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Iron Skies

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Posts posted by Iron Skies

  1. Ahh Cardiff, it is indeed a trek. To reach this mythical land of hobbits you must strike south past the Steel City, past the nefarious den of thieves known only as the Eye of the Storm. Then avoid being turned to stone in Birmingham, the ugly city. Next the white bridge awaits, one must be careful to pay the trolls on the far banks to gain access to the fabled Land of Dragons, where men are drawn inexplicably into the the embrace of the vomiting maidens outside it's many taverns.

    You forgot summoning Cthulhu when reading a roadsign

  2. *Blows dust off thread*

    Wow, been a really long time since I've posted here. No real developments except for experimentation with crew composition.

    I have decided to play around with Perdita for a while and let James have his fun with Hoffman. Currently my usual Perdita selection consists of the below.


    Guild Hound 3

    Guild Hound 3

    Watcher 3

    Warden 5

    The Judge 7

    Lucius 10

    Leaves 'Dita with 7 stones to play with and The Judge can be swapped out for any minion (Or pair of minions - Witchlings) as needed.

  3. Unfortunately Hoffman plays like the centre of a machine. The current accepted way is to play the 'Hoffstar' with at least a Peacekeeper and Guardian (16 stones) and possible a totem (attendant or toolkit. Pushing it up to 19/20 stones)

    In a usual 35 stone game this gives you around 15 stones to play with. So it's natural to go towards more constructs to keep the Hoffstar going.

    One way I experimented with was using three witchlings and a watcher as objective grabbers for a while. Though they couldn't really compete with the Hoffstar...

  4. Bit more info on the tourney would be good. IE is it fixed games etc. Also your crew is mainly going to be in two groups. The riflemen with the drill sergeant at the back with the Wastrels and McCabe going for objectives

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