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Iron Skies

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Posts posted by Iron Skies

  1. There's the vassal module that's in the works from what I know.

    Not trying to knock the idea as I would love to see a computer game but coming from that kind of background the development and testing cycle for even a 2d game to make sure it plays like or as close to the tabletop version is not a simple 3-4 month project. You're looking at closer to a year (Assuming a team of at least 10 people doing the development and outsourcing testing) for anything close.

    Please bear in mind this is taking into account every aspect of the game. So strats and schemes. Are they shared/indoor etc all rolled into one visual menu so you can keep track of your objectives etc.

    Note - not my full thoughts as will take probably close to half an hour for me to write that out

  2. Using Sonnia is a good start, you would need to clump your crew close so Pandora cannot cast spells on them but what you are really looking for are models that do not need to attack directly.

    Santiago is a good choice with bulletstorm (Pulse damage) Sonnia flame-blasting off models near Pandora.

    A few witchlings with disrupt magic near her will annoy the Pandora player no end.

    What models do you have at the moment?

  3. Good combination there, by any chance do you play at York?

    Advice wise it really depends on the strategies that you play, generally Sam is a glass cannon. The Executioner is a usually too slow but a good fire magnet. The handler is pure gold with at least 3 witchlings and who can say no to a cb7 angry bird?

    For an 'all comers' I'd take a list like this


    Sam (8)

    Witchling Handler (7)

    3 X Witchlings (12)

    2 X Dogs (6)

    Would be 33 stones giving you 7 for Sonnia (6 from cache and leftover and 1 from the dogs)

  4. Of the Book 4 models, the one I thought you most skipped over was the Pathfinder - just for starters, if he gets to deploy both his traps, he's effectively a 2 SS model. Being unable to cap objectives until turn 3 is a bit of a pain, but you can spend your time loading them down with traps instead. If you were considering taking at least 6 SS worth of traps in a list, I can't see any reason why you wouldn't take a Pathfinder instead.

    Not actually played any games with the Pathfinder yet, the traps do look fun. IE funnelling models through terrain or into firezones or risk being paralysed.

    Going back to the pathfinder I think he himself will be amazing with Lucius around to order him about and give him extra shots otherwise he'll just be a one shot wonder before being ganked

  5. Long time without a post on this. Though not really had much to write about. Attended York's tournament recently with amazingly disasterous results (Apart from getting best sports somehow) Paintings progressing slowly thanks to waiting for base inserts to come back in stock in the UK.

    Been trying not to proxy any more games with any book 4 stuff so been light there.

    Random thought, we always hear tactics against other factions though what do people find when playing against other Guild players?

  6. Usually try and keep the hoffman tips secret but I'll divulge them :P

    Depending on the protect chain your first priority would be the Guardian. Thanks to their armour and ability to heal you'll want to concentrate on them till they die. Don't hold back on the guardians.

    If the protect chain is on something big use that to your advantage. Hit that with heavy damage then go for the guardian.

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