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Iron Skies

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Posts posted by Iron Skies

  1. Long time since I've posted anything here. The Avatar Perdita challenge has finished and while only 10 games with her normal perdita is best used for 80% of the schemes and strategies. While gaining paired and an extra 2" of range is a tempting tradeoff going down to DF5 will come back to haunt you. Losing gunfighter all the time as well will make for a sad panda.

    On the plus side if you want to distract your opponent she's very good at that and isolated models are pretty much mincemeat with her around (Especially if you have a high ram in your hand)

    Other than that she does really change much apart from becoming easier to kill.

    If anyone wants a more detailed rundown just pester and I'll write one up.

    Next challenge for me is the Govenors secretary, after some discussion at the team GT I feel I do not have as good a grasp of him as I should.

  2. Hi Guys,

    Starting from the 1st of July and running to the 26th there will be a League running at Harrogate.

    If you want to come down the venue is at the RAFA building in Harrogate.

    14 St Winifreds avenue, HG28LT.

    The venue is normally open from 7pm onwards and has easy access to parking etc

    Over the month players need to play a minimum of 6 games where their win/loss/draw percentage will be used to work out their placing. If people are tied it will then go onto total number of VP's (Yes this is to encourage you to play as many games as you can!)

    The League will also be Dead Heat games as well so make sure you work our attackers and defenders so make sure you check out that part of the boards and get your game results to me as soon as possible.


    Entry is £1 a person to cover prizes etc however donations are appreciated to get even better prizes.

    *Please note prizes may change at the League organisers discretion depending on interest and pool of funds donated etc*

    Prize structure as of 27/06/2012

    1st place : The Govenor - General of Harrogate and a mini of up to £10 from the Gencon pre-orders (If/When they are posted, otherwise a £10 mini of their choice)


    2nd place : Certificate - Governors secretary and a can of coke :P

    There may be other events run over the month depending on avaliability etc.

    Players interested please PM me or speak to me in person at the Venue.

    Players so far.

    1. Mythic Fox

    2. Ukrocky

  3. Ok, fan made master based off the film with the same name.

    Sherrif Rango : Cache 4 Master

    Wk/Cg : 5/9

    Ht : 2

    Wp : 6:rams

    Ca : 6:rams

    Df : 6:rams

    Wd : 8


    RG : 10

    CB : 6:rams

    DG : 2/3/5


    You're a stranger : This model is either a Guild or Outcast model. If your declared faction is Guild only Guild models can be hired. If your declared faction is Outcast only Outcast models can be hired.


    Unsee the seen : When this model would target an enemy model, this model ignores any duels needed to target that model and receives the same ability until this model targets another enemy model.

    Bulletproof 1

    Lined Jacket : This model received armour +1 when targeted with a Melee attack or a blast


    (+1) "Y'all line up" This model may make a walk action if there are enemy models within 10" and LOS

    (0) Quick Draw Once per turn this model can make a ranged strike against an enemy model within 10" and LOS declaring a cast/channel, ranged strike or charge before any cards are flipped or moves made

    (0) Breathe fire This models Gunfighter attacks receive -/:blast/:blast:blast


    (0) Spellbreaker

    (CC: 16:rams:rams/Rst: -/Rg: 18) All effects on target model +1 additonal model within 3" of the target per :ramsin the casting total immediately end.

    (0) Bullet Bending

    (CC:14/Rst: -/Rg: C) Until the Start Closing Phase, this model's Peacebringer strikes receive -2 Cb and ignore cover modifiers when declaring a target.

    (2) One Bullet

    (CC:16:rams/Rst: Df/Rg: 10":ranged) 2/3/5 If the target fails to resist this spell another model within 4" gets hit at the Generated Casting Total -5. If that model fails the resist another model within 4" suffers the same etc.


    Df(:rams:masks) Faster'n You: After attacker within 10" misses with a ranged attack, this model deals damage to the attacker using the duel total as if it had hit with it's Peacebringer

    Ca Collateral Damage(:rams:rams) - One Bullet : All models hit have to take a Wk - 10 duel or be killed. A model can choose to discard a card if it fails the duel to not be sacrificed.

    Cb(:rams) Critical Strike : Peacebringer

    Feedback appreciated. Also if you play him please tell me how it goes! Would like to use him for a few story scenario's if he works.

    Have fun peeps!

  4. Ok, fan made master based off the film with the same name.

    Sherrif Rango : Cache 4 Master

    Wk/Cg : 5/9

    Ht : 2

    Wp : 6:rams

    Ca : 6:rams

    Df : 6:rams

    Wd : 8


    RG : 10

    CB : 6:rams

    DG : 2/3/5


    You're a stranger : This model is either a Guild or Outcast model. If your declared faction is Guild only Guild models can be hired. If your declared faction is Outcast only Outcast models can be hired.


    Unsee the seen : When this model would target an enemy model, this model ignores any duels needed to target that model and receives the same ability until this model targets another enemy model.

    Bulletproof 1

    Lined Jacket : This model received armour +1 when targeted with a Melee attack or a blast


    (+1) "Y'all line up" This model may make a walk action if there are enemy models within 10" and LOS

    (0) Quick Draw Once per turn this model can make a ranged strike against an enemy model within 10" and LOS declaring a cast/channel, ranged strike or charge before any cards are flipped or moves made

    (0) Breathe fire This models Gunfighter attacks receive -/:blast/:blast:blast


    (0) Spellbreaker

    (CC: 16:rams:rams/Rst: -/Rg: 18) All effects on target model +1 additonal model within 3" of the target per :ramsin the casting total immediately end.

    (0) Bullet Bending

    (CC:14/Rst: -/Rg: C) Until the Start Closing Phase, this model's Peacebringer strikes receive -2 Cb and ignore cover modifiers when declaring a target.

    (2) One Bullet

    (CC:16:rams/Rst: Df/Rg: 10":ranged) 2/3/5 If the target fails to resist this spell another model within 4" gets hit at the Generated Casting Total -5. If that model fails the resist another model within 4" suffers the same etc.


    Df(:rams:masks) Faster'n You: After attacker within 10" misses with a ranged attack, this model deals damage to the attacker using the duel total as if it had hit with it's Peacebringer

    Ca(:rams:rams) - One Bullet : All models hit have to take a Wk - 10 duel or be killed. A model can choose to discard a card if it fails the duel to not be sacrificed.

    Cb(:rams) Critical Strike : Peacebringer

    Feedback appreciated. Also if you play him please tell me how it goes! Would like to use him for a few story scenario's if he works.

    Have fun peeps!

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