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Iron Skies

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Posts posted by Iron Skies

  1. Ok, I'll give my experiences playing against Hamsquad.

    Is it scary? Yes.

    What can be done about it? Lots.

    When playing against Hamelin you have to remember your objectives and stick to a rather strict target priority list. Don't rely on terrifying though having a peacekeeper and lucius wandering around will help loads.

    Target priority should be :


    Rats out of the aura (To cut down on swarm together)

    Nix if he's on the board (And you can get to him)

    Stolen otherwise

    And Hamelin last (Of course don't hold back if he becomes a target of opportunity)

    To offer more specific advice which master(s) are you using? Who do the like the most? And who would you like to use against Hamelin more etc?

  2. DF wise he's df5. Comes with a healing flip that receives a positive flip and a 0 spell that boosts DF by 2 and as it has no resist he can cast it on himself.

    Read through a few times again, he's a classic situational piece. You'll always have a use for him and yes he is MUCH better with Lucas (-2 df/wp spell from Lucas will make that gun shoot through everything you point it at)

  3. This is probably going to turn into a full thoughts review on Lucas. Going to go more in depth here.

    Strengths - Fast. Very fast if mounted especially. And if he can remain mounted he has 13 wounds!. Comes with bearskin armour and a ranged expert action when mounted melee when dismounted. With a walk of 8 when mounted he has a potential threat range of 24". Customisable against most situations and strategies. Gives out lots of slow and paralyze.

    Weaknesses - Low DF for a master that want's to get close and in there. Looks very easy to get separated from the rest of his crew. Not many tricks so will need to plan out each turn.

    Fast does not really do Lucas justice. Even dismounted he has the potential to go 25" (Though sacrifices himself afterwards).

    He can form a mini alpha strike with dogs and Luna as well as a single Black Sheep model and if taken can even reactivate another black sheep (Though not himself)

    At first glance he revolves around making models slow then paralyzing them with his stunner spell. I feel this is a trap and is only a small part of his tricks. Used to hold a key model in place etc. With his speed it's easy to get the extra DF though do not rely on this, use him to pick off isolated models and support his crew by keeping your opponent slow and limited on actions.

    Simple theory tricks :

    If you have a high :tomes in your hand companioning Luna using her to cast the -2DF and WP spell will help to slow targets with Lucas' net gun

    Reactivate a Wastrel after his reload twice trigger (think we all figured this out)


    Keeps much of the abilities he had before though loses the net gun and gains Scout. Also picks up a :melee3 weapon. Also manages to pull some clockwork traps out from somewhere.

    Keeps the same spells and abilities to slow and paralyze but in melee more than at range (Again the Luna howl combo will be good with this form)

    On killing an enemy model Lucas gets to loot their body for a possible bonus. And if the book is to be believed the flip can be cheated!

    He can either gain a soulstone, get terrifying, soft cover agains ranged attacks, find another clockwork trap or gain stubborn. Or he can inflict posion 2 on himself.

    Lots of rambling but hopefully food for thought. Have fun Guildies

  4. Another late post. Have posted thoughts on book 4 stuff. Pleanty of games in with Lucius and a very informative game against ARamos the other night played by Mythicfox. So fellow Guild players for a 35 stone Slaughter game I give you.

    The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

    Perdita Ortega.



    Brutal Effigy.

    Nino Ortega. (Can be switched out for a Guardian on Sue/Brutal Effigy if needed)

    Worked surprisingly well though I'll let the internet take the list apart

  5. I'm going to put the call out to UKrocky here. One of his favourite match up's this (One of mine too).

    I'm normally the Hoff player so it does become a case of the death brick. Isolated models WILL be killed by a good Marcus player however.

  6. Speculation on what will be in his box

    Indiana Jones (Mounted/Dismounted)


    3 X Wastrels

    That's sticking with current trends and would tie in with the average model count.

    However it might be below

    Indiana Jones (Mounted/Dismounted)



    3 X Wastrels

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