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Iron Skies

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Posts posted by Iron Skies

  1. We got up to +8 after realising that shield wall can't apply twice. This was done with two Guardians and a Peacekeeper. Guardian A does shield wall while Guardian B does Stalwart. However I believe it was ruled Hoffman can only Assimilate the armour value listed on the models card (IE 2 from a peacekeeper etc)

  2. Ok, had a few games with Avy Perdita.

    Thoughts so far. She's metal, I mean completely metal. I had thought she would be a resin cat-dragon with a metal Perdita.

    Second thought, how the hell am I supposed to get her in my case?

    Third though, buy a new case.

    Ok serious now :P

    She plays like normal Perdita but with a much lower defence, so instead of being a 'wade in and kill big model' piece she's a 'circle and pounce on something isolated' model. her major damage output comes from getting a :rams on her charge, otherwise paired range 12 pistols ruin anyones day.

    So far I have found I've not had to use her spells much though having an extra draw phase for myself has been a huge advantage.

    With her bigger base she actually has a larger threat range than most people think as well. Cheeky tactic so far is to shoot something to make sure you're in range then charge if you have a high :rams in your hand.

    More thoughts as I play with her so stay tuned

  3. Ok, after a long time here's my thoughts on Lady J.

    Firstly, above average walk for a Guild model is nice to have giving her an effective threat range of 12" with the reach from her greatsword added.

    :+fate flip on the greatswords attack means you will normally getting a neutral flip, forcing your opponent to either cheat in a high card to equal you or letting you cheat on the damage flip.

    As mentioned before she's paired on her pistols so even though she's only CB4 if your opponent has any anti-melee triggers it's sometimes worth shooting instead of stabbing.

    Possibly the best anti-melee trigger in the game with Ripost. The only downside is she's only DF5 so is rather squishy. The same trigger is the reason onslaught is rarely used with her.

    So far in my games with her she's been best used to kill a random weak minion to boost everyone elses CB. This puts death marshals up to CB7 and boosts Nino up to CB9 BEFORE in my sights is cast on anything. Then leaping through to finish off a master after the minions have chipped soulstones off them with their boosted CB.

  4. Finally the results are here!

    1st - Paul Hansell

    2nd - Steve Scurr

    3rd - Craig Johnson

    4th - Rob Owens

    5th - James Doxey

    6th - Oliver Nicholls

    7th - Ant Hoult

    8th - Andy Baranyai

    9th - Adam Boyes

    10th - Chris Holloway

    11th - Liam Toop

    12th - Mike Taylor

    13th - Andy Wiseman

    14th - Jamie Forth

    Apologies if I've spelt anyones names wrong

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