.

    The game ended 8-0 for me, this was Adam's first time facing Hoffman who took him completely by surprise. Highlight was Samael shooting Sonnia.

    Strategy was shared Claim Jump.

    Final game was against Ian 'Calmdown' O'Brien who had Ressers and took Mcmourning as his master. Game ended up 8-0 to Ian after a good master face-off in the centre which I will go into where I went wrong on Thursday. Not sure if it would have helped though :P

    Strategy was shared contain power and the highlight was the whole game really

  3. Hmm, not posted anything for a while.

    Didn't play any games last week apart from Monty Python Fluxx (Still apologising for my Outrageous Accent!) and quietly hoping a few of my friends still have jobs (They work for Game) so uneventful week gaming wise.

    On the other hand I only have a few Guild models left to paint and Sue (yay)

    Since getting him I have been forcing myself to use him more and more with the following outcomes.

    Sam stays in the box - No really with Sue around unless I'm facing arcanists (and even then it's 50/50) Sam stays in the box. With the Brutal effigy coming out soon we Guild will get a useful heal that will help keep Sue around for longer as well and take advantage of Hurt more.

    Good for finishing things off - CB5 paired with critical strike, not the greatest stats for what is effectively an 8 stone model however built in crit and paired helps to finish models already targeted.

    No synergy with any Guild master - I'm putting this down as a good thing as any Guild master can make use of him.

    Makes Pandora cry - As an ex Pandora player I took one look at sue and immediately saw how useful he is against Neverborn and particularly Pandora. Boosting willpower, even a way to damage her if he gets close and able to destroy incite/pacify.

  4. Reposting as the title seems to have confused people.

    Hi guys,

    Thanks to the success of the Ice Breaker at the RAFA in Harrogate we will be hosting another tournament on the 29th of April (It's a Sunday)

    Again the venue will be capped at 20 people.

    Format will be the same as the last one (35 ss fixed faction ranked) following gaining grounds

    Entry fee and prizes looking to be the same as well.

    Same venue and set-up at the ice-breaker so going to put James' rulespack up as a filler for now. Yes there are some typos

    More will be posted later in the week! Watch this space and pm if interested

    Update : Please send payments to Mythicfox by paypal on
    Entry fee is £8 same as the last one to cover rent and prizes

    Cheers - Adam

    Entrants list:

    1. Boyzie - Adam B - Paid

    2. Scurry - Steve S - Paid

    3. ukrocky - Craig 'Insert name you know him by here' J

    4. Joel - Don't know your name yet

    5. Rhinobuster - Paul Hansel

    6. Stryder - Ant Hoult - Paid

    7. Guild Monkee - Paid

    8. CunningStunt - Paid

    9. 13th Warrior Rob - Paid

    10. Jamie Forth - Paid

    11. MythicFox - Jame

    12. Ozz - Oliver - Paid

    13. Hunter B - Andrew - Paid

    14. Tigerstyle - Paid

    15. Mike3838 - Mike

    (Please note that random Pavarotti disease has been on the increase in the area)

    There will be cake

  5. Ok, camera fail. Tried to upload pictures but to no use.

    Played a game on Thursday night against Ant Hoult was a 55 stone Brawl. I've already forgotten what was taken (Thanks to not writing it down) except for the masters chosen.

    Ant took : Kirai and Seamus

    I had : Hoffman and Perdita

    I did have two exorcists with me that thanks to their magical weapon buff made mincemeat of any spirits that got close. I used the game to try out different ways to deal with Jack Daw with a Guild crew which the exorcist fits in wonderfully against.

    Highlight of the game : It being a brawl! No honestly! If you havn't played a brawl yet do so...Right now! Stop reading and play one!

  6. My usual Hoffman crew varies depending on the Strategy flipped. Though normally I take the Guardian, either a Peacekeeper or Ryle and a Watcher. I then fill in the rest either with Austringers or recently Exorcists.

    IMHO the Hunter is best leaving out except for larger games as they work best in pairs and used for grabbing objectives.

  7. Update for tonight played a friendly practice game against one of our club members Nat Sibley (can't remember if he is on the boards)

    Guild vs Neverborn.

    I had :

    Hoffman, Ryle, Peacekeeper, Guardian, Francesco, Watcher and had paid two stones for AHoffman

    Nat had :

    Lilith, Lelu, Lilitu, Two Waldgeists, Cherub, Desperate merc, Terror tot and had taken ALilith as well

    We went for individual strategies with me flipping Destroy The Evidence and Nat flipping Claim Jump.

    For schemes I took and announced Breakthrough and Kill protege on Lelu

    Nat had Hold Out announced and Kidnap which was not announced.

    The board we were playing on had four buildings with a few woods scattered around the place.

    The game started with Nat moving the forests around while I advanced everything in the Hoffman blob-star down the left hand side towards my evidence markers. Nat had chosen the other side of the board for his claim jump but moved to block me from getting to the evidence. During the second turn with high cards in my hand I let Lilitu lure Francesco onto one of the evidence markers before activating him and claiming the marker (high cards used to stop the follow up lures) Nat kept on moving the forests to stop Ryle from getting a clean shot at anyone though still managed to do 8 wounds to Lelu when he opened fire at last.

    Francesco and Ryle were both killed by Lilith over two turns in contact with forests made by illusionary woods giving Nat both his requirements.

    During this time Hoffman and the Peacekeeper got my two remaining markers before moving to make a run at Lelu in turn 4, killing them. Nat manifested Lilith in turn 4 as well doing slight damage to the Guardian which was healed up before turning to make for a run on the peacekeeper.

    Turn 5 saw the Hoff manifest for me and back away with survival to prevent Nat from getting hold out while my Watcher made for te claim jump marker. By this point there was only Lilith and two Waldgeists left. One went for the claim jump marker while the other went to go get the Hoff but was stalled by the Guardian, Lilith meanwhile was stalled by the Peacekeeper needing all of her actions to kill it.

    Turn 6 saw my watcher on Nats objective with Lilith then charging the Hoff. Thanks to some conservative play on my part he took no damage and caused Lilith to waste her actions. Hoff struck back but failed to Kill Lilith as the Guardian moved to block the second Waldgeist just in case however the game ended on turn 6 leaving it a 6 - 2 win for me.

    Nat made the game as hard as he could for me to get to my objectives though in doing so lost sight of his own objectives. While I did not once get the initiative this proved to be a boon to me especially in the closing stages when I was no longer outnumbered.

  8. You can get 13 shots in total from Ryle.

    3 from Ryle @ CB5

    Hoffman gains fast from a different construct and override edicts Ryle

    1 Machine puppet shot @ CB6

    3 shots from Ryle @CB5

    Lucius buffs guardsmen/Elite Division then orders Ryle to shoot 3 times @ CB7

    Eats Dog for Reactivate

    Lucius buffs again and tells Ryle to shoot 3 times @ CB7

    Target = Having a bad day.

    Too static really to do much good in a normal game but fun now and then

  9. Can you elaborate? :D

    Indeed! Batman err Lucius has a bit of everything going for him. High walk for a Guild model lets him get where he needs to be to support his crew. And if he is cought in Melee his CB is not to be sniffed at, especially with being able to use soulstones. Facing spirits? His hidden sniper is a spell which means it's magical damage (If we have been playing that wrong don't hesitate to say otherwise)

    When near friendly Guardsmen or Elite division his DF gets a boost and is incredably difficult to kill with Slow to Die.

    Basically a little bit of everything, just like the Bat

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